
Game of Thrones: George R. R. Martin about the origins of the Dance of Dragons

George R. R. Martin kommentiert auf seinem Blog, die von Gardner Dozois und ihm herausgegebene Anthologie Dangerous Women.

Sie enthält (Kurz-)Geschichten unter anderem von Joe Abercrombie, Joe R. Lansdale, Brandon Sanderson, Jim Butcher und eben von Herrn Martin. Seine Geschichte The Princess and the Queen bezeichnet er „the true (mostly) story of the origins of the Dance of the Dragons“.

Darüber hinaus veröffentlichte HBO die ersten offiziellen Bilder zur dritten Staffel von Game of Thrones .

Game of Thrones: Ygritte Game of Thrones: Mance Rayder (Helen Sloan/HBO)

Game of Thrones: Ygritte Game of Thrones: Mance Rayder (Helen Sloan/HBO)

Game of Thrones: Mance Rayder (Helen Sloan/HBO)

Game of Thrones: Mance Rayder (Helen Sloan/HBO)

Game of Thrones: Ygritte Game of Thrones: Mance Rayder (Helen Sloan/HBO)

Game of Thrones: Ygritte Game of Thrones: Mance Rayder (Helen Sloan/HBO)

Sind das nicht fantastische Ausblicke?! Orientiert sich die dritte Staffel an der Buchvorlage, dann wird sich voraussichtlich alles überschlagen. Ich kenne keine bessere Fantasy-Serie. Punkt, nein, Ausrufezeichen. (via

George R. R. Martin
Game of Thrones (HBO)

Helen Sloan/(HBO)


Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: From the Grave (Print on Demand Expansion)

Fantasy Flight Games erweitert das aktuelle Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay mit der neuen Print on Demand Sammelkarten-Erweiterung From the Grave. Nekromanten und die passenden Zusatzkarten führen ins Reich der Untoten und bringen neues Sortier-, nein, natürlich Spielmaterial in die Sammlung.

Die 31 Karten und Standups kosten im Verlagsshop übrigens lächerliche 19,95 $. Diese Preise erinnern an Magic: The Gathering.

„Necromancers are amongst the most cursed of all those who practice the magical arts, for they have exchanged their humanity for the ability to raise the dead and command them to wage war upon the living. The practitioners of the dark arts are strange, twisted creatures. They are obsessed with death, yet desire nothing more than to go on living…


Fantasy Flight Games is pleased to announce From the Grave, a Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Print on Demand expansion, now available on our webstore! From the Grave presents three new careers, the Necromancer, Master Necromancer, and Grave Warden. It also opens dark new options for both players and GMs with a new follower, new actions, talents, items, and more!

From the Grave features:

  • 3 careers
  • 1 follower
  • 14 actions
  • 7 talents
  • 2 items
  • 4 standup“

From the Grave product description

Den amerikanischen Verleger „Fantasy Flight Games – Leading publisher of board, card, and roleplaying games“ muss man einfach Herz ins schließen. Ihr Vorbild scheint Games Workshop zu sein.
Die Preisgestaltung strebt längst in die schwindelerregenden Gefilde der britischen Spiele-Vermarktungsvordenker. Zu schön, um wahr zu sein. Allerdings dürfte FFGs Papier/Pappe preiswerter sein als Kunststoff/Resin/Zinn …

Fantasy Flight Games: From the Grave


Gygax Magazine #1’s: Inhaltsangabe auf boingboing

boingboing zeigt schon mal die Inhaltsangabe der morgen erscheinenden ersten Ausgabe des Gygax Magazine.

Seitdem es kein „richtiges“ Magazin für Rollenspieler gibt, fehlt irgendwie etwas. Die elektronische Transformation der gleichnamigen Dungeons & Dragons-Hauszeitungen riss endgültig eine Lücke in der Landschaft.

