
Transhuman RPGs: Nova Praxis released & Farcast – An Eclipse Phase Yearblog

´Nova Praxis (Andree Wallin, Void Star)

Nova Praxis (Andree Wallin, Void Star)

Void Star. Der Verlag von Mike McConnell veröffentlichte gestern die finale Version des transhumanistischen Fate-Rollenspiels Nova Praxis [Augmented PDF]. DrivethruRPG bietet gegenwärtig die elektronische Ausgabe dieser Zukunftsvision für 9,99 $ an.

Keine Variante des Wegbereiters von Evil Hat erreicht das Präsentationsniveau von Nova Praxis.

Doch wer denkt außen hui, innen pfui, der irrt. Zurzeit würde ich das Spiel als eine gelungene Melange aus Mass Effect, Takeshi Kovacs (Richard Morgan), Ghost in the Shell und George Orwells 1984 zusammenfassen.

Farcast – An Eclipse Phase Yearblog. Jeden Tag werden dort rund 500 Worte über Artefakte, Lokationen, Morphs, Nichtspielerfiguren, Organisationen, Technologien oder andere Ideen für Spieler und Spielleiter des transhumanistischen Rollenspiels Eclipse Phase von Posthuman Studios veröffentlicht.

Leider weckten die Ankündigungen im Vorfeld zu große Erwartungen, die nicht erfüllt wurden. Der hölzerne Hintergrund und das schwerfällige prozentbasierte Spielsystem machen dieses Rollenspiel für mich nahezu unbrauchbar. Farcast hält nichtsdestotrotz einige vielversprechende Spielansätze vor.

Eclipse Phase kann von Genrefans aufgrund der thematischen Nähe leicht mit Nova Praxis verknüpft werden. (via Oliver G.)

Images: Void Star


Freeport for the Pathfinder RPG: An interview with Chris Pramas

Freeport: The City of Adventure for the Pathfinder RPG. Since the first d20 module, Death in Freeport, I want to invest in this setting full of pirates, cultists and snake people.

I really like the second edition of the Warhammer RPG, the Dragon Age RPG and the A Song of Ice and Fire RPG, but never was a fan of Dungeons & Dragons, d20 or the so popular Pathfinder RPG.

A few weeks ago Green Ronin launched the Kickstarter for Freeport: The City of Adventure for the Pathfinder RPG.
Despite a full convention calendar and other obligations Chris Pramas, founder of Green Ronin, took some time and answered my questions about the Kickstarter and other attracting Green Ronin RPG projects.

Freeport: The City of Adventure for the Pathfinder RPG: Original covers (Green Ronin)

Freeport: The City of Adventure for the Pathfinder RPG: Original covers (Green Ronin) Hello, Chris Pramas, please introduce yourself and tell us about your gaming experiences.
Chris PramasChris Pramas: I am the founder and president of Green Ronin Publishing, the creator of Freeport: The City of Adventure, and the designer of such RPGs as Dragon Age and Warhamer Fantasy Roleplay, 2nd Edition.
I got into gaming in 1979, when I was 10 years. Like many people, my first game was Dungeons & Dragons. I naturally started to read Dragon Magazine and that was my entry point to the wider world of hobby games. I read about other RPGs, wargames, miniatures games, and so on, and that began a journey of exploration that continues to this day. My friends joke that I’m a hoarder because my home office became non-functional about 7 years ago. It’s too stuffed full of games and miniatures for me to actually work in there anymore! How would you briefly describe Freeport to a new customer or fan?
Chris PramasChris Pramas: Freeport is an island city that can be dropped into any fantasy campaign setting. It’s built on the rement of a great serpentman empire, and has pirates, cults, and plenty of other adventuring fun. Freeport is a great home base for a group of PCs because there’s plenty to do in the city itself, plus it’s easy for the players to have nautical adventures as well. What makes the Freeport setting special?
Chris PramasChris Pramas: My basic idea was to take classic fantasy setting elements and combine them with pirates and Lovecraftian horror. It’s a pretty unique mix that allows for adventures of many different types. You can do Call of Cthulhu style investigations, dungeon crawls, swashbuckling nautical stories and more. Green Ronin has its own game systems – like the widely accepted AGE engine from the Dragon Age RPG and also announced a Freeport Companion for Fate Core. Why do you offer now Freeport: The City of Adventure for the Pathfinder RPG on Kickstarter?
Chris PramasChris Pramas: Freeport was created at the dawn of the d20 era. At GenCon 2000, the D&D 3E Player’s Handbook came out and so did my Death in Freeport adventure. For many years, Freeport was a specifically d20 city, though we later broadened it out to other systems as well.
We decided to make this a Pathfinder project because we want to bring Freeport back, and we thought the largest concentration of our fanbase was now playing Pathfinder. The 512-page full color hardback for the Freeport city setting will include new locations, new NPCs, new monsters, and new adventures, powered by the Pathfinder rules. Can you say a bit more about the book?
Chris PramasChris Pramas: We’re basically starting with the previous core book, The Pirate’s Guide to Freeport, and revising and expanding it. So it’s basically all the stuff people liked about Freeport, but more of it. Since we are doing the system and setting in one book, we can do things like include good-sized starter adventure right inside.
The other thing is that we’re committing to doing this is a full color back from the outset. Since previous Freeport books had small color sections at best, this means we’ll be commissioning a huge amount of brand new color art. Really, I just want this to be the Freeport book I always dreamed about.

