
Cyberpunk 2077: First impressive Teaser Trailer shows cyber-rampage

Cyberpunk 2077 Teaser Trailer, bereits der erste Teaser zum kommenden Computer-Rollenspiel von CD Projekt Red kann gelassen als KILLER bezeichnet werden.

„The trailer shows a woman going on a rampage due to the amount of cybermodifications in her body. The Night City police try to intervene with the help of a member of an elite police called Psycho Squad.“
Cyberpunk 2077 Teaser Trailer

Ach ja, die Trailermacher beweisen überdies Musikgeschmack, kein 80er Pseudogedudel oder langweiliger Techno, sondern Bullets von Archive braucht gar keinen coolen Videospieltrailer, um ganz alleine Gänsehaut zu erzeugen.
Es ist zu Früh für Vorschusslorbeeren, aber das sieht und klingt schon mal großartig. Wie es derzeit aussieht, macht Mike Pondsmith mit der Spielmarke Cyberpunk sehr viel richtig.

Keine Elfen, keine Zwerge, keine Zauberer und keine Drachen! Also Schattenrenner zieht euch schon mal warm an. Das ist, worauf Fans des Genre Cyberpunk warten! Watch out …

Coming: When it’s ready … (more on 5 Febuary 2013)

PS: Schon Militech und Alt entdeckt?

PPS & Update: Der Song von Archive heißt natürlich Bullets und nicht wie zunächst behauptet Personal Responsibility. Sorry, dabei besitze ich deren Platten und gehe zu Ihren Konzerten.

Cyberpunk 2077 Teaser Trailer


Open Design/Kobold Press: An interview with Kobold-in-Chief Wolfgang Baur

Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding: Cover (Open Design)

Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding: Cover (Open Design)

Kobold Press, their Midgard Campaign Setting is in my opinion traditional high fantasy, but at the same time a flavorful bag of wondrous ideas. The 13th Age RPG by Rob Heinsoo, Jonathan Tweet and Lee Mojer does a great job including indie RPG concepts (e.g. One Unique Thing) into Dungeons & Dragons. This is what I am looking for – something independent or original.

I played nearly all original incarnations of Dungeons & Dragons and visited a lot of the official worlds, but I always preferred rules-light systems like Tunnels & Trolls or the original Cyberpunk (2013). I criticize the still popular wave of D&D clones like Pathfinder, Dungeon Crawl Classics or Swords & Wizardry. For my tastes they are too close to the original game(s). Nevertheless, I occasionally steal from them for my games.

Game and world design is one of my favorite hobby topics. This is the reason for my first and recommendable Open Design product The KOBOLD Guide to Game Design Vol. 1.
The open and community-driven approach to create adventures and campaigns is also interesting to me, but because of the focus on D&D/Pathfinder I did not support any of them until the Midgard Campaign Setting. This book contains game material for the Pathfinder RPG and the fine Age game engine of the Dragon Age tabletop RPG.

Midgard is not Rokugan (Legend of the Five Rings), the World of Darkness or even Glorantha, but this D&D-styled and somewhat „generic“ world is full of character and great ideas.
Currently I am thinking about a game using the Midgard Campaign Setting and (my personal D&D Next) 13th Age. I like both products alot – they are inspiring.

This is the rationale for my „D&D interviews“. As you can see Wolfgang Baur was kind enough to answer all my questions. Hi, Wolfgang Baur. Please introduce yourself to our readers, and tell us a bit about your gaming experiences.
Wolfgang BaurWolfgang Baur: Sure! I’m a lifelong gamer, and very fond of D&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, Empire of the Petal Throne, and the Dragon Age RPG, among many others.

I’m also a game designer, editor, and publisher for tabletop RPGs. I started with writing for Dungeon Magazine, then editing Dragon Magazine, then back to design on D&D and Alternity for TSR and Wizards of the Coast.

These days I write for my own publishing imprint, Kobold Press, and I also freelance for Paizo Publishing and a few others. Much of my gaming in the last 5 to 10 years has been playtesting. What was your first roleplaying book?
Wolfgang BaurWolfgang Baur: The Blue Box for D&D was my introduction to role playing games, though I’d played the Dungeon! board game before that. I guess technically, though, that’s not a book.

The first roleplaying book I bought with an actual spine on it was probably the AD&D Monster Manual in the late 70s. I look at it now and I still see wonderful bits of nostalgia, and it was my ticket into great worlds of adventure.

If I might plug a product from my good friends at Paizo, I think the Pathfinder Beginner Box would be an excellent first exposure to role playing games for anyone today. It deserves to be given as a gift to every friend or relative who has any interest in fantasy and games. Kobold Quarterly magazine is dead. Kobold Press is alive and on the way to new horizons. On your website you have an extensive FAQ about your decision. Please tell us briefly, what happened? And what is the difference between Kobold Press and Open Design?
Wolfgang BaurWolfgang Baur: Kobold Press is an imprint: the name that things are published under. Open Design LLC is the company behind that imprint. It’s a bit like Tor, which is an imprint of Random House. (Well, except that Kobold Press is small enough to fit into a meeting room in Tor’s back office!)

As to what happened with Kobold Quarterly, the magazine grew into a huge commitment of time and energy for me and my wife, Shelly. I always hoped it would become a full-time paying job for one of us, but it never quite got there. While the magazine was widely-read and award-winning – and heavily pirated! — it barely broke even. Like many magazines, it ran largely on love and volunteers. With two small children in the house, my wife and I decided it was time to take our evenings and weekends back for family time, so we folded up shop. It was a tough conversation, and I remember Kobold Quarterly with a great deal of love. I’m going to miss it, but it was the right decision for us.

