
Precision Machined Metal Gaming Dice via Kickstarter

Precision Machined Metal Gaming Dice. Amber Rix nimmt sich des (Rollen-)Spielers liebsten Kindes an, den Würfeln. Die Designerin plant über Kickstarter präzise 6-seitige Metalwürfel in unterschiedlichen Größen und Metallen unter das Volk zu bringen.

Nach dem ersten Kickstarter Precision Machined Dice folgt somit der zweite Anlauf mit Würfeln aus Aluminium, Messing, rostfreien Stahl, Kupfer oder Titan.

Bis zum 22.04.2013 strebt die Dame 4000 $ an.

„My Playable gaming dice feature chamfered edges as well as corners. Several versions were made, tested, and calculated to provide the correct amount of chamfer to produce the best roll possible on any table top surface, even glass! They feel great in the hand, sound great on the table, and roll beautifully.


These will be made of only pure solid quality material, precision machined using advanced CNC technology. Not molded, not hollow, not plated, only 100% solid metal.


For this project I am going to be offering the dice in two different sizes and in five different materials: Aluminum, anodized in Blue, Red, Black, or Silver/Clear, and possibly one more color option! Also available, Brass, Copper, Stainless Steel, and Titanium. The sizes are 16mm (standard monopoly size) and 1/2 inch (Farkle to-go).“
Precision Machined Metal Gaming Dice product description


The Shadowlands Campaign Setting Guidebook for Pathfinder via Kickstarter

The Shadowlands Campaign Setting Guidebook for Pathfinder. BlackStar Studios wagten 2011 mit dem Kickstarter Shadowlands: Epic Fantasy Sci-Fi Mashup Setting ihre ersten Crowdfundingschritte.
Nach ersten Aussagen wurden die ersten Produkte nun veröffentlicht und ein vollständiges Kampagnenbuch soll die Weltbeschreibung im Dungeons & Dragons-Stile der Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance und Planescape fortsetzen. Der Herausgeber legt spieltechnisch einen Fokus auf das Pathfinder RPG von Paizo.

Das Projekt benötigt bis zum 03.05.2013 mindestens 5500 $.

„A whole new campaign world for the Pathfinder RPG inspired by The Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance, & Planescape settings!


In 2012 we launched the first glimpses of the Shadowlands, a brand new campaign setting for the Pathfinder RPG, with a small adventure and a conversion guide which were each ENnie-nominated productions. Several of the products of our 2011 initial Kickstarter are finally now being released as well, but in all of this, the GMs among us couldn’t help but feel a pull for the one thing we old-school GMs love the most: a good old-fashioned full-length campaign guidebook.


Now is your chance to help make that Campaign Guidebook, inspired by the great campaign sets from 2nd and 3rd edition Dungeons and Dragons, into a reality!

Shadowlands is a campaign setting in the best old-school tradition of classic fantasy gaming worlds, as realized by acclaimed writers, artists, and designers. It makes use of the versatile Pathfinder open system to offer a broad spectrum of options for players and Game Masters, alike, with a focus on epic deeds, bold exploration, and global intrigue.

The Shadowlands setting offers unique magic and psionics systems, new mechanics for handling languages and diplomacy, new races and racial options, super advanced technologies (fit into a fantasy setting), special rules for morality and beliefs, and so much more!


It is a world of realistic grittiness set on a planet 10 times the size of Earth and is sure to keep you and your players campaigning for years to come!

The Shadowlands is an intentional blend of fantasy and science fiction. It is a post-apocalyptic world so advanced that it appears magical. Part of the realism of the Shadowlands is to re-imagine a world where the possibilities of fantasy are in fact possible, a remembrance of futures past, and to provide a narrative way for players to engage that. Accordingly, it takes inspiration from a number of different sources. The far-future stories of Jack Vance, Gene Wolfe, A Canticle for Leibowitz and the Culture series of Iain M. Banks provide the science fiction foundations of our setting, just as heady films like Inception, Cloud Atlas, and Equilibrium paint images of what it’s like to exist in a world where magic and psionics are fundamental and also controlled!


