
World of Darkness – Deluxe Hunters Hunted II: An interview with Justin Achilli

Deluxe Hunters Hunted II: Stake the Vampire (The Onyx Path)

Deluxe Hunters Hunted II: Stake the Vampire (The Onyx Path)

Deluxe Hunters Hunted II, currently there is a Kickstarter for a new edition of this classic World of Darkness title. The author Justin Achilli states in the following interview that many followers of the classic World of Darkness are coming back with the remake of Vampire: The Masquerade (V20). I can only speak for myself, but I am going back to the machinations of the Camarilla and the Sabbat. As in the olden days I am reviving my hunt for some prey in dark back alleys. Wait, there is someone. Who hunts here whom? I hope you like the interview and join our sinister hunt. Hello Justin Achilli, please share a bit about yourself and your gaming experiences.
Justin AchilliJustin Achilli: I’ve been playing games for decades and making them for almost as long. For me, games are hanging out with other people and getting to know them through the choices they make. To that end, I’ve gravitated toward multiplayer games over the course of my career, and they’re what I enjoy most when I play. You are the man behind the upcoming Deluxe Hunters Hunted II. Give us an elevator pitch about the book.
Justin AchilliJustin Achilli: HHII lets players step back into the role of mortals, particularly those mortals who have learned the horrible secret of the Kindred but won’t simply give up their world without a fight. Put the vampires in their place. What should a fan read, watch or listen to get in the right mood for hunting hunters?
Justin AchilliJustin Achilli: Anything that puts the player in the mood to fight back against unfair odds. Hunters Hunted II is about standing against a threat even when (and because) the deck is stacked against you. Whatever gets your blood up — that’s the emotional response Hunters Hunted II aims to create.

Deluxe Hunters Hunted II: Arcance Library (The Onyx Path)

Deluxe Hunters Hunted II: Arcance Library (The Onyx Path) What is the difference to previous editions or better, what makes it special for you and for the fans. I think many fans own the original edition.
Justin AchilliJustin Achilli: The tone of the book really focuses on the hunter’s lonely path, and the fact that he has to trust these other hunters, who themselves have suffered some scarring, momentous interaction with the Damned, to help him bring down the conspiracy of the night. I think it heightens the previous versions themes a bit, while also increasing the tension of the cooperative goal. For example, there are new systems for planning an action against the undead, and for working with other hunters to get the finer aspects of the hunt correct. Why this book and not another one – like a new campaign setting or a book about the mysterious Inconnu? The focus for the new Vampire: The Masquerade (V20) line
seems to be on reissues. I think there is still enough room for new material.
Justin AchilliJustin Achilli: There’s a ton of room for new material, and I think that’s where the bulk of Onyx Path’s efforts will lie, going forward. But in the interests of revisiting some classic titles and updating them, the hunters definitely have a place in the rejuvenated World of Darkness. I also think they’re generally an underused presence in stories about the Kindred, who really should fear the mortal world, to a degree. That’s the keystone of the Masquerade, of course. What is your perspective on the Vampire/World of Darkness community. In Germany the World of Darkness „died“ for many fans with the end of the classic version.
Personally, I know nobody who followed White Wolf to the new the World of Darkness. A few bought some books, but „all“ stayed in the old world or left it completely for foreign horizons.
Justin AchilliJustin Achilli: We’ve really seen the „classic“ community come back to the fold since releasing V20, as evidenced by the three (and hopefully more!) fully funded Kickstarters for Masquerade game books. They’re tremendously supportive — they help at every level, from getting the books funded to finding errors in the preproduction text, to playing the game and keeping Vampire alive! Er, undead. I think the game really hits two notes for people. The first is the fun of storytelling, which the game first explored in 1991, but the second is that kind of „one more time around the block“ feel, since the game has been out of print for so long and new material is only now available again. If you had to choose one book (except core rules), which book does every Vampire: The Masquerade fan need and which the Vampire: The Requiem fan?
Justin AchilliJustin Achilli: The Book of Nod, hands down, for both Vampire versions. It’s the extremely emotive central pillar of a millennias-long secret war among the Damned and their many factions. Even if you go for the more personal, introspective route, the weight of history and the magnitude of its Biblical origins make for a breathtaking setting (even if you’re using some other point of origin for the Kindred).