Das Arcane, die späte Zauberzeit, das Maud-Magazin, der Warpstone, der Unspeakable Oath (gibt es wieder) und die Spielwelt waren schon immer wieder klasse.
Auf diesem Niveau gibt es leider zur Zeit nichts. Also mal schauen, was die Söhne von Herrn Gygax auf die Beine stellen.

Hoffentlich bekomme ich noch eine Ausgabe und es geht nicht nur um Höhlen und Drachen. Ich werde morgen mal beim Gygax Magazine vorbei schauen.

Gygax Magazine


Robotech RPG Tactics: Defense of Macross Island von Palladium Books im Herbst

Palladium Books kündigte für dieses Jahr einige Robotech-Titel an. Das Spiel basiert auf einer bekannten Sci-Fi Anime-Reihe, die in den 1980ern recht bekannt war.

Im Herbst 2013 soll Robotech RPG Tactics: Defense of Macross Island erscheinen. Die Deluxe Box wird ein Dutzend Mecha enthalten.

Zuvor erscheinen voraussichtlich zwei Robotech-Quellenbände zu den UEEF Marines. Eines erscheint ungefähr im Juni und ein weiteres folgt später im Jahr.

Battletech und überhitzende Mechs (ohne a) waren nie so mein Ding und Robotech und das Palladium-Spielsystem sind gleichsam ein wenig seltsam. Wer braucht bitte Mega-Damage, aber Rifts spielte ich seinerzeit dennoch recht gerne. Juicers forever!

Ich mag ein wenig puristisch klingen, aber Riesenroboter brauchen ein a am Ende und orientieren sich gefälligst am japanischen Original, d. h. sind keine hausbackenen Kopien aus USa.

Ich befürworte Mecha und lehne Mechs ab. Ich mag gar nicht an die Mechforce Deutschland denken. Definitiv nicht meine Welt. Haus Steiner, nein House Kurita, nein … argh … und diese dämliche Rechnerei ständig. Hilfe …

Ich fahr jetzt mal runter, bevor ich überhitze und der geschätzte Blognachbar Greifenklaue meinen kritischen Unterton „berechtigterweise erneut“ bemängelt. (via ICv2)

PS: Es wird gemunkelt das Warner einen „echten“ Robotech-Film plant. Pacific Rim von Guillermo del Toro wird es wohl nicht sein.

Palladium Books


Deluxe Hunters Hunted II via Kickstarter

Deluxe Hunters Hunted II, The Onyx Path und Richard Thomas legen mit der Hilfe von Crowdfunding nach. Der Titel deutet es an, dieses Handbuch unterstützt Vampirjäger in der alten oder klassischen World of Darkness (cWOD). Die kommende Neuauflage beruht auf der aktuellen Jubiläumsausgabe von Vampire: The Masquerade auf (V20).

Interessenten können vorab die beinahe fertige Rohfassung des Quellenbands Deluxe Hunters Hunted II vor der abschließenden Bearbeitung und ohne Layout einsehen und downloaden.

Deluxe Hunters Hunted II -- Kicktraq Mini

Die Aktion läuft noch bis zum 18.02.2013 und die Zielsumme von 33.000 $ wird innerhalb kurzer Zeit erreicht werden, sofern sich der Trend fortsetzt.

Deluxe Hunters Hunted II (The Onyx Path)

Deluxe Hunters Hunted II (The Onyx Path)

„The Hunters Hunted II revisits one of the seminal titles of Vampire: The Masquerade, in which the players take on the roles of those who seek to bring an end to the depredations of the undead. Included are details on those who choose to take up the good fight, expanding the options available to players and offering a host of new storytelling opportunities. No lone hunter or vigilant troupe should face the night without learning the ways of the hunter contained within this book.


The Hunters Hunted II includes:


• Systems by which to play a vampire hunter — one who hunts the Kindred in the World of Darkness.

• Practical advice and teamwork-tactics game systems to bring to bear against the Damned.

