
#RPGaDay2015 – Favourite Media you wish was an RPG? Braquo, Mass Effect & Bordertown

Autocratik (David F Chapman). #RPGaDAY2015 – 9th day and question: Favourite Appearance of RPGs in the Media? Another tough one and there are some sophisticated answers by my Twitter friends. #RPGaDay2015 – day 9 – favourite media you wish was … Weiterlesen


#RPGaDay2015 – Favourite Appearance of RPGs in the Media? Crying Freeman

Autocratik (David F Chapman). #RPGaDAY2015 – 8th day and question: Favourite Appearance of RPGs in the Media? Strange question and hard to answer for me. If I have to choose, then it’s the movie adaption of the Crying Freeman comics … Weiterlesen


#RPGaDay2015 – Favourite Free RPG? Atomic Highway

Autocratik (David F Chapman). It’s the end of the first week of #RPGaDAY2015 – 7th day and question: Favourite Free RPG? I’ve seen there is some discussion what a free RPG is? So, I asked the Autocratik himself. Here is … Weiterlesen


#RPGaDAY2015 – Most recent RPG played? Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition

Autocratik (David F Chapman). #RPGaDAY2015 – 6th day and question: Most recent RPG played? K.i.s.s – keep it simple and straight forward. Nothing obscure – just a one shot Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition (D&D5E) by Wizards of the Coast. … Weiterlesen


#RPGaDAY2015 – Most recent RPG purchase? Dark Albion: The Rose War

Autocratik (David F Chapman). #RPGaDAY2015 – 5th day and question: Most recent RPG purchase? Another easy one: Dark Albion: The Rose War (DOM Publishing) The excellent German blog Mondbuchstaben recommended the campaign setting by RPGPundit and Dominique Crouzet today. Dark Albion is … Weiterlesen


#RPGaDay2015 – Most Surprising Game? Mutant: Year Zero

Autocratik (David F Chapman). #RPGaDAY2015 – 4th day and question: Most Surprising Game? I add recently to the question. For me, Mutant: Year Zero by Modiphius Entertainment was in a good way the most surprising game of last year. Mutant … Weiterlesen


#RPGaDAY2015 – Favourite New Game of the last 12 month? Mutant: Year Zero

Autocratik (David F Chapman). #RPGaDAY2015 – 3rd day and question: Favourite New Game of the last 12 month? This is quite simple. Mutant: Year Zero by Modiphius Entertainment. It’s the end of the world as we don’t know it. Mutant … Weiterlesen


#RPGaDAY2015 – Kickstarted game most pleased you backed? tremulus

Autocratik (David F Chapman). Day 2 of #RPGaDAY2015 and second question: Kickstarted game most pleased you backed? Sean Preston’s tremulus (Reality Blurs). I wanted to like Fate at that time. I liked the aspects idea and the „metagaming approach“ of … Weiterlesen


#RPGaDAY2015 – Forthcoming game you’re most looking forward to? Unknown Armies 3rd Edition

Autocratik (David F Chapman). #RPGaDay was huge fun last year. If you love the RPG hobby, I recommend #RPGaDAY2015 in August. Enjoy. First question: Forthcoming game you’re most looking forward to? Sorry, on my list you won’t find anything popular … Weiterlesen


#RPGaDAY2015 Announced For Next August

Autocratik (David F Chapman). Letztes Jahr wirbelte sein Projekt und Hashtag #RPGaDay durch das Nerdnetz. #RPGaDAY2015 soll im kommenden August, dem Gen Con-Monat, an diesen Erfolg anknüpfen. Vor allen Dingen in den sozialen Medien Facebook, Twitter & Co. war #RPGaDay … Weiterlesen