Deluxe Hunters Hunted II: Banish the Vampire (The Onyx Path)

Deluxe Hunters Hunted II: Banish the Vampire (The Onyx Path) What is your next project after the Deluxe Hunters Hunted II? Maybe you have a dream project …
Justin AchilliJustin Achilli: I’m on Anarchs Unbound now, which is a chance to bring the wayward Kindred who the Camarilla thinks are a fractious subsect of their own and really turn them into a vibrant sect that’s relevant to the 21st century. As to a dream project, the Onyx Path schedule gives me a lot of leeway to explore what I’d like and that hopefully interests players, whether it’s a Vampire title or something else. Everything has some element of a dream project, or I wouldn’t do it, since OPP really lets us be our own bosses and evangelize the titles we like best. Finally, some fun and quick questions. We start with: Role playing is …
Justin AchilliJustin Achilli: Multiple people taking a single person’s cues and turning them into a shared, exciting story. Classic or New World of Darkness?
Justin AchilliJustin Achilli: Either, for different reasons. Classic, if I want to tell a story in a well-established world and in which I want to use the weight of the institutions to color the story — the sects and clans and even the world are characters unto themselves. New World of Darkness if I want to build something from scratch to tell a custom tale, since it’s more of a toolbox than a fully defined setting. What is your favorite clan (Covenant)? Clan Giovanni, you wrote a novel about them?
Justin AchilliJustin Achilli: The Ventrue! They own everything, and everything happens because they allow it. Camarilla, Sabbat, Anarchs, Inconnu, or?
Justin AchilliJustin Achilli: At one time, I was a die-hard Camarilla advocate. Over time, I think I’ve seen my allegiances shift to more of an Anarch philosophy, or, in certain cases, to be relevant to the Tal’mahe’Ra.

Deluxe Hunters Hunted II: Shadows in the Archive (The Onyx Path)

Deluxe Hunters Hunted II: Shadows in the Archive (The Onyx Path) You prefer Gamemaster or player?
Justin AchilliJustin Achilli: It depends on the situation. When I want to do the worldbuilding and watch the player choices affect the outcomes, I’m definitely interest in gamemastering. On the other hand, I love being a guest in another storyteller’s world and messing with the scenery and other players, so I love playing, too. I like being a player to change the world; I like being a gamemaster to make the world. Bela Lugosi’s Dead (Bauhaus) or She Lost Control (Joy Division) and which music do use for your games?
Justin AchilliJustin Achilli: That’s not an either/ or question for me. I think Vampire benefits from having a wide musical library. The goth classics certainly have their place, but I try to highlight the breadth of personalities in a Vampire story with musical experiences that complement them. For example, I have a Spotify playlist for Vampire here: Succubus Club Rotation. What are the key ingredients for a great game?
Justin AchilliJustin Achilli: Tension, the ability for the player (not necessarily the character) to improve his ability to affect the world, the ability to set one’s own goals, and a sense of relating to the game environment. A design tip for established or upcoming game developers and authors?
Justin AchilliJustin Achilli: WRITE IT. Everyone has an idea for a game, but an idea isn’t a game. Buckle down and make the damned thing! Creation is the ultimate expression. Don’t be worried about perfection in systems or settings for your rough draft — that comes during development, so the faster you can get to a playable prototype, the faster you can get to refining in practice as opposed to theory. What is your favorite role playing game of all time and in recent years? (Maybe there is something else beside the World of Darkness?)
Justin AchilliJustin Achilli: I still play classic D&D and Pathfinder frequently, depending on my mood. Fantasy gaming will always be the one who asked me to the dance, as it were, but Vampire will always be the one I love best. Do you know Ken Hites Night’s Black Agents (Pelgrane Press) and what do you think about this alternative Vampire hunting approach?
Justin AchilliJustin Achilli: I really dig it. Ken sent me a copy and it immediately made me dive into his reference material and imagine vampires behind the scenes. Since I work at Red Storm (along with fellow WW alumnus Richard Dansky), I’m surrounded by a lot of similar techno- and military thriller subject matter, so it’s right up my alley. Favorite game designer and/or artist?
Justin AchilliJustin Achilli: For art, I love Tim Bradstreet’s gritty urban fantasy and Larry MacDougall’s unbridled sense of wonder. For game design, I don’t know if I have a favorite. So much of RPGs relies on the storyteller that it’s case by case. I do prefer games with less randomness. For board or card games, for example, I like knowing that when I take an action, I can expect a certain result. That way, the interesting part of the game happens when I and the other players contest or combine those effect, as opposed to hoping for a beneficial die roll or card draw. I like Puerto Rico more than Settlers of Catan, for example. I get the best ideas for my games when … or I am most creative when … ?
Justin AchilliJustin Achilli: This may sound weird, but I have some of my clearest thinking in the shower. I’m usually a pretty structured guy — I like being on time to work, and leaving on time, and setting up a specific portion of the day for analysis and insight, but for some reason, lightning bolts tend to hit me in the head when I’m in the shower. If you’re an inventor, create a waterproof notebook or iPad and I’ll buy one! Thank you, Justin Achilli. Anything else you want to share with the fans?
Justin AchilliJustin Achilli: Thanks for playing! It’s the single greatest reward a designer can have, to know that people are using what he makes to share time with their friends.