• Updated systems for supernatural Numina powers that can grant hunters an edge against the undead.


But don’t take our word for it. Here’s a link to 99% of the complete manuscript, before Editing and Layout, for everyone to check out:
Deluxe Hunters Hunted II product description

Deluxe Hunters Hunted II-Kickstarter (Rohfassung Deluxe Hunters Hunted II)

Freigabe durch den Verlag (The Onyx Path) via Email am 25.01.2012 (angefragt)
Analysebild von Kicktraq zur Verfügung gestellt (25. Januar 2013)


Los Muertos im Sommer von Prometheus Games

Los Muertos erscheint voraussichtlich Anfang Juni zur RPC als Pocket RPG bei Prometheus Games.

Der Autor, Andre Pönitz, beschreibt sein Rollenspiel so:

„Diese Unterwelt kommt unerwartet!

In Los Muertos reisen die skelettierten Seelen durch neun wahnsinnige Ebenen. Sei es ein lebendiger Riesenbaum (inklusive Innereien), eine chaotische Metropole der Toten oder ein Ozean, auf dem die Gefühle der Reisenden den Wellengang bestimmen – langweilig wird es unterwegs definitiv nicht. Auch vor abstrusen Dämonen und schrulligen Göttern sollte man sich in Acht nehmen. Schliesslich gilt es, am Ende Mictlan zu erreichen, das grosse Ziel dieser vierjährigen Reise …
Los Muertos verbindet die bunte Stimmung des mexikanischen Totentags, Comic-Humor und aztekische Mythologie zu einem verrückten Abenteuer.
Also: Wer ist dabei, wenn wir den Dia de los Muertos feiern?


Grafisch umgesetzt wird das Spiel von Timo Grubing und Volker Konrad, die spätestens seit dem einzigartigen Ratten! eine feste Grösse der Rollenspielszene darstellen. Hier ein kleiner Teaser, damit ihr wisst, was in Sachen Los Muertos noch alles auf euch zukommt.“
Los Muertos Produktankündigung

Gemeinhin betrachte ich Rollenspiele aus Deutschland eher zurückhaltend oder vielmehr kritisch. Es gibt für meinen Geschmack einfach zu wenig überzeugende Beispiele. Das Gütesiegel „Deutsche Wertarbeit“ trifft allzu oft nicht zu.
Das ebenfalls bei  Prometheus Games erschienene Ratten war eine gelungene Ausnahme und die Ankündigung von Los Muertos liest sich jetzt wieder ausgezeichnet. Die gezeigten grafischen Elemente sehen ebenfalls hervorragend aus. Ich bin sehr gespannt!

Auf Facebook gibt es weitere Informationen. (via Schiz)

Los Muertos-Ankündigung von Prometheus Games
Los Muertos auf Facebook


Fate Core: An interview with Fred Hicks of Evil Hat

Fate Core System (Evil Hat)

Fate Core System (Evil Hat)

Fate Core, Evil Hats current Kickstarter will be a stunning success! I support the company since their pulp RPG Spirit of the Century. I am honest, Fate is not my favorite game engine, but in my opinion they made another way of roleplaying popular: Storytelling and narration over crunch.
The so called Storyteller system for the World of Darkness (White Wolf/The Onyx Path) is still a pretty traditional.

Beside their way of doing business, this is the major reason to support them. Their inspirational game helps to tell stories as a team of players. The Gamemaster is one of the „co-creators“ of the game world and how it feels. (S)he is not the entertainer alone. The GM job in Fate feels to me like the primus inter pares concept (the first among equals). I prefer this gaming style.