Freeport: The City of Adventure for the Pathfinder RPG: Original covers (Green Ronin)

Freeport: The City of Adventure for the Pathfinder RPG: Original covers (Green Ronin) This project is a collaboration with the Fiery Dragon company. Who are they and what is the reasoning for this division of work?
Chris PramasChris Pramas: Fiery Dragon is another company that came out of the d20 boom. They were part of White Wolf’s Sword & Sorcery studio for many years, and did some very cool stuff. I knew that with our existing commitments, it would be difficult to get a book of this size done with my staff alone so partnering up with someone seemed like a natural idea. We’ve been friends with the Fiery Dragons guys for over a decade now and we like their work, so they were the first company I approached.

A Song of Ice and Fire RPG: Night's Watch (Slawomir Maniak, Green Ronin)

A Song of Ice and Fire RPG: Night’s Watch (Slawomir Maniak, Green Ronin) Green Ronin announced supplements for the licensed RPGs A Song of Ice and Fire and Dragon Age. The fans eagerly wait for the Dragon Age Set 3 and more Game of Thrones stuff. Any news regarding these game lines?
Chris PramasChris Pramas: Ice and Fire fans just got the Night’s Watch sourcebook. It’s a great book that gives you two new ways to play the game. Instead of creating a noble house to be the center of your campaign, you can create a Night’s Watch castle on the Wall or a Wildling village beyond it. Next up is a starter set. We want to give new fans of the books and show an easy entry point to the RPG, so the starter set will a lot more newb friendly than our big core rulebook.
For Dragon Age, work on Set 3 continues but is getting to the end at last. I hired a new developer for the line, Jack Norris, and that was been a huge help. Green Ronin also indicated a new, not licensed fantasy game with the AGE engine. Any news or can we expect more details before Gen Con this year?
Chris PramasChris Pramas: Yes, we should announce it at or before GenCon.
How do you perceive the hobby community and industry at the moment?
Chris PramasChris Pramas: I sometimes joke that the game industry is the real “grim world of perilous adventure,” but these are interesting times. I feel like we might be beginning a RPG renaissance. Next year is D&D’s 40th anniversary, so that’s going to put roleplaying in the public eye. We’ve also the rise of nerd culture to the mainstream over the past decade and the things like Felicia Day’s Geek & Sundry channel and Wil Wheaton’s TableTop show. I hope I’m right! Finally, some fun and quick questions. We start with: Role playing is …
Chris PramasChris Pramas: The most fun you can have with your pants on.
Ferelden, Westeros or the Old World?
Chris PramasChris Pramas: As in, which one do I like best or which one would I like to live in? For the former, I’m going to say the Old World. I have such a long history with it and doing WFRP2 was a dream project. I wouldn’t want to live there or in Westeros though. Ferelden seems like the better bet. There’s only a Blight every few hundred years. :) Favorite Superhero?
Chris PramasChris Pramas: I guess John Constantine doesn’t really count as a superhero. My recent fave has been Captain America. I’ve been reading Ed Brubaker’s run on Cap and it’s terrific. You prefer Gamemaster or player?
Chris PramasChris Pramas: I love to play but I usually end up game mastering.
What are the key ingredients for a great game?
Chris PramasChris Pramas: A good game should have a clear concept, be easy to get into, reward repeat play, and above all be fun to play. Ideally, it should also add something new to what’s come before. A design tip for established or upcoming game developers?
Chris PramasChris Pramas: Hit your deadlines. If you just do that, you can get plenty of work.
What is your favorite role playing game of all time and in recent years?
Chris PramasChris Pramas: Pendragon stands as my all-time favorite. It such an amazing piece of work.
The recent game that most screamed “play me” when I read it was Icons. This is sort of cheating in that designer Steve Kenson works for me but Green Ronin did not publish Icons and has no stake it. It’s all Steve and Icons is a great light superhero RPG. What is your favorite board and/or video game of all time and in recent years?
Chris PramasChris Pramas: I love Avalon Hill games. They are my wargaming roots and I’d say the original Squad Leader is still my favorite. More recently, I love Richard Borg’s Command & Colors system. It powers a bunch of different games from different manufacturers and they are all worth getting. I’ve played the WWII version, Memoir ’44, the most. Command & Colors Ancients, Battle Cry, and the recently released Samurai Battles are just as good.
I am a slut for BioWare’s video games. My all-time favorite is still the original Knights of the Old Republic. Recently, Dragon Age: Origins. I played through it six times and that wasn’t just for research. Favorite game designer and/or artist?
Chris PramasChris Pramas: My favorite RPG designer is Greg Stafford, who not only designed Pendragon but so much other great stuff over the years. Of recent designers, the one most after my own heart is Rob Schwalb. He worked for me for many years and is now working for WotC on the new edition of D&D.
I can’t really pick a favorite artist. Too many great ones to narrow it down! I get the best ideas for my games when … or I am most creative when … ?
Chris PramasChris Pramas: …I’m in the shower or on a long drive.
Thank you, Chris Pramas. Anything else you want to share with the fans?
Chris PramasChris Pramas: We’ve got two weeks left on the Freeport Kickstarter. If any of your readers can help spread the word that would be awesome. Thanks!