Deluxe Hunters Hunted II Kickstarter
Succubus Club Rotation by Justin Achilli (Spotify)
The Onyx Path Publishing
Justin Achili-Homepage

All images provided by The Onyx Path Publishing. Used with permission (08 February 2013).


Offizielle Stellungnahme: „Games Workshop and the protection of our trademarks“

Games Workshop versucht sich mit der gestern über ihre englische Facebook-Webseite veröffentlichen Stellungnahme aus der „Space Marine“-Affäre zu ziehen:

„Games Workshop owns and protects many valuable trademarks in a number of territories and classes across the world. For example, ‚Warhammer‘ and ‚Space Marine‘ are registered trademarks in a number of classes and territories. In some other territories and classes they are unregistered trademarks protected by commercial use. Whenever we are informed of, or otherwise discover, a commercially available product whose title is or uses a Games Workshop trademark without our consent, we have no choice but to take reasonable action.  We would be failing in our duty to our shareholders if we did not protect our property.


To be clear, Games Workshop has never claimed to own words or phrases such as ‚warhammer‘ or  ’space marine‘ as regards their general use in everyday life, for example within a body of prose. By illustration, although Games Workshop clearly owns many registered trademarks for the Warhammer brand, we do not claim to own the word ‚warhammer‘ in common use as a hand weapon.


Trademarks as opposed to use of a word in prose or everyday language are two very different things. Games Workshop is always vigilant in protecting the former, but never makes any claim to owning the latter.“
Games Workshop and the protection of our trademarks

Interessanterweise steht der Roman Spots the Space Marine: Defense of the Fiddler von M.C.A. Hogarth mittlerweile wieder bei Amazon im Programm.

Es obliegt selbstredend jedem Einzeln selbst, ob und wie man sein Konsumverhalten hinterfragt und steuert, aber ein Besuch in einem „brainwashed“ Laden von Games Workshop zeigt immer wieder, mit welchen manipulativen und offensiven Mitteln dort gearbeitet wird. Zumindest im Hobbybereich kenne ich nichts Vergleichbares.

Games Workshop (Facebook)
Spots the Space Marine: Defense of the Fiddler via


Mutant Chronicles 3rd Edition Roleplaying Game announced by Modiphius Entertainment

Modiphius Entertainment kündigen sowohl auf ihrer Webseite als auch über Facebook das kommende Mutant Chronicles 3rd Edition Roleplaying Game an. Die Produktseite des Verlags erlaubt es Interessenten, sich unmittelbar für einen Newsletter zum Rollenspiel anzumelden.

Bedauerlicherweise fehlen gegenwärtig weitere Informationen, aber hoffen wir, dass sich der relativ neue Verlag nicht an Achtung! Cthulhu und seinen anderen Aktivitäten verschluckt.

Angemessene Alternativen zu den Spielen des unsympathischen Herstellers aus Nottingham beziehungsweise seinem Lizenznehmer und “Gesinnungsgenossen” Fantasy Flight Games sind in Anbetracht der zumindest zwiespältigen Geschäftspolitik auf jeden Fall zu begrüßen.

Es mag eine Frage des bevorzugten Spielstils sein, doch die Spielsysteme der Rollenspiele im Universum von Warhammer 40.000 sind euphemistisch ausgedrückt ungelenk, suboptimal und mehr als verbesserungswürdig. Der Spielhintergrund im Zusammenhang mit der immer wieder gezeigten Geschäftsmoral bedarf an dieser Stelle hoffentlich keines weiteren Kommentars.

Wer die Rechte hat, muss nicht kausal im Recht sein. (Yes, this might be “crimethink” for you. Ignorance is not always bliss.)

Modiphius Entertainment


Games Workshop: BBC News greift die „Space Marine“-Kritik renommierter Schriftsteller auf

BBC News Technology: Row blows up over ownership of ’space marine‘ term greift die aktuelle Diskussion auf und dokumentiert unter anderem die kritische Position der bekannten Schriftsteller Cory Doctorow, Charles Stross und John Scalzi.