This interview with Fred Hicks was published first on the official German Fate website. So, if you want to know more about our community go to One of the operators has co-created the very fine Black Metal fantasy Fate RPG Malmsturm (Sorry, German). They know Fate better than me …

Now, real insights by Fred Hicks. Hello Fred Hicks, let us begin with your introduction and tell us a bit about your gaming experiences?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: Which experiences? I hail from a lot of gaming traditions. I had my redbox time, my flings with Hero and Gamma World of various editions, my college years of Fudge and Amber Diceless. They all inform my tastes today. I’m a bit of a „gearhead“ when I get time for it. I love a clever, unobtrusive mechanic. It’s taken me a long time to come around to seeing the strength of good settings, and moreover the unity of system and setting therein. Imagine a new potential customer or fan. How would you briefly describe Fate Core. What makes it special? Why should a fan of the Fate engine support the new version?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: Fate Core is a roleplaying system that focuses on capturing what’s excellent about fiction. It’s oriented on providing you tools that give you the best possible story experience. An authentic one that focuses on modeling great fiction, not physics. Because that’s what we sit down at the gaming table to make: stories. What is the best and what is the most critical aspect of the upcoming edition?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: Clarity of vision and strength in communicating that vision. The game is simply more on point, and better explained, than any prior version. What is the most important Fate Core feature or stretch goal for you?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: There are so many stretch goals! I’m particularly excited about Fate Accelerated. We’re taking the 300-or-so pages of Fate Core, and paring it down to more like 30-or-so, with an eye on giving a very easy to digest, quick to jump in and play version of Fate that’s more accessible to beginning gamers and folks who prefer to avoid the thicker rulebooks. We’re not done creating it yet, but I have a feeling it’s going to land close to the style of game that Rob Donoghue and I tend to run at our home tables.

Fate Core -- Kicktraq Your Fate Core Kickstarter is a remarkable success so far. What do you think are reasons for this surprise?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: For me the surprise is in the magnitude, not the success. We spent a lot of time making sure that our design for this kickstarter was smart, clear, and doing exactly what we wanted, while delivering a high quality and undeniable value to the prospective backers. We paired that with an existing audience that we took ten years to build. All the same, I mainly hoped we’d do about as well as Dungeon World’s kickstarter did. We’ve… done a bit better than that. If I recall correctly you and Rob Donoghue created the game based on the FUDGE RPG engine.
Fred HicksFred Hicks: You recall correctly.
What is your opinion on the FUDGE RPG?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: It’s the first example of a „crowd-sourced design“ RPG I can think of, and it came along in the early 1990s, on an internet that many folks hadn’t heard of or used. Seriously ahead of its time. But it was always, always geared towards the folks inclined to monkey around with their game systems and often didn’t offer enough in the way of „drag and drop“ pre-constructed bits for people to just pick up Fudge and start playing without having to make a number of decisions first. Our earliest versions of Fate were mainly about trying to solve that problem.

Fate Core: Art Preview (Evil Hat)