By the way: I never expected some of the answers. John Constantine is coolest „superhero“ ever and Ed Brubaker’s Criminal is a must-read for any comic reader.

Pathfinder might not be my style, but many other gamers love this game. Hopefully the stars are right now and Freeport wakes up and rises with your help.

Images: Green Ronin


The Future Belongs To Us RPG: Pre-Order / No Kickstarter Yet!

The Future Belongs To Us: Player's Guide (Ataraxy Publishing)

The Future Belongs To Us: Player’s Guide (Ataraxy Publishing)

Ataraxy Publishing. Der Verlag kündigte zum 22. April 2013 das neue Science Fiction-Rollenspiel The Future Belongs To Us an.

Die Webseite zeigt sich bis dato bedauerlicherweise wenig ergiebig. Die Frage, worum geht es eigentlich, wird dort unzureichend beantwortet. Eine direkte Anfrage beim hilfsbereiten Herausgeber ergab allerdings folgende Produktbeschreibung:

„The game world has self driving flying cars that can be summoned to you, three orbital space stations that characters can sneak onto, humanoid robots, new animals that have been created through genetic engineering, fabricators that can create equipment for you from base materials, endoputers inside of your body powered by body heat and kinetics, invisibility clothing, cling gloves that allow you to climb up walls and ceilings, nanomesh armor, powered suits that can become autonomous when no one is wearing them, flying surveillance cameras, infrasonic handguns, adhesive mind reading devices, holographic home computers, and many more fantastic elements.


There are various groups of varying influence that play a role in the game world. The Hardbodies are a powerful gang/crime syndicate that have largely marginalized all others. The government either can not or does not do much to contain their behaviors. The UNE is an overarching global government that oversees all individual nations and supplies police and military forces to „keep the peace“. Unfortunately, usually it is ordinary people that are handled by the UNE forces and not more dangerous threats. A large number of cults of personality have arisen with followers claiming to witness impossible miracles from individual „Mystics“. Many of these claims are unverified, but they are becoming harder to deny. There is another organization known as „The Brotherhood“ by people who believe in them. This group is largely based on myth and speculation, and very little is known about them. However, many believe them to be a collective of power brokers that actually control world events. The player characters are part of a loose confederation of liberty oriented people known as the Freedom Underground. They largely operate independently or as part of cells to achieve what they personally consider important objectives. By and large they serve to bring justice to ordinarily people where others have failed them.