And I’m quite proud of the 5-year run of Kobold Quarterly. We published an interview with Dave Arneson and many other industry greats, as well as reams of official material for Pathfinder RPG including Pathfinder Society Quests and official Golarion arch-devils. And of course, the many elements of the Midgard Campaign Setting first appeared in the magazine. Kobold Quarterly published articles by Monte Cook, Ed Greenwood, David “Zeb” Cook, Jeff Grubb, and Skip Williams, as well as ferociously talented newcomers like Josh Jarman and Adam Daigle and Rodrigo Garcia Carmona. It was a blast.

I’m happy to see that Gygax Magazine is picking up the torch of RPG magazine, and I have directed some of the KQ authors that way. I look forward to subscribing and supporting it, and I would encourage others to do the same.

Midgard Campaign Setting: Cover (Open Design)

Midgard Campaign Setting: Cover (Open Design) The Midgard Campaign Setting is now available, even in Germany. Give us an elevator pitch of your new world, and what is, in your opinion, its unique selling point. What differentiates Midgard from worlds like Pathfinder’s Golarion, Forgotten Realms or the old classic Mystara for Dungeons & Dragons?
Wolfgang BaurWolfgang Baur: The Midgard Campaign Setting grew out of my own long-running homebrew D&D campaign. In fact, the first inklings of Midgard can be found in campaign notes that I started keeping when I was a teenager. It’s a dark world of deep magic, full of the forests of the Brothers Grimm and the monsters and myths of the medieval mind. The design is a conscious effort to build a plausible, entertaining, and mythologically sound fantasy setting by embracing the genre’s European roots, rather than running away from them. Too many designers seem to think that European fantasy is somehow worn out: I think that shared tradition makes fantasy most exciting, because it undergirds everything from Conan to Lord of the Rings to Game of Thrones.

As to what differentiates Midgard from Golarion and Mystara? Midgard is a classic setting with a rich set of hooks for adventure and an emphasis on high magic, such as the special ley line magic, the shadow roads, walking blasphemies, and masked gods. More adventure hooks are written into the core setting than most – hundreds of them — to make it easy to play right away. And of course, Midgard features the ravenfolk, the Huginn, who are original to the setting as well.

The reviewers tell me that Midgard is richer in stories and in material that can be easily transported into homebrew campaigns, and that it is easier to access than other, older settings which have a long and more complex history. Your Midgard Campaign Setting is compatible with the Pathfinder and the Dragon Age pen and paper RPG. In my opinion the game material in the book has the focus clearly on the Pathfinder system. Dragon Age is more or less just an addendum, an option.
What is your opinion of my appraisal? And what do you think of other D&D-inspired games, such as the upcoming 13th Age RPG by Rob Heinsoo and Jonathan Tweet? Do you plan to do something for your setting with this new „indie D&D”?
Wolfgang BaurWolfgang Baur: It’s true that the Dragon Age material is all contained in an appendix, but that appendix holds a LOT of material. The Dragon Age players tell me they’re happy to have 26 new backgrounds and 3 new schools of magic, among other things. But while I’d say that Dragon Age is very well-supported in the Midgard setting, the primary focus for the setting right now is Pathfinder RPG.

I participated in the 13th Age playtest early on, and it seems like a good game. One of my minions runs an ongoing 13th Age campaign in the area and I hope to join a session when I have time. I am hopeful we’ll have a 13th Age supplement for Midgard someday, similar to the recent Defenders of Midgard release (which provides rules support for 4th Edition D&D). It’s a little too early to tell whether 13th Age will find a wide audience – it isn’t even in stores yet — but it might.

Dragon Empires: Cover (Midgard Campaign, Open Design)

Dragon Empires: Cover (Midgard Campaign, Open Design) What is your favorite Midgard region? Would you change anything about the setting in hindsight? (I mean not just the usual errata.)
Wolfgang BaurWolfgang Baur: My favorite region depends on my mood, though the Crossroads region came first, sees most of my table time, and remains a clear favorite. I’m also very fond of the Dragon Empire, which builds on the Persian, Arabian, and Turkish themes that I’ve loved since writing parts of the Al-Qadim setting. And it’s hard for me not to love the wastelands of the Magocracies, which hearken back to my earliest days with D&D, and which draw inspiration from Jack Vance as well as Lovecraft.

I’m not sure I’d change all that much about the setting. I might put the ravenfolk in Chapter 2 rather than in the Midgard Preview. I might commission different art for Chapter 10’s opener. Overall, though, I think it’s a very strong foundation, and the worldbuilding shows its strength as we release the first adventures and supplements. I see Midgard as an impressive pastiche of traditional fantasy and role playing worlds like Mystara (Gazetteers) or Forgotten Realms, but with personal twists such as the fact that your world is flat and that Centaurs and Ravenfolk are minor (player) races. In my opinion, your setting is one of the few successful examples of a „generic“ game world that still manages to have its own character. Please tell us a bit about the design process, your requirements and your inspirations.
Also, there was an active patron discussion in your forum during the development. How big was the influence of the patrons on the final book?
Wolfgang BaurWolfgang Baur: The main thing about the design process is that it was both collaborative and very slow—in a positive sense. It really started in 2006, with the first Kobold Press adventure and the creation of the Free City of Zobeck. The setting grew through play, the creation of adventures, bits of history and NPCs. The typical campaign setting design for professional publication is often quite rushed, but anyone who has created their own homebrew setting knows that many of the best elements of a world take time to mature, to strength the flavor and get the details of character, conflict, and history right, not to mention PC options and mechanical elements.