In einem Blogbeitrag bezeichnete John Scalzi, gegenwärtiger President of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, den Rechtsanspruch des Unternehmens im Zusammenhang mit Literatur als „absurd“. Dieser Begriff wurde bereits lange Zeit vor den Spielzeugsoldaten und Tabletop-Spielen von Games Workshop allgemein genutzt.

Ein unabhängiger Jurist geht davon aus, dass das registrierte Trademark für „Space Marines“ in den Vereinigten Staaten schwerlich durchzusetzen sei.

Games Workshop kann jedoch auch in Europa eine ähnliche Kampagne starten. Dass entsprechende Trademark im Zusammenhang mit Video-, Tabletops und darüber hinaus für andere Publikationen besteht seit 1995.

Welcher Normalbürger hat den Willen, die finanzielle Kraft und das Potenzial sich gegen einen derartigen und professionellen Übergriff auf Sprache beziehungsweise Kultur zu wehren?  Alleine die Androhung dürfte in den allermeisten Fällen genügen.

EN World veröffentlichte gestern einen alten Artikel aus dem Hausmagazin White Dwarf (White Dwarf #5, Februar1978), worin Ian Livingstone, Mitbegründer von Games Workshop, das strikte Durchsetzen von Copyrights kritisiert. Der Verfasser arbeitet nicht mehr für die immer wieder juristisch auffallende Spieleschmiede.

Von Schriftstellern und Spieledesignern wird der Anspruch spürbar kritisiert, während auf der Konsumentenseite zumindest eine vokale Fraktion die Situation als unbedeutend bewertet. Ihrer Position folgend, gibt es wichtigere Wirtschaftskräfte, die zu hinterfragen sind.

Ich sehe dies ein wenig anders. Weil die Großen Alten, die Mächtigen (Apple, Google, Microsoft, Monsanto, Nestlé, etc.) viel schlimmer sind, ignoriere ich nicht die heiklen Fragestellungen vor meiner Haustür oder in meinem Spieleregal. Mein Rechtsempfinden endet nicht am Spieltisch. Die leichtfertige Auseinandersetzung mit bedenklichen Geschäftsmethoden im Hobby-Umfeld halte ich für kurzsichtig.

Wo zieht man die Grenze?

BBC News Technology: Row blows up over ownership of ’space marine‘ term
Blogbeitrag von John Scalzi
EN World-NewsWhite Dwarf-Artikel über Copyrights von Ian Livingstone


Dragon Age, Whil Wheaton & The 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Sourcebooks – subscription deal

Cubicle 7 feiern den 50. Geburtstag der weltberühmten Fernsehserie auf ihre Weise. Sie veröffentlichen eine Serie von Quellenbüchern zum Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space RPG. Vom ersten bis zum aktuell 11. Doctor Who widmet sich jede Rollenspielerweiterung den Abenteuern einer Inkarnation des Doctors, seinen Freunden, seinen Widersachern und seinen Gadgets.

Der Gesamtpreis für die 11-teilige Reihe liegt normalerweise bei $385/£264 plus Shipping. Der Abonnementpreis beträgt $315/£216 plus Shipping. Der Preisvorteil beläuft sich somit auf $70/£48 – demnach sind 2 Bücher quasi „umsonst“!

Wil Wheaton „outet“ sich in der neuen Folge Dragon Age – Gag Reel – TableTop ep. 19 als Fan von Star Trek und Doctor Who. Sein Morgenmantel und seine Kaffeetasse ergeben für ihn sein tägliches Crossover der beiden Kultserien. Sehen wir bald eine entsprechende Folge seiner Webshow Tabletop?

Cubicle 7: The 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who Sourcebooks – subscription deal
Dragon Age – Gag Reel – TableTop ep. 19


IDW kündigen Dungeons & Dragons: Cutter für April 2013 an

IDW Publishing kündigen für April die 5-teilige Comic-Miniserie Dungeons & Dragons: Cutter von R.A. und Geno Salvatore an. Steve Ellis wird die Cover besteuern, während David Baldeon das Artwork übernimmt. Bei diesen Autoren dreht sich die Geschichte erwartungskonform um Dunkelfen/Drows  und ein magisches Schwert.

„When the battle-hardened Drow renegade Tos’un must choose an heir to his legacy, his half-Drow son Tierflin and daughter Doum’weille become locked in vicious competition. But what will the prize, the bloodthirsty sword Khazid’hea, have to say on the matter?“
IDW Publishing announcement

IDW Publishing


Dinosaurs of the Lost Valley via Kickstarter

Dinosaurs of the Lost Valley, Jeff Dee und Talzhemir Mrr finanzieren das Artwork und ihren Quellenband Dinosaurs of the Lost Valley für das Cavemaster – the Stone Age RPG von UNIgames über Kickstarter. Der Titel verrät, worum es geht: Dinosaurier!