The Future Belongs To Us features a completely original set of game mechanics called the DiceLight system. One fascinating element of this system is the ability for players to choose how they want to defend against attacks including dodging, blocking, evasion, countermoves, and preemption. Unlike other RPGs, players actually do all the dice rolling so that the GM can focus on describing what is going on and telling the story.


The game has been praised for being able to seamlessly fluctuate between a heavy combat and strategy game on one hand, to a heavily story driven system, depending on who’s running it or who’s playing in it, and it doesn’t really feel like it suffers from being too integrated into one mindset.“
The Future Belongs To Us product description

Cyberpunk? Akira? Cybergeneration? Underground? Aus den verfügbaren Informationen wird man nicht so recht schlau, aber das angedeutete mysteriöse Setting liest sich spannend.

Kann es sein, dass die Zukunft nach der noch immer andauernden Fantasy-Welle mit bourgeoisen Halblingen und dunklen Intrigenreichen wieder verstärkt in den Fokus der Nerds und Geeks rückt?

Sofern die hoffentlich bald ausgedienten Star Trek/Star Wars-Franchises endlich mal Ruhe geben, soll es mir recht sein.

Sollte das angekündigte Rollenspiel überzeugen, dann kann sich The Future Belongs To Us meinetwegen gerne bewahrheiten.

Im Übrigen sind Frauen mit blauen Haaren wesentlich attraktiver als kleine grüne Männlein, die Yoga-Weisheiten im Universum verbreiten.


Game of Thrones Season 3: Trailer #2

Game of Thrones, HBO erhöht die Schlagzahl der Trailer erheblich. Der zweite „No Mercy“-Trailer zeigt einige neue Szenen.

„Seven kingdoms united in fear of Tywin Lannister“
Tyrion Lannister in the Trailer #2 („No Mercy“)


Pathfinder RPG – Thunderscape: The World of Aden via Kickstarter

Thunderscape: The World of Aden Campaign Setting (Diego Gisbert Llorens)

Thunderscape: The World of Aden Campaign Setting (Diego Gisbert Llorens)

Thunderscape: The World of Aden, die Kickstarter-Kampagne von Shawn Carman erweckt diese fantastisch-industrielle Spielwelt voller Magie und Schrecken für das Pathfinder RPG wieder zum Leben.

Thunderscape wurde Mitte der 90er durch zwei Computerspiele, drei Romane und schließlich zwei Rollenspielerweiterungen von West End Games erstmals vorgestellt.

Bis zum 12. April 2013 benötigt das Projekt mindestens 8000 $.

„A setting and mechanics sourcebook for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, set in a harsh world of industry, magic, and horror.


What is Thunderscape?


Thunderscape: the World of Aden introduces readers to the battered but unbroken world of Aden, a world where knights and sorcerers fight shoulder to shoulder with mechamagical golems against the nightmarish hordes spawned by the Darkfall, a supernatural cataclysm of unknown origin. Ten years ago, the sun was suddenly and unexpectedly eclipsed by an unknown force. Although the darkness lasted only a short time, in those long moments of false night, horrors beyond imagining sprang from every shadow. Beasts long destroyed, terrors that had only ever been imagined, and things that no sane mind had ever contemplated all became suddenly, violently real, and Aden burned. The nocturnals, as these beasts became known, slaughtered countless thousands and put an untold number of villages and cities to the torch. In one instant, the world of Aden was plunged into chaos and anarchy. Having known only peace for more than a thousand years, the nations of Aden were ill-prepared for this ruthless onslaught, and it seemed that the world of the mortal races would perish without ever knowing the cause. But the people of Aden are hardier than that. The world was in the throes of an industrial revolution, with magic and technology being tied together into a strange arcane art known as mechamagic. With this, and with the many other strengths brought to bear by the nations of Aden, the world fights back against the Darkfall and the nocturnals.


The Age of Thunder has not ended.


Aden will not slip quietly into the night.


Wait, Have I Heard of Thunderscape Before?