So, many of the requirements and design decisions of Midgard grew out of actual play, and I think the final design reflects that emphasis on organic development. The sense of an inhabited world always seems stronger to me when a setting has a lot of miles on it—you can see the same thing in a good novel series or TV series. There’s more depth when someone has tested it over time, when people have complained and complimented and playtested to destruction.

My design priorities were three: 1) to create a setting that was fairly traditional but with new interpretations of the core fantasy tradition, 2) to build for utility and playability rather than for spinning off endless supplements or generating reams of lore that didn’t do much for gameplay, and 3) to draw on existing mythology beyond the same-old British and Celtic fantasy that American gamers see over and over again. In practice, that meant German, Norse, Russian, Polish, and other traditions got some attention—that part is very visible in the Midgard Bestiary series (for Pathfinder, Dragon Age, and 4th Edition D&D). What do you think about the RPG market development in general? I think there are very interesting topics in this field, like the current weakness of the original role playing game Dungeons & Dragons and the strength of Pathfinder, epublishing and the electonic gaming support via smartphones or tablets, online gaming of traditional RPG, missing a young(er) generation of role players, the stronger/more direct connection between players and game designers via Kickstarter (or direct sales) and the important changing role of retailers. For example, the printed Midgard Campaign Setting was not available in Germany for a few months.
Wolfgang BaurWolfgang Baur: I’m surprised it is available in Germany at all: Kobold Press doesn’t have a distributor there, and the game was written with a North American audience in mind. It’s a pleasant surprise to see the setting crossing borders all over—we’ve seen copies go worldwide, from Singapore to Slovakia.

But yes, it is hardly news that the publishing field is changing rapidly, and it is possible to reach people more easily. One example of a pleasant surprise is the success of the Midgard Atlas for iPad, which is a beautiful zoomable set of linked world and city maps. It’s something I would never have imagined in the days of paper world maps, but it’s clearly something that both big and small companies can do if they want. The reaction to it has been very positive, and I hope to update the app in 2013 with one or two additional features.

Online play of traditional RPGs also interests me. I’ve run a few Midgard campaign sessions and playtests via Google Hangouts, and it works fine. In general, I’d rather sit around a table, but it’s not always possible, and I like having the option to game via webcam.

And yes, Kickstarter feels very, very similar to the patron model that Open Design started with back in 2006. I’m still learning what can be done with Kickstarter, and hope to share at least one project with backers in 2013. This project will be one near and dear to me, and I’m taking the time to make sure it has everything it needs in order to be great. You published several Kobold Guides to Game Design. Tell us your three most important guidelines/criteria for a „perfect“ RPG briefly?
Wolfgang BaurWolfgang Baur: For me, a great RPG needs to 1) inspire me with its strong characters, flavor, and worldbuilding, 2) have rules that I can grasp on a single reading, and 3) needs to have at least adventure support.

By that standard, Fiasco is as successful as the Pathfinder Beginner Box, though they are wildly different games intended for very different audiences. What they have in common is that every RPG needs to present someone’s compelling imagination through a filter of accessibility. There are many ways to achieve that, and a lot of it is a matter of personal taste or learned preferences: story vs simulation, tactical games vs freeform games, and so on.

Journeys to the West: Cover (Midgard Campaign, Open Design)

Journeys to the West: Cover (Midgard Campaign, Open Design) You just announced the Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding and released some electronic and printed supplements for the Midgard Campaign Setting. Do you plan a Midgard society, novels etc.? Any other Kobold Guides? Can you say more about your plans (and secret projects)?
Wolfgang BaurWolfgang Baur: The Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding is available now, in print, PDF, and Kindle formats! It discusses how to improve your own worldbuilding, it draws examples from Midgard and other famous settings, and its authors include not just me but also Guild Wars designer Jeff Grubb, Game of Thrones cartographer Jonathan Roberts, Battletech designer Michael A. Stackpole, and even Eberron designer Keith Baker. It’s worth your time if you do worldbuilding for your own enjoyment or professionally.

I lack the funds and staff to maintain a Midgard Society, though we have run Midgard adventure tracks at PaizoCon, GenCon, and ConCarolinas in 2012. If you’d like to run some adventures at your local convention, get in touch with the kobolds and we can set something up.

As for secret and not-so-secret plans: There’s a Pathfinder RPG edition of Courts of the Shadow Fey coming soon, something players have been asking about for 2 years. There’s no plan for novels set in Midgard, but two short stories are available in the free Midgard Preview.

There’s 13 adventures coming this summer in Midgard Tales. Before then we’ll also have additional Player Guides, because the Player’s Guide to the Crossroads and the Player’s Guide to the Dragon Empire have both been extremely popular (and not just with Midgard players—they have archetypes, gear, spells, and more for any Pathfinder RPG player). Next up in that series will be the Player’s Guides to the Wasted West and the Seven Cities, and the Midgard Legends book of original, useful NPCs and legendary spells and items. Midgard Legends will be the Kobold Press equivalent to the NPC Codex from Paizo, in some ways.

