
Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls, Wasteland 2 and much more: An interview with Liz Danforth

Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls. During the Kickstarter for the special edition of the roleplaying game by Flying Buffalo I did a wonderful interview with the author Ken St. Andre. Liz Danforth contacted me. We mailed a bit about the promotion … Weiterlesen


The Gathering: Reuniting Pioneering Artists of Magic via Kickstarter

The Gathering: Reuniting Pioneering Artists of Magic, Full Steam Press versammelt 30 Künstler der Originalausgabe von Wizards of the Coasts Megahit Magic: The Gathering für einen Bildband zum 20-jährigen Jubiläum des Sammelkartenspiels. Die Finanzierung erfolgt zeitgemäß über Kickstarter. Zu den … Weiterlesen