Fate Core: Art Preview (Evil Hat) What other inspirations did you have?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: Rob Donoghue reads a LOT of games and they turn into this big synthesized soup of things in his head, so it’s often hard to tease out where certain ideas and inspirations came from. Seventh Sea was a big deal though, a direct trigger for the creation of aspects, with its notion of having people *pay* for their disadvantages (like having a nemesis) because that was a *cool thing* to have show up in the story and put more spotlight time on the character who had it.
Really eye-opening. Over the Edge, Risus, and Amber Diceless all played around in there too. Now others take over the development responsibility. What happened and what do you think about giving your baby away?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: Y’know, occasionally the whole open licensing thing gets frustrating, when folks take our „baby“ and run off in a direction that does absolutely nothing for us. But that’s also the strength of it, part of the reason that Fate has done as well as it has. Your baby doesn’t always grow up the way you hoped she would, right? And that’s okay. We make our babies so they do that: grow up, become their own person, go off into the world and change it. By that metric I think Fate’s doing pretty damn well no matter what folks are doing with it. Within the Evil Hat fold, tho, it’s always been pretty easy to hand over the baby. We’re a very collaborative company in that way. Ego doesn’t last long, and there’s always a special alchemy that comes out of putting two or more creative brains together under one hat. Crowdfunding (like Kickstarter, Indiegogo) seems to change everything. E publishing and the electonic gaming support via smartphones or tablets and online gaming of traditional RPG are gaining ground. It seems the younger generation is lost for most unplugged gaming (traditional RPGs and board games). They get great eyes for fancy video games. What do you think about the current gaming scene and market development in general?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: I think gaming is pretty strong even with the advances in videogames supposedly siphoning away interest. I mean, what videogames do well is a lot of complex math very quickly, right? So the value of „mathy“ tabletop games is diminished. That might make some parts of gaming look like it’s dying, and maybe those parts are. But where I’m at I’m seeing crazy diversity — way beyond what used to be available or supportable. And sure, each individual game might be reaching smaller audience than the titans of old. But in aggregate gamers are still a pretty sizable, strong community. We just need to make sure we orient on ways to welcome new players of any
age into the hobby, rather than putting a new layer of bricks on the barrier around our walled garden of a hobby. Fate Accelerated and the games based on it are in part our effort — funded by the Kickstarter — to make that just a little more possible. In the past Evil Hat did something unusual. On the company blog you published the number of sold games. Now you gave the beta version of Fate Core to all backers of the Kickstarter Campaign. I think these decisions are exemplary, but what is the idea behind this „open business“ attitude?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: It’s pretty simple. We’re treating people like we’d like to be treated. Starting out as a game company 7 or so years back it was terribly difficult to get at the information about what reasonable sales performance looked like in gaming. So when we started *having* that information… we provided it so others could benefit. Similarly, we’ve found time and again
that if we let folks get a look at our games before we send them to the printer, their scrutiny leads to a better, stronger final product. So the whole „get a look at Fate Core RIGHT NOW“ thing for the Kickstarter was a bit of a no-brainer. Please tell us about your future plans. As far as I know you plan Paranet Papers for the Dresden Files RPG and a new expanded edition of the RPG history book Designers & Dragons? Anything else?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: Ha! I’d love to tell you about my future plans, but there’s honestly just too much. Look at the stretch goals on the Fate Core kickstarter, and blend that together with this post — — and you’ll have a good sense of it all. Finally, some fun and quick questions.
Fred HicksFred Hicks: Finally! The others have been so arduous! Seriously, tho, were those earlier ones not supposed to be fun? I had fun. We start with: Role playing is …
Fred HicksFred Hicks: … the way we celebrate the mad, wonderful ideas that happen when one person’s thoughts escape the brain and go out for a night of dancing with everyone else’s dreams. Favorite Fate variant?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: Prior to Fate Core? (Because it’s totally Fate Core.) Diaspora and Bulldogs! tend to get into a big fist-fight for supremacy, there. Each one does what it’s setting out to do so very well.

Dresden Files Accelerated (Evil Hat)

Dresden Files Accelerated (Evil Hat) What was it like to work with Jim Butcher?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: Awesome.
Did he have problems of letting you play with his creation?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: He did not.
Did you play with him the final version of the RPG? If so, how was it like?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: Truth is, he loves the game, he’s seriously proud of it, but he’s not likely ever to play it. „Too much like work,“ he says. „You’ve recreating my writing process too well. Can’t do it. Plus, what a nightmare that’d be. I’ll be all, ‚Yes it DOES work like that, and I’m going to write the next book to MAKE it that way!'“ Gamemaster or player?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: I was gamemaster a lot for a while, tag-teaming with Rob Donoghue. Most recently we’re BOTH getting to be players for once, and it is a freakin‘ blast. What are the key ingredients for a great game?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: Mechanics that produce an emotional response that bonds the player to the experience. Great art. Clarity of presentation. You work as a freelance layoutist. The layouts for the Dresden Files RPG and the Night Black Agents RPG are pretty complex.
Fred HicksFred Hicks: I started work on Night’s Black Agents, but I was not responsible for the final look of that game. Alas! But it turned out the direction I was going, and my schedule, was a bad fit. I’ll take credit (even tho I didn’t in the text) for the Dresden Files RPG though. Would you care to share your thoughts about good gaming layouts?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: Whether you’re going minimalist or baroque, your layout has to live in the same world as the material, but only to the extent that it helps shed further light on what’s exciting about the setting and what’s important about the text. Fancy fonts can be a distraction. Deliver the goods in a way that enhances readability, learning, and the inherent pleasure of the game. What do you plan for the Fate Core?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: I plan to have Jeremy Keller complete his work on it! You can see his strong but simple-to-behold design right now by pledging to the Kickstarter and downloading the preview.