There’s also another Kobold Design Guide coming, but no details are available at this time. Those books take a certain amount of time and care, and I can’t confirm a title or authors yet. I have a pretty good feeling about the Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding, though, and look forward to hearing from readers about it. Finally, some fun and quick questions. We start with: Role playing is …
Wolfgang BaurWolfgang Baur: Unchained imagination, and shared storytelling. It’s closer to improvisational arts and theatre than we usually give it credit for, though it comes from the wargaming tradition and retains some odd elements of that heritage. Fighter, Cleric, Rogue or Wizard?
Wolfgang BaurWolfgang Baur: Wizard. I always wanted charm person and invisibility when I was growing up. Possibly an arcane familiar. (I had a pet horned toad for a while—strange animal). And these days, I’d be delighted to have my own bag of holding. Definitely wizard. Gamemaster or player?
Wolfgang BaurWolfgang Baur: Gamemaster, most of the time. I spend so much time writing adventures, I want to see what happens when a creative group of players runs into them! Do you have a special Dungeon or Game Master tip?
Wolfgang BaurWolfgang Baur: Hm. A lot of them are in the Kobold Guides to Game Design (half of the essays are about better home games!), but if I had to pick just one, I’d say that giving your players small, contained assignments to further do some worldbuilding is often a great way to get them involved in the campaign. Burning Wheel and 13th Age push this direction pretty hard in their core rules, but it works well on a smaller scale as well. Ask the ranger or druid to describe the forest. Ask the wizard to name a dead wizard’s last spellwork, or ask the fighter to describe the strength of an orcish formation or their weaponry.

See what happens when the players are responsible for part of the setting. You might be surprised. What is most important for a successful game – the story (adventure), the setting (background), the rules (game engine) or the group (GM, players)?
Wolfgang BaurWolfgang Baur: Well…. Many people seem to think it is the game engine, but I consider that a necessary-but-not-sufficient requirement for a successful game. If you have a great set of rules but a lousy setting and no adventures, you are not having a good time.

For me, the primary determinant has usually been the quality of the GM and players, and I’ve been fortunate to play with many of the best. We’ve made terrible settings, lame adventures, and wildly impractical rules the source of much entertainment.

If I gotta pick just one, though, I’m going to say adventures. They contain the seeds of a great time, and just require a good GM and a willing group to spin into gold. What is your favorite role playing game? If it is D&D (or some clone)? What is the next best?
Wolfgang BaurWolfgang Baur: Everyone seems to pick D&D or a clone, and there’s a reason why. It’s the classic, the gold standard, the one game everyone seems to know. And I do love it, but at the moment I’m favoring lighter-weight games such as Dragon Age and Old School Hack over the towering crunchbooks of Pathfinder and D&D. Possibly because it’s harder to play for fun when you write for a system professionally.

What I really want is a session of Song of Ice and Fire RPG, but alas, none of my local gang is running it. Maybe a birthday game or one-shot. Your favorite game product you worked on (except the Midgard Campaign Setting)?
Wolfgang BaurWolfgang Baur: Tough call, there are things I love about almost every game product I have worked on!

I think my favorite playable item right now is probably the Rise of the Runelords revision. Paizo went all out, and updated the whole series of 6 adventures into a single awesome hardcover edition with new art, revised text, Pathfinder stats, and so on.

The other likely candidate is the Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding, which is full of so much great advice and discussion of what makes a setting compelling. It makes everyone’s game world better, whether you play Pathfinder or Synnibarr or GURPS or Vampire.

Possibly also Assassin Mountain for Al-Qadim. That was my first standalone box from TSR, so it’s got sentimental value. Plus the interior art by Karl Waller was completely amazing, and it has a wonderful poster map by the late Dave Sutherland. Yeah, if I’m feeling sentimental, it’s definitely Assassin Mountain.

Midgard Campaign Setting: Amazon Archer (Mark Smylie, Open Design)

Midgard Campaign Setting: Amazon Archer (Mark Smylie, Open Design) Favorite game designer and/or artist?
Wolfgang BaurWolfgang Baur: Designer is tough, because it’s always, “what have you done for me lately?”. From that perspective, though, Kenneth Hite and Richard Pett both rank highly in my esteem for their excellent work released in 2012.

Let’s work on favorite artist instead: I’m prone to champagne tastes in artists, and Todd Lockwood and William O’Connor rate very highly for me. They both get high marks for everything: detail, composition, drama, motion, a sense of wonder. Tony DiTerlizzi gets my nod for children’s books: he’s top of a very competitive field. And Mark Smylie gets huge kudos for his amazing characters, accuracy, and sense of person and period. I feel happy seeing what they come up with, it’s always fresh.

For newcomers, I’m very keen on seeing more from Kieran Yanner, who has done great stuff for both Midgard and Numenera, and more from Aaron Miller, Craig Spearing, and Emile Denis.

Ok, it’s impossible for me to pick a single one of any creative field. They all do great things, in very different ways. We’re lucky to have so much talent floating around in gaming right now. I get the best ideas for my games when … or I am most creative when … ?
Wolfgang BaurWolfgang Baur: Half-asleep or in the shower. All that research about creativity seems to imply that there’s a dream state or fugue state where stuff clicks, and it seems true to me. I keep an electronic scratchpad with all this stuff, just a few words of a hook or a mechanic or a story element. I don’t need to develop it right then, I just need to capture the idea.

That list later becomes my to-do or grows into an adventure outline. I don’t usually need more than a few words to pick up from where my brain left off, and write whole chapters based on that spark or seed. But sometimes, finding the right key to unlock that treasure house is difficult. Fortunately, my scratchpad is packed with hundreds of keys to try… The Imperial Court of Dornig, the sinister Bloodspeaker or some Dark Matter?
Wolfgang BaurWolfgang Baur: Ooooooh. I think I’m going with the Imperial Court of Dornig and the Grand Duchy in Midgard. If I’m visiting someone, I’d rather it not be someone or something likely to kill me. Plus hey, cute elfmarked courtiers and the Twin Cathedral. It’s got sightseeing opportunities!

