Autocratik (David F Chapman). It’s the end of the first week of #RPGaDAY2015 – 7th day and question:
Favourite Free RPG?
I’ve seen there is some discussion what a free RPG is? So, I asked the Autocratik himself. Here is his answer:
@obskures anything, as long as it’s legally free and you can play it. Lots of indies, and D&D5 getting the love!
— David F Chapman (@autocratik) 7. August 2015
I wanted to pick something ‚cool‘ like John Harper’s Lady Blackbird. He has some Indie RPG fame, but I vote for the obscure Atomic Highway – Post Apocalyptic Roleplaying (Radioactive Ape Designs). As I mentioned before, I really like Mutant: Year Zero by Modiphius Entertainment or Vincent Baker’s bright idea of Apocalypse World. Excellent games without doubt, but they are not free.

Atomic Highway – Post Apocalyptic Roleplaying Quick Preview Full‑size Preview Atomic Highway – Post Apocalyptic Roleplaying (Image: Radioactive Ape Designs)
I’m a huge(!) fan of Mad Max: Fury Road. One of the best movies I’ve seen in years. If I wanted to roleplay something similar I would give Atomic Highway – Post Apocalyptic Roleplaying a chance.
„Civilization came crashing down. Billions died.
A new Dark Age has begun. The descendants of the apocalypse’s survivors scavenge the remnants of the Before Times, struggling to build a new life amidst the ruins of the old. In a savage world where the strong ravage and exploit the weak, the survivors‘ settlements are oases, connected only by convoys of armed and armored vehicles that run the gauntlet of raiders… and worse.
Though the threats of chemical and biological agents and radiation have all but faded, their taint lingers on in every mutant born to man and beast.
This is the world of Atomic Highway.“
– Atomic Highway – Post Apocalyptic Roleplaying teaser (7th August 2015)
Finally, this year many gamers joined Autocratik’s #RPGaDay2015. I’m not aware of how many people know his fine ‚topic videos‘ with interesting ‚guest stars‘ every day. Highly recommended! Mr. Chapman allowed me to share them. ‚ere we go.
PS: Special greetings to Mondbuchstaben. On the 5th day he recommended Dark Albion: The Rose War. Today, I got my copy and I really like it after the first skim through. Good chance that it will be the better Game of Thrones RPG setting – for me. Your mileage … blablabla … Go form your own opinion!
Weitere interessante Artikel?- #RPGaDAY2015 – Favourite New Game of the last 12 month? Mutant: Year Zero
- #RPGaDay2015 – Favourite Appearance of RPGs in the Media? Crying Freeman
- #RPGaDay2015 – Most Surprising Game? Mutant: Year Zero
- #RPGaDAY2015 Announced For Next August
- #RPGaDAY2015 – Most recent RPG played? Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition
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