„Exquisite dinosaur artwork by Jeff Dee and Talzhemir, and a dinosaur sourcebook for Cavemaster(tm) – the Stone Age RPG!
The canyon is a mysterious place, lush and green. Unfamiliar sounds reach you through the mists. Looking about, there are plants you only recognize because you have seen fossils. Suddenly, an impossibly large creature steps out from the palms and cycads. The hairs on your forearms and nape prickle.

It towers over you, three times your height.  Its weight is measured in tons, not pounds.  It welcomes you to the Lost Valley with a rumbling roar that you feel from your collarbones to the soles of your feet.“
Dinosaurs of the Lost Valley product description

Dinosaurs of the Lost Valley-Kickstarter


Margaret Weis Productions: Cortex Plus Hacker’s Guide via Kickstarter

Margaret Weis Productions: Cortex Plus Hacker’s Guide, die letzten 48h der Crowdfunding-Aktion von Margaret Weis Productions sind angebrochen. Das Cortex Plus System konnte letzthin besonders durch das Marvel Heroic Roleplaying auf sich aufmerksam machen.

Das Cortex Plus Hacker’s Guide erweitert den Horizont des Spiels mit neuen Regelvarianten und Hintergründen.

„An anthology of ways to use Cortex Plus from MWP’s award-winning Leverage & Smallville RPGs: hacks, settings, and options!
For years, fans have enjoyed games powered by Margaret Weis Productions’ award-winning Cortex Plus system. From the embroiled teenaged drama powered by Smallville to the high-tech heist hijinks of Leverage, and the comic book action of Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, the community has embraced these games and made them their own. Many have taken the rules from each licensed game and adapted them to a wide variety of settings, genres, and play styles.“
Margaret Weis Productions: Cortex Plus Hacker’s Guide product description

Margaret Weis Productions: Cortex Plus Hacker’s Guide-Kickstarter


Game of Thrones: Animated Night’s Watch & Alchemists‘ Guild Histories

Game of Thrones, die dritte Staffel von HBO steht vor der Tür und die 2. Serienfortsetzung wird zumindest im englischen Sprachraum bald auf Blu-ray und DVD erscheinen.

Vorab gibt es über die Historie von Westeros zwei animierte Teaser für die Fans von George R. R. Martins Ein Lied von Eis und Feuer.

History of the Alchemists‘ Guild
The Night’s Watch History

Zumindest die Blu-rays von Season 2 werden 14 dieser Vorstellungen enthalten.

Wenngleich ich die Bücher bevorzuge, gehört für mich die Interpretation des amerikanischen Bezahlsenders HBO nichtsdestotrotz zu den Fantasy-Filmen überhaupt. Überdies geben die Animationen sehr gut die Stimmung der Erzählung wieder. Anregendes Material für Rollenspieler. (via

Game of Thrones (HBO)
History of the Alchemists‘ Guild (Teaser on Youtube)
The Night’s Watch Histors (Teaser on Youtube)


The Gnome Stew – The Game Mastering Blog

The Gome Stew – The Game Mastering Blog veröffentlicht seit 2008 Tipps und Ratschläge für Spielleiter (DM, GM, SL, etc.). Immerhin konnte das zurzeit täglich aktualisierte Angebot mehrere Gold (2012) und Silver ENnies (2010, 2011) in der Kategorie „Bestes Blog“ gewinnen.

Überdies veröffentlichten sie mit Never Unprepared: The Complete Game Master’s Guide to Session Prep, Masks: 1,000 Memorable NPCs for Any Roleplaying Game und Eureka: 501 Adventure Plots to Inspire Game Masters drei zumindest für mich nützliche Spielhilfen in elektronischer und traditioneller Buchform.

Seit ein paar Tagen abonniere ich ihren Newsletter. Nicht immer stimme ich den Redakteuren oder zu. Ich denke, wie Ken St. Andre in seinem Interview sagte, dass durch Ablehnung, Abgrenzung oder besser Hinterfragen das Lernen erleichtert wird und neue Ideen entstehen.

Einen Großteil der Thesen kann ich gut nachvollziehen. Demzufolge empfehle ich an dieser Stelle gerne das Tagwerk der Gnome.

PS: Ein – unabhängiger – Abenteuerspiele- und Blogpreis hier in Deutschland wäre doch eine feine Sache.

The Gome Stew – The Game Mastering Blog