If I’m running the game, I think Dark*Matter is likely. I haven’t run a modern game in a couple years now, and I have this idea that I want to merge Night’s Black Agents with some Dark*Matter elements into a global chase adventure. Thank you, Wolfgang. Anything else you want to share with the fans?
Wolfgang BaurWolfgang Baur: As always, the hobby survives when people support their favorite publishers and designers, so I do encourage everyone to try something new, regardless of whether that’s a Kobold Guide from me or a copy of Night’s Black Agents by Ken Hite or the latest release from Paizo or Wizards or Green Ronin. The hobby is a relatively small one, and picking up a single book or PDF matters—and might inspire your next creation or expand your next game session!

Though it is winter now, I am already looking forward to seeing new friends and fellow gamers at the summer convention season. The Kobold crew will bring some surprises along to every show we attend, and we look forward to meeting you.

Kobold Press Homepage
Midgard Preview
Midgard Legends via drivethruRPG

All images provided by Open Design. Used with permission (9 January 2013).


E.T.A.: Marvin has the most boring job in the universe – but all is not as it seems…

E.T.A. by JUNK, zugegebenermaßen nicht mehr ganz taufrisch, doch bleibt diese Animation einfach eine wunderbare Hommage für Fans einer bekannten und von Ridley Scott initiierten Filmreihe.

„In space, no one can hear you scream.“

E.T.A. by JUNK from Henrik Bjerregaard Clausen

Marvin has the most boring job in the universe – but all is not as it seems…

Director: Henrik Bjerregaard Clausen
Modelling & Character animation: Søren Andersen & Michael la-Cour
Original Music & Sound Editing: Rasmus Kudahl Kaae Munch
Production: © 2008 Junk

Winner: Best Animation Award – BreakPoint 2008, Germany
Winner: Best New Talent Award – Aarhus Filmfestival 2008, Denmark

„…  for a cup of coffee.“
– modified Alien slogan

E.T.A. by JUNK via vimeo


Kleiner Ausblick auf die kommenden Themen & Gone gaming

Obskurer Spielplan: Unknown Armies, Agents of SMERSH und Call of Cthulhu

Obskurer Spielplan: Unknown Armies, Agents of SMERSH und Call of Cthulhu

In den kommenden Tagen bin ich unterwegs. Deshalb wird es an dieser Stelle voraussichtlich keine oder nur sehr wenige neuen Beiträge geben. Ich bitte um Verständnis.

Am kommenden Wochenende nistet sich das „Dreckige Dutzend“, einige Freunde und ich, auf der Burg Stahleck ein, um gemeinsam ein wenig Rollenspiel zu betreiben.
Für mich steht voraussichtlich Call of Cthulhu und wunderbarerweise Unknown Armies auf dem Programm.
Daneben soll es Interface Zero (Savage Worlds Cyberpunk), Trail of Cthulhu und sogar eine Runde D & D/Pathfinder geben. Mal sehen.

Mit meinem Freund Zwobot von den Söhnen Sigmars planen wir seit einigen Wochen ein „Geheimprojekt“. Über Weihnachten trat die Angelegenheit etwas in den Hintergrund. Gut möglich, dass bald ein neuer Podcast (oder etwas Ähnliches) kommt. Watch out!

Versprechen möchte ich nichts, aber weitere Interviews sind bereits in Arbeit, geplant oder zumindest bestätigt. Doch solange die Antworten noch nicht vorliegen, bin ich eher vorsichtig. Bitte die nachfolgenden Andeutungen nicht zu wörtlich nehmen. Aber so viel sei verraten, es geht um die Wiederkehr der Demokratie und sehr große Schlangen.

Sofern jemand Fragen zu der Welt von Johnny Silverhand, Rache Bartmoss, Alt Cunningham oder Night City hat, immer her damit. Es soll Menschen geben, die wissen, wovon ich spreche …
Daran werde ich Ende nächster Woche arbeiten, wenn nichts dazwischen kommt.

Gone Gaming. Happy Gaming!

Privates Foto der Spiele Unknown Armies (Atlas Games), Agents of SMERSH (8th Summit Games), Call of Cthulhu (Pegasus Spiele) (03.01.2013)


Mummy: The Curse – An interview with C. A. Suleiman about the new World of Darkness RPG

Mummy: The Curse: Logo (The Onyx Path)

Mummy: The Curse: Logo (The Onyx Path)

Mummy: The Curse Core Rulebook, the current Kickstarter for the upcoming new World of Darkness mummy RPG by Richard Thomas and his company The Onyx Path.

Usually, I prefer the old or classic World of Darkness. I supported all Kickstarters of The Onyx Path so far. In my opinion they do a nearly perfect job shipping well produced books. They are all very well done.

As a collector I can compare their books with other limited editions like the Warhammer 40.000 books by Fantasy Flight Games (Rogue Trader, Deathwatch etc.). The Onyx Path uses a better packaging (until now no damaged books!) and all new Vampire: The Masqurade books are significantly better processed. No, I am not getting paid for this. I am a German and I avoid phrases like „awesome“ or „nice to meet you“, if I do not mean it. Until now the Kickstarter books by The Onyx Path are visually and haptically impressive. I have no other words.

Without Richard Thomas there would be no interviews on I asked him something about his new crowdfunding campaign. Some mails later he forwarded my proposal to C. A. Suleiman. The author of Mummy: The Curse gave the following answers to my questions. Hi C.A. Suleiman, sorry, but I am honest many people (over here in Germany) don’t know you. Please start with a brief introduction of yourself and your gaming experiences?