Strange Tales: Prototype Cover (Evil Hat)

Strange Tales: Prototype Cover (Evil Hat) A design tip for established or upcoming game developers?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: Figure out what your system is doing that supports the soul of the game, what it’s *really* about as an emotional and storytelling experience. Strip out everything else. See how well *that* runs. Then add back in only what’s needed to further enhance that. What was your first role playing book and board game?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: My first board game was… gosh, I have really no idea. I think for both of those it was the kid-age classics: red box D&D and Candyland. What is your favorite role playing game of all time and inrecent years?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: It’s hard to say no to Amber Diceless. Endlessly hacked by its fans, it’s incredibly malleable, and just plain delivers the goods. So far ahead of its time. In recent years? I’m seriously geeked about Marvel Heroic Roleplaying. What is your favorite (board) game of all time and in recent years?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: I love a good game of spades. Trick-taking games scratch a special itch for me. Recent years — man, Shadows Over Camelot. So good. Favorite game designer and/or artist?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: The Fate community. I ain’t gonna name specific names. The aggregate group-mind of it all produces amazing stuff. Every day.
I get the best ideas for my games when … or I am most creative when … ?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: … I’m in the shower.
Thank you, Fred Hicks. Anything else you want to share with the fans?
Fred HicksFred Hicks: We just announced the Dresden Files Accelerated stretch goal for the Fate Core kickstarter. It’s at $400k and I really want to see us hit it. We’ve got one week to make it there. I think we can do it. Please come on by and help us make the goal!

Fate Core Kickstarter
Fate Core Kicktraq
Evil Hat

All images except the Kicktraq analysis are provided by Evil Hat. Used with permission (24 January 2013).
The Kickstarter analysis for Fate Core provided by Kicktraq.


Realm Works – Streamlined RPG Campaign Tools via Kickstarter

Realm Works: Powerful Image Functionality (Lone Wolf Development)

Realm Works: Powerful Image Functionality (Lone Wolf Development)

Realm Works – Streamlined RPG Campaign Tools, Lone Wolf Development (Hero Lab, Army Builder, etc.) setzt nun auf elektronische Spielleiterwerkzeuge für Rollenspieler und Crowdfunding. Der Kickstarter gestattet, dieses Projekt finanziell zu unterstützen.

Im July 2013 soll die Anwendung erscheinen und das Finanzierungsziel sind 100.000 $.

Die Software unterstützt systemübergreifend die Verwaltung, Verteilung und Darstellung von Materialien für Rollenspielkampagnen. Ein Cloud Service befindet sich ebenfalls in der Planung. Story-, Plotlines, Bilder, Charaktere und vieles mehr auf dem PC erstellen, strukturieren, durchsuchen, sichern und bereitstellen.

Ich nehme an, dass das Betriebssystem Microsoft Windows 7 (etc., evtl. XP) unterstützt wird. Die Feature List soll zeigen, wohin die Reise funktionell geht.

„Streamline RPG preparation, spend more time focusing on the game, and increase the engagement of your players with Realm Works!