Finally, the classic Dungeons & Dragons settings of old like Planescape, Ravenloft and the original Dark Sun give a sense of the ways that beliefs, ideologies, motivations, and factional affiliation can affect and encourage great roleplaying!“
The Shadowlands Campaign Setting Guidebook for Pathfinder product description


Game of Thrones Season 3: “All of Us“ Teaser

Game of Thrones. HBO verkürzt die Wartezeit, aktuell sind es noch rund 8 Tage, bis zur Ausstrahlung der ersten Folge mit dem „All of Us“-Trailer.

„All of us“
– Ygritte in the Game of Thrones Season 3: „All of Us“ teaser

Alleine die Trailer für die Auslegung von George R. R. Martins A Song of Ice and Fire bewegen mich mehr als das komplette Animationskasperletheater von Peter Jacksons Hobbit. Yggrite und Brienne rocken!


Dungeon World Monster Builder is live

Dungeon World. Sage Kobold Productions stellt den angekündigten Monster Builder für ihr Rollenspiel online zur Verfügung.

Ich bleibe dabei, Dungeon World ist das bessere DungeonSlayers! Das auf Apocalypse World basierende Fantasy-Rollenspiel und die sogenannten Playbooks halte ich für einen kleinen Geniestreich. tremulus, die von Lovecrafts Cthulhu inspirierte Deutung des endzeitlichen Wegbereiters von Vincent Baker spielt sich beispielsweise hervorragend.

Mir gefällt dieser schlanke, schnell spielbare und überaus kreative Ansatz auch wesentlich besser als das erzählerisch eher aufgeblähte Fate.

Frohes Unholdeerschaffen mit dem Monster Builder für Dungeon World!


Riddick: Dead Man Stalking – Official Teaser Trailer

Riddick: Dead Man Stalking. Vin Diesel kehrt nach Pitch Black (2000) und The Chronicles of Riddick (2004) zurück als Science Fiction-Actionheld.

In den USA soll der von Universal Pictures produzierte Film am 06.09.2013 auf die Leinwand kommen. Regie führte im Übrigen wieder David Twohy.

„You’re not afraid of the Dark, are you?“
– Riddick: Dead Man Stalking quote


Apotheosis Drive X: A Fate-Powered Mecha RPG via Kickstarter

Apotheosis Drive X: A Fate-Powered Mecha RPG. David A Hill Jr bzw. Machine Age Production passen die Regeln des Rollenspiels Fate Core für das Mecha-Genre an und bringen ihre Deutung von Mobile Suit Gundam, Xenogears und Neon Genesis Evangelion über Kickstarter an die geneigte Frau oder Mann.

„In 2400 AD, World War 5 looms. Giant robots turn the tides of combat. When do the machines stop serving us, and when do we serve them?


Apotheosis Drive X ( #ADX ) is a Fate-based mecha RPG. It’s a high drama, high action game with a philosophical and humanist bent. It draws inspiration from various mecha fiction. Mobile Suit Gundam (Gundam 00 in particular) is a chief inspiration. Thematically, we have similarities to Xenogears and Evangelion.


ADX takes place around 2400 AD. Humanity has moved on to place colonies on the moon, Mars, and throughout asteroids and space stations. The shift to sustainable energy caused economic collapses in former energy-producing states. Earth went to war.

One faction, a private army of clones, fought for the highest bidder until the whole of Earth turned against it.

Another faction, an elite force of genegineered super soldiers, helped to fight them back.

After the war against the clone army, Earth’s major powers banded together to create a single world government, with the intention of preventing further war. Another faction, a resistance movement of smaller governments and collectives, believed that a single government couldn’t hope to represent all people from all walks of life.

Near simultaneously, all four of these factions developed robots, Titans, to fight their battles. When humanity introduced the Titans, technology grew out of control. We reached a singularity. Unfortunately, this growth tended toward greater machines of war. Eventually, our fate fell out of our hands, and into the hands of these godlike machines.

You can find a full setting primer here.



#ADX is powered by Fate Core. We’ve hacked, optimized, tightened, and tweaked Fate to fit our genre. If you’re familiar with Fate, it