C.A. SuleimanC.A. Suleiman: I’m an American musician, game designer, and writer. Most people know me for being the developer of Mummy (first The Resurrection and now The Curse), developing the last three iterations of the first fantasy campaign setting (Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor), writing Vampire: The Requiem, writing numerous Dungeons & Dragons books, and for creating the Hamunaptra campaign setting. Give us an elevator pitch of the upcoming roleplaying game Mummy: The Curse?

C.A. SuleimanC.A. Suleiman: It’s the new World of Darkness RPG from Onyx Path/White Wolf. In it, you play one of the Deathless — a mummy — who has been around for over 6,000 years, thanks to the Rite of Return, the mightiest feat of mortal magic ever attempted.

Mummy: The Curse: A Lady? (The Onyx Path)

Mummy: The Curse: A Lady? (The Onyx Path) What do you do as a Mummy and who are their „enemies“? What are the internal and external conflict(s)? (In Vampire (:TM) the Camarilla fights Sabbat and try to keep their humanity, in Werewolf they fight the Wyrm etc.)

C.A. SuleimanC.A. Suleiman: That’s a little too involved to answer well in brief, but the short answer is that mummies have sworn duties that include preserving their lost culture on Earth, serving their mortal cults, and recovering important vessels for return to the Underworld. Because of these duties, they tend to make enemies wherever they go. And amidst all that, they have their own personal goals and motivations to attend, like other people.

obskures: What is the difference to previous „Mummy“ editions and what makes this game for the New World Darkness special?

C.A. SuleimanC.A. Suleiman: Mummy: The Curse could scarcely be more different from its predecessor (The Resurrection). It has a little bit more in common with the very first edition (back when it was a supplement for Vampire), since you play an actual ancient mummy instead of a modern soul with an ancient mummy’s soul fragment, but it is still very much its own game. It’s special because it takes chances that no other World of Darkness game has taken, both in its themes and in its mechanics, some of which are brand new. Please share some of your inspirations and influences for this project.

C.A. SuleimanC.A. Suleiman: This game, like the other nWoD games, constitutes a return to Gothic form and so it draws on the more classic inspirational sources, along with more recent on-point offerings. To put it in pop culture terms, it’s a lot more Bram Stoker and H.P. Lovecraft than Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz. What is in your opinion the most critical and what is the best part of Mummy: The Curse?

C.A. SuleimanC.A. Suleiman: I’d say the best parts of Mummy: The Curse are its universal appeal — you don’t have to be a fan of Egyptian stuff to enjoy it — and that it evolves the Storytelling System in exciting ways. The „critical“ part is that it’s largely a horror game, which means its tone isn’t a resilient as, say, a cWoD game’s. You did a lot of work for White Wolf (New and Classic (/Old) World of Darkness), Wizards of the Coasts (Dungeons & Dragons Eberon setting) and you will also publish an Iron Kingdoms novel. Are their any differences working for a corporation like Wizards of the Coasts (Hasbro) or companies like White Wolf/The Onyx Path or Pyr/Prometheus Books. What is the difference of writing a novel or a game supplement?

C.A. SuleimanC.A. Suleiman: Well, they’re very different projects, of course. A novel has to conform to different standards than a pure game reference, and vice versa. As with any endeavor, knowing the form is an important part of executing it well. And individual working experiences almost always come down to the specifics involved; what the project is, who the editor/developer is, and so on. Can you tell us about your music project Toll Carom and do you use music for your roleplaying groups?

C.A. SuleimanC.A. Suleiman: Gladly, and thanks for asking. Toll Carom is an interstitial (genre-rejective) rock band based out of my city, Washington, D.C. I’m half-Palestinian, so many of my songs are influenced by the rhythms, scales, and motifs of traditional Middle Eastern music, but the format is very accessible (verse-chorus-verse, etc.) and I sing mostly in English. Music has always been important to me, and yes, I incorporate it into every RPG game that I run (or play in, actually). Game Masters who use music to help tell stories and set moods are GMs that I tend to appreciate, as a player. What do you plan next?

C.A. SuleimanC.A. Suleiman: Well, the first priority is to get through the Mummy Kickstarter project, which is going on now. It’s a very exciting time, but it requires a lot of work, and once it ends, that’s when the real work begins. So, I expect to be busy making sure the future of both Mummy in particular and Onyx Path in general is as bright as it can be. And with the help of fans like you, it looks like it could be quite bright, indeed. Finally, some fun and quick questions. We start with: Role playing is …

C.A. SuleimanC.A. Suleiman: …an invaluable social development tool. Also… a way to tell cooperative stories. Old/Classic or New World of Darkness?

C.A. SuleimanC.A. Suleiman: It’s not an either/or question for me. I’ve written for both continuities, and I enjoy playing both continuities. But since I’m a progressive creative, I’d say my present focus is much more on the new World of Darkness and on the possibilities it holds for the future. Undying bloodsuckers or deathless mummies?

C.A. Suleiman

Mummy: The Cures: A mummy awakes (The Onyx Path)

Mummy: The Cures: A mummy awakes (The Onyx Path)

C.A. Suleiman: Mummies, of course. Vampires suck.  ;-)
Gamemaster or player?

C.A. SuleimanC.A. Suleiman:  I tend to GM/Storytell a lot, so I love to play when I can. But I don’t prefer either, really; I just love gaming in general.  A design tip for established or upcoming authors and game developers?

C.A. SuleimanC.A. Suleiman: Here’s a tip that’s served me well: Don’t forget to design/write to suit the project and its publisher. Not all good ideas are appropriate ideas. If you can remember that freelance work is less about you than it is about the project, you can go far. What was your first role playing book and what is your favorite role playing game of all time and in recent years?

