
#RPGaDay2015 – Favourite RPG Setting? Homebrew Campaign Settings

Autocratik (David F Chapman). #RPGaDAY2015 – 29th day, 21th question: Favourite RPG Setting? Homebrew campaign settings. I almost never play by the book. This applies to game systems and especially to settings. I like to disassemble and recombine „compatible“ background … Weiterlesen


#RPGaDay2015 – Favourite Horror RPG? tremulus, In Nomine Satanis/Magna Veritas & Unknown Armies

Autocratik (David F Chapman). #RPGaDAY2015 – 25th day, 20th question: Favourite Horror RPG? I am repeating myself: tremulus (Reality Blurs), In Nomine Satanis/Magna Veritas (Siroz) and Unknown Armies (Altas Games) Honourable mentions: Setting-wise: Cthulhutech, The Void (both Wildfire) I would … Weiterlesen


#RPGaDay2015 – Favourite Supers RPG? None, but …

Autocratik (David F Chapman). #RPGaDAY2015 – 23th day, 19th question: Favourite Supers RPG? Before I answer, a comment of a friend: Today’s #RPGaDAY2015 is @obskures ‚ nemesis question. 😀 — Ollie Gross (@derO23) 19. August 2015 ’nuff said, or? I … Weiterlesen


#RPGaDAY2015 – Favourite SF RPG? Cyberpunk 2013 with Hardwired, Transhuman Space & Cthulhutech

Autocratik (David F Chapman). #RPGaDAY2015 – 22th day, 18th question: Favourite SF RPG? 👍 I think I will go also for Hardwired, Transhuman Space and Cthulhutech (only the setting). — ^(;,;)^ (@obskures) 18. August 2015 It is no … Weiterlesen


#RPGaDay2015 – Longest game session played? T&T, Cyberpunk 2013 & others ~ 16 hours

Autocratik (David F Chapman). #RPGaDAY2015 – 19th day, 16th question: Longest game session played? Pardon, what is the reasoning for this question? Anyway, as a kid of the ’80s my life looked like school – (homework) – roleplaying – preparing … Weiterlesen


#RPGaDay2015 – Longest campaign played? Tunnels & Trolls ~ 10 years

Autocratik (David F Chapman). #RPGaDAY2015 – 16th day, 15th question: Longest campaign played? Tunnels & Trolls (Flying Buffalo, Schwerter & Dämonen (Fantasy Productions)) was our first real roleplaying game. We tried other systems, but we didn’t like them. T&T met … Weiterlesen


#RPGaDay2015 – Favourite RPG Accessory? Dice & Magazines

Autocratik (David F Chapman). #RPGaDAY2015 – 16th day, but for me the 14th question: Favourite RPG Accessory? I like standard 6-sided dice. I prefer d6-based systems like Tunnels & Trolls (Flying Buffalo), West End Games d6 system or Apocalypse World … Weiterlesen


#RPGaDay2015 – Favourite RPG Podcast? None, but …

Autocratik (David F Chapman). #RPGaDAY2015 – 16th day, but for me the 13th question: Favourite RPG Podcast? None. I hear the Dorpcast (German) regularly. I like more how they do things than what they talk about. For me, it’s a … Weiterlesen


#RPGaDay2015 – Favourite RPG Illustration? Brom, Paul Bonner, Gawain & Gary Chalk

Autocratik (David F Chapman). #RPGaDAY2015 – 15th day, but for me the 12th question: Favourite RPG Illustration? Wow, this is a really though questions. I worked about 10 years for different comic and hobby companies. Many books went through my … Weiterlesen


#RPGaDay2015 – Favourite RPG Writer? Croc & Mike Pondsmith

Autocratik (David F Chapman). #RPGaDAY2015 – 12th day, but for me the 11th question: Favourite RPG Writer? Croc for In Nomine Satanis/Magna Veritas (Siroz (French original version), Truant Verlag (German)). This is still one of the smartest games I’ve ever … Weiterlesen