What Makes Realm Works Unique


Unlike many software Kickstarters, initial Realm Works development is nearly complete. We’ve been evolving Realm Works for over three years and will be releasing it in July, 2013. Numerous features are already in place, as we demonstrate in the video, but there are many more we want to include in the initial release.  Your support of this Kickstarter will allow us to accelerate our current development efforts so we can pack more features into the product in time for its public release.

Our mission with Realm Works is to streamline and improve the tabletop role-playing experience for both GMs and players by empowering GMs to create, manage, and share any world they can imagine. We’re doing this in four ways:

  • First, provide tools for GMs to efficiently create and assemble materials for their games in a way that’s simple to manage, organize, and search.
  • Second, let GMs reveal content to players as it’s uncovered during play, without introducing extra work for the GM.
  • Third, enable GMs to share their creations and smoothly integrate the work of others into their own material, weaving it all together into their campaign.
  • Finally, provide a community repository where additional material can be obtained and easily integrated with any other content you have, including the GM’s own creations, letting GMs build their games from whatever sources they find compelling or interesting.

Key Realm Works Features

As we demonstrate in our video, Realm Works lets you manage your RPG content in one unified environment. This includes all the people, places, things, and events of your world. Beyond just text, it encompasses pictures and maps, custom calendars, dates tied to those calendars, statblocks, Hero Lab portfolios, audio and video files, and a wealth of other material. Realm Works weaves all this content together through a simple, intuitive interface.

Realm Works provides many powerful features and capabilities which are shown in the video, in images on this page, and on our web site.  Everything shown is from the current version of Realm Works, which is in the hands of our Beta team right now.  Here’s a summary of the most important features:

  • Quickly develop new content and revise existing ideas for any genre (e.g. fantasy, sci-fi, modern) and any play style.
  • Effortlessly manage diverse content, including images, maps, Hero Lab portfolios, statblocks, audio, video, and virtually anything else.
  • Intuitively organize content for on-demand access and review during play, placing everything at your fingertips for quick and easy retrieval. No more leafing through pages of notes to find the information you need!
  • Determine exactly what information is known by the players and what remains hidden at a glance.
  • With our patent-pending Fog of World™ technology, Realm Works makes it a breeze to incrementally reveal and display every aspect of your world to players, requiring only a single mouse click.  Revolutionize how you share your world with your players, easily showing them only what they learn during the game.
  • The incremental reveal of maps makes it trivial to illustrate to players what has or has not been explored or discovered.
  • Connections between your content are automatically detected and created, allowing instant access to all the interconnected elements of your world.
  • Flexible navigation tools let you instantly view any aspect of your world as easily as browsing the internet.
  • Track and visualize all the relationships that exist between selected content in your world.  Realm Works makes it easy to manage secret identities, view relationship diagrams like family trees, and even track attitudes between or among NPCs or characters.  Keeping track of hidden schemes, subterfuge, and actual motivations behind the scenes has never been easier.
  • Immediately see what the players learned during a particular span of time.  You can find exactly what was learned during the last game session, making recaps before the next session fast and accurate.  You can even view a summary of everything the players have learned during the entire campaign, even if it spans many real-life years, and instantly access the details associated with that content.
  • Full text search instantly locates what you need, and you can tag any content you wish and leverage the tag for filtering your content.  This is extremely powerful in conjunction with Realm Works’ cross-linking capabilities, allowing instant access to the content you seek.
  • Place pins on maps to indicate significant locations, events or encounters. Use these maps for navigation to immediately access the information associated with individual pins.
  • Fully customizable templates get you started building your world immediately and let you smoothly organize diverse information about all the people, places, things, and events in your world.
  • Enter your own original content just like a word processor or efficiently cut-and-paste from source material you already possess.
  • At a glance, see all the connections for whatever you’re viewing, both to and from other content. Instantly see everything that references an important NPC or item.
  • Weave the critical story elements of your world together and visually outline your plots, whether they are epic quests or minor story arcs.
  • Create custom calendars for your world. Link multiple calendars together and see how all the dates translate to your master calendar.  Calendars can reflect different in-game cultures, lunar calendars, and worlds.
  • Conveniently manage game notes and preparation tasks with full linking to game content.
  • Easily show material to players during and after play without having to create additional, separate materials for them.“

Realm Works – Streamlined RPG Campaign Tools product description

Das Werkzeug könnte unter Umständen auch als Strukturierungshilfe für Autoren dienen.