C.A. SuleimanC.A. Suleiman: My first RPG book was the 1st edition Dungeon Master’s Guide by E. Gary Gygax. It’s hard for me to pick favorites, but two of my favorite RPGs from the old days are Wraith and Dungeons & Dragons. My favorite RPGs from recent years are Dogs in the Vineyard and Mummy (of course). Favorite game designer and/or artist?

C.A. Suleiman

Mummy: The Curse: Example page

Mummy: The Curse: Example page

C.A. Suleiman: My favorite fantasy artist is Frank Frazetta. My favorite board game designer is Bruno Faidutti. I don’t have a favorite RPG designer. I get the best ideas for my games when … or I am most creative when … ?

C.A. SuleimanC.A. Suleiman: I’m in the shower.
Thank you, C.A. Suleiman. Anything else you want to share with the fans?

C.A. SuleimanC.A. Suleiman: Please do support the Mummy Kickstarter, if you can. We want the new WoD games/projects to get as much support as the classic WoD anniversary projects, and that all starts with Mummy. If you want more new material, vote with your pledges. Thanks!

Mummy: The Curse Core Rulebook Kickstarter
Toll Carom on Facebook
The Onyx Path Publishing-Homepage
C. A. Suleiman answers questions about the mummy project on GenCon 2012 via Youtube

All images by The Onyx Path Publishing. Used with permission (3rd January 2013)


Kingdom: A Pen & Paper Space Exploration RPG via Kickstarter

Kingdom: A Pen & Paper Space Exploration RPG, eine neue Kickstarter-Kampagne für das geplante Science Fiction und Space Opera-Rollenspiel von Richard James Errington.

Ben Smythe erfindet den IFTL Antrieb (Instantaneous Faster-than-light). Das Rollenspiel Kingdom folgt den Entwicklungen und Entdeckungen nach Jahre 2045. Selbstverständlich treiben Menschen und Außerirdische ihr Unwesen in diesem von Prozentwürfeln und 6-seitigen Würfeln getragenen Spieluniversum. Interessanterweise soll das Regelwerk gleich zwei Kampagnenansätze bieten.
Im Ausgangsszenario bricht die Menschheit zum ersten Mal zu entfernten potenziell erdähnlichen Planeten auf. Sie kommen unter Umständen mit dem weitreichenden Machtbereich des Kingdom in Kontakt. Nach der Rückkehr der Raumfahrer und der Begegnung mit dem des Kingdom und verschiedenen intelligenten Aliens ändert sich die Situation erwartungsgemäß nachhaltig.

Crowdfunding mit dem Ziel von 6000 $ soll die Erforschung anderer Sternensysteme und Welten ermöglichen …

Kingdom RPG: Spaceships

Kingdom RPG: Spaceships

„Kingdom is an exploration RPG that focuses on the repercussions of player actions as humanity begins to explore the Milky Way galaxy.


Kingdom is a science fiction role playing game set after the year 2045 in the Milky Way Galaxy. A man named Ben Smythe has created an IFTL drive (Instantaneous Faster-than-light).


The Kingdom Role-playing System relies on six sided die and percentile die. Players can either randomly generate the basic statistics for their characters or GM’s (Game Master) can choose to have a point buy system. Then they play through adventures run by the GM where their choices can inevitably and sometimes unpredictably have an impact on the galaxy at large.


The system allows for easy creation of new adventures while having a large framework for the underlying narrative of the Kingdom universe. The main book will contain many species to use as enemies/allies/players as well as information about technology, planets, ships, and more. GM’s will have many tools at their disposal in the book in the form of percentile charts that will allow them to randomize events that happen to their players and can act as plot devices. It will also contain a starter adventure for both of the canon Kingdom scenarios.“
Kingdom: A Pen & Paper Space Exploration RPG product description

Kingdom: A Pen & Paper Space Exploration RPG-Kickstarter

Freigabe durch den Autoren (Richard James Errington) via Email am 03.01.2013 (angefragt)


The ENDLESS BLUE Campaign Setting via Kickstarter

The ENDLESS BLUE Campaign Setting, a true oceanic world. William James Cuffe bietet eine eigenständige Vision eines „untergetauchten“ Fantasy-Rollenspiels via Kickstarter an. Der Autor vergleicht seine fantastische (Unter-)Wasserspielwelt mit der Fremdartigkeit von Wayne Douglas Barlowe’s „Expedition“, dem Konflikt der Ideen des D & D-Settings Planescape, der epischen Breite von Michael Moorcocks Werken und der Anpassungsfähigkeit der Spielsysteme D20/Pathfinder.

„ENDLESS BLUE, an immersive RPG set in a world submerged under water, featuring strange races, unique challenges, and danger everywhere.


Life began in water…

…ours begins on Kickstarter!

Endless Blue is an immersive tabletop fantasy RPG set in a world covered with ocean.  It focuses on ideas and story over mechanics, written from a logical perspective, producing an imaginatively alien yet familiar setting so detailed that it feels like it could actually exist.


Endless Blue Campagain Setting


Welcome to the world of Elqua, the water world around which the ENDLESS BLUE Campaign is played.  ENDLESS BLUE will be a D20/Pathfinder tabletop RPG compatible setting.  It will be different from other „aquatic“ supplements in that unlike those others, which are meant to be tacked onto an existing land-based campaign, ENDLESS BLUE is built from the ocean-floor up.  Much like the flip side of most games, the underwater cultures are the dominant races of the world.  In fact, they are the ONLY ones, as there is no intelligent life on the small archipelagos that dot the endless horizon of blue.  This juxtaposition poses some problems for life as we know it, but many of the ideas that define the setting take this into account: How do you write under water, or farm, or build, or even cook for that matter?  In many ways, the ENDLESS BLUE Campaign Setting rulebook will be one-half role playing supplement and another half world building exercise.