You may have! The world first appeared in Thunderscape, a PC game released in 1995. A second game set in the same world, Entomorph: Plague of the Darkfall, was released later that same year. In 1996, a series of three novels, entitled The Darkfall, The Sentinel, and Indomitable Thunder, was released, as were two role-playing game sourcebooks. Published by West End Games, these two role-playing supplements, The World of Aden and Campaign Chronicles, were the last appearance of Thunderscape until now.“
Thunderscape: The World of Aden product description


Monsters by Email

Monsters by Email: Neverenn (Nicholas Cloister,

Monsters by Email: Neverenn (Nicholas Cloister,

Monsters by Email, Nicholas Cloister aus Schweden hat eine außerordentliche Vermarktungsidee. Unter dem Label Cloister Publication betreibt er im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes ein Monster-Abonnement.

Abonnenten erhalten für 2,50 $ monatlich 4-6 Kreaturenbilder, entsprechende systemneutrale Rollenspielbeschreibungen und -Ideen, Künstler- bzw. Designhinweise zur Gestaltung von Kreaturen und das Recht 50 % der Bilder zu veröffentlichen oder zu verkaufen. Mit der Zeit kann dieser Service gar kostenlos werden.

Monsters by Email: NeNundar (Nicholas Cloister,

Monsters by Email: NeNundar (Nicholas Cloister,

„For $2.50 per month you will receive:


4-6 print-resolution, original creature illustrations (48-72 yearly)
+ the rights to publish and sell 50% of them
+ rpg adapted creature descriptions and ideas
+ regular artistic advice on creature design
+ sketches, steps and similar amusements.


… With time, your subscription may become free – if you join now!“
Monsters by Email product description

Das Weiterverkaufen der Bilder wird wohl kaum funktionieren, dennoch eine reizvolle Crowdfunding-Idee ohne große Plattform wie Kickstarter oder Indiegogo im Rücken.

Monsters by Email: Cron'Lychma  (Nicholas Cloister,

Monsters by Email: Cron’Lychma (Nicholas Cloister,


Monsters by Email: Michilaft (Nicholas Cloister,

Monsters by Email: Michilaft (Nicholas Cloister,

Monsters by Email: Agi Septhoron (Nicholas Cloister,

Monsters by Email: Agi Septhoron (Nicholas Cloister,

Monsters by Email: Parnirion (Nicholas Cloister)

Monsters by Email: Parnirion (Nicholas Cloister,

In meinen Augen sowohl eine ausgezeichnete Idee als auch Umsetzung. (via Nico P.)

Images: Nicholas Cloister,


Game of Thrones Season 3: „The Beast“ Preview

Game of Thrones, der Trailer-Reigen von HBO geht weiter mit Game Of Thrones Season 3: „The Beast“ Preview.

„He would see this country burn if he could be the king of the ashes.“
– Lord Varys in the Game Of Thrones Season 3: „The Beast“ Preview

Ich bin so gespannt – eine Mischung aus Begeisterung und Furcht. Hoffen wir, dass HBO es nicht verpfuschen. Bislang sieht es glücklicherweise nicht danach aus.


Game of Thrones Season 3: Here comes the War

Game Of Thrones Season 3: War Preview, HBO kommender und sicherer Serienhit wartet mit einem weiteren Trailer auf. Die Spannung steigt und in den USA startet die 3. Staffel am 31.03.2013.
Das dritte Buch A Storm of Swords (deutsch 5 + 6) gehört zu den Höhepunkten von George R. R. Martins Das Lied von Eis und Feuer-Büchern.

Irgendwie traurig, dass das große Hollywood den Hobbit schlicht verunstaltet, während der  Bezahl-Fernsehsender HBO eine bislang ausgezeichnete Fantasy-Umsetzung produziert, die sich voraussichtlich auch noch steigern wird. Dies deuten zumindest die gezeigten Szenen an.


Cyberpunk 2020 „Multiplayer“: Welcome, Future CyTrans Employee

Cyberpunk 2077 will have a multiplayer mode. A few days ago Adam Badowski of CD Project Red talked to Eurogamer and confirmed „multiplayer features“ beside „single-player playthroughs“.

„I’m an gasoline man
gonna set your world on fire
I’m gonna drive and drive
find out where you hide“
The Young Gods – Gasoline Man

Some young fans filmed their game session of the original Cyberpunk 2020 RPG. A fine promotion for the game … Do this at home!

(via Rabenwelten)