Realm Works – Streamlined RPG Campaign Tools via Kickstarter

Freigabe durch den Hersteller via Email (Lone Wolf Development) am 24.01.2013


Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook im April 2013

Star Wars: Edge of the Empire, das neue Rollenspiel von Fantasy Flight Games in einer weit, weit entfernten Galaxis.
Nein, hier auf der Erde soll das Grundregelwerk (MSRP $59.95), die Spielhilfe mit Spielleiterschirm Star Wars: Edge of Empire Role-Playing Game Master’s Kit (MSRP $19.95) und das Würfelset Star Wars: Edge of Empire RPG Roleplay Dice (MSRP $14.95) mit 14 speziellen Zufallsgeneratoren voraussichtlich im April erscheinen. (via ICv2)

Man muss kein Hellseher sein, aber das Spiel wird garantiert ein Hit.

Ich verstehe es nicht, aber was finden die Leute an dieser durchkommerzialisierten, Ariel-reinen und gebügelten Weltraum-Seifenoper-Fantasy? Nostalgie? When will Howard the Duck and Mickey Mouse strike back? May the Force Money be with them.

Star Wars: Edge of the Empire product page by Fantasy Flight Games


Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls: ‚The Old Elf Teacher Explains It All‘ by Ken St. Andre

Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls, I am a huge fan of the game. I asked the creator Ken St. Andre for an interview, which I plan to release next weekend. Watch out!

Here is a teaser story by the creator himself:

The Old Elf Teacher Explains It All

The Old Elf settled on a comfortable hummock of moss and made the tongue cluck that meant, „Pay attention now“.  His ancientness showed in his long long nose, his long long ears, and his long long white beard.  The younger elves gathered in front of him and waited for him to speak.

„Today, younglings, we will learn about the gods.“

„But Grandfather, there are no gods, just Great Wizards.  That is what we have always been told.“

„And I ask you, what is the real difference between a Great Wizard, and a god?“  No one had an answer for that.  „These are the beings in Trollworld who have made themselves into gods.  Listen and learn!“

They waited expectantly.

„Greatest of the gods is Ohtariel, the God of the Sun (called Bhanu in Old High Elven). He brings life and warmth to the world, and frightens monsters and destroys them. In the morning, he rises to glory; in the afternoon, he sinks into defeat, and retires to an island in the west where he sleeps, recovering his strength to fight the great battle again on the following day. Those well versed in the lore of the sun associate him with Khazan-Ohtariel-Khazan, the great Elvish wizard who united the Six Good Kindreds and formed the Empire of Khazan. For centuries, Khazan reigned in his city in the Dragon’s Mouth, bringing a golden age to the land while the monster kindred hid in the wastelands. He overthrew the Ogres of Tharothar. He organized the wizards into a great guild that regulated the working of magic in the land. He defended the land from the depredation of Zweetz, the evil bird-serpent god. But in the end, he grew weak, and was defeated by Lerotra’hh, Goddess of Death and Night, and the monster kindred. Then Khazan withdrew into the hidden island in the sea where he now sleeps, leaving the land in spiritual darkness. One day he will rise again to bless the world with a new morning of hope. In the meantime, he shows his power and love in the daily light of the sun, which fights many battles with darkness and with storm, and always sets and leaves the world in shadow, yet always rises again to bring new hope to it. This is the legend of Ohtariel, also known as Khazan. “
– Ken St. Andre, creator of Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls

Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls Kickstarter