There will be nine different playable races in the ENDLESS BLUE, with memorable classes, cultures, and politics that through the centuries have both brought them together as well as kept them at each other’s throats.  Creatures almost too small to see and monstrosities that dwarf the largest prehistoric beast all inhabit the same oceans as the players, each providing a unique slant to survival under the waves.  Special attention is given to the most everyday experiences in order to explore and explain the unique difficulties inherent in an aquatic civilization.  Imagine the alienness of Wayne Douglas Barlowe’s „Expedition“, the war of ideas from Planescape, the epic scope of the works of Michael Moorcock, and the adaptability of the D20/Pathfinder system all working together to deliver a world like no other…“
The ENDLESS BLUE Campaign Setting, a true oceanic world. product description

The ENDLESS BLUE Campaign Setting, a true oceanic world.-Kickstarter


The Grande Temple of Jing – Megadungeon Crawl for Pathfinder & Fantasy RPGs via Kickstarter

The Grande Temple of Jing, neues Jahr, neues Cowdfunding-Glück. Danny O’Neill – Hammerdog Games bietet für diese „Neuauflage“ eines d20-Moduls Prominente Mitstreiter auf, die aus diesem Dungeon Crawl-Projekt etwas Besonderes machen sollen.
Jonathan Tweet (13th Age), Monte Cook (D & D 3rd Edition) und Skip Williams (D & D 3rd Edition) leisten ihren Beitrag zu diesem konventionellen Abenteueransatz.
Besonders Interessierten steht es frei sich in die Entwicklung via Kickstarter „einzukaufen“ und gemeinsam mit Danny O’Neill ein Monster oder gar eine Ebene der Höhlen zu entwerfen und als Mitautor benannt zu werden.

„The temple home of the trickster god Jing. You’ve seen other megadungeons, but this is the dungeon crawl that rules them ALL.




The Grande Temple of Jing is the dungeoncrawl that rules them all. It is a megadungeon designed in the spirit of old school games, but with modern rules and sensibilities. It is presented here for the Pathfinder system, but it can be easily modified to play with your favorite fantasy RPG. It is designed for levels 1-20 but if this Kickstarter reaches its first stretch goal, then we will add content for epic level characters as well.

A part of the grande temple was originally published in 2000 as a thin, digest sized book, compatible with the d20 system. With your help we will update, upgrade, and MASSIVELY expand that book. In effect, we will make it the adventure it was always meant to be. Our goal is to create a full color hardcover tome that any roleplayer would be proud to have on their shelves. Professional production will ensure that retailers can display the book confidently on store shelves.


Celebrity Contributors


We are proud to announce that the Grande Temple of Jing will feature several celebrity contributors starting with:


Jonathan Tweet – veteran game designer. Designer of Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition. Creator of 13th Age, Ars Magica, Over the Edge, and more.


Monte Cook – prolific RPG author. Designer of Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition. Creator of Numenara and owner of Malhavoc Press.


Skip Williams – sage RPG designer. Designer of Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition. Author of several RPG books, and columnist for Dungeon Magazine’s „Sage Advice.“


More celebrity contributors will be announced if certain stretch goals are reached.“
The Grande Temple of Jing product description

The Grande Temple of Jing-Kickstarter


Tianxia: Blood, Silk, and Jade für FATE CORE von Vigilance Press

Vigilance Press, kündigte am Neujahrstag mit Tianxia: Blood, Silk, and Jade eine vollfarbige Kung Fu Fantasy-Erweiterung zum kommenden FATE CORE von Jack Norris an. Das Supplement wird zwischen 15 bis 30 Seiten umfassen.

Tianxia: Blood, Silk, and Jade: Fisheye Cheng (by Denise Jones, Vigilance Press)

Tianxia: Blood, Silk, and Jade: Fisheye Cheng (by Denise Jones, Vigilance Press)

„To that end, let me now announce our upcoming Fate Core-compatible Kung Fu Fantasy setting supplement by Jack Norris! Tianxia: Blood, Silk, and Jade will be a full-color Fate supplement in the neighborhood of 15 to 30 pages. The manuscript is 80% complete, and we’re already producing artwork. Denise Jones has turned in the first of many, creating a unique look for this book which will really help it stand out. We aren’t sure if the length of the book will lend itself to print on demand, yet, but rest assured the PDF will be out shortly after Fate Core is officially published (and the rules license is active). Jack has been blazing through this manuscript like a demon, having long harbored a desire to produce a Wuxia/Kung Fu setting. His unique setting and characters will make this not just a set of Kung Fu rules for Fate, but a fantastic basis for a campaign and a genre book all in one powerful package. If you love it enough, there is certainly room to expand on this world with future books.“
Vigilance Press announcement

Das ist doch mal was, oder? Sollte mich jemand vor die Wahl zwischen kleinen bourgeoisen Halblingen und wild durch die Luft fliegenden Kung Fu-Streitern und vor allen Dingen Streiterinnen stellen, dann fällt die Entscheidung eindeutig in Richtung Wuxia. Die Asiaten produzieren einfach die ästhetischsten fantastischen Filme, wenngleich ich für mich persönlich eine friedvollere Runde Yoga (to the people! Namasté) bevorzuge. Punkt.

Tianxia: Blood, Silk, and Jade werde ich auf jeden Fall im Auge behalten.

Vigilance Press announcement

Freigabe durch den Verlag (Vigilance Press) via Email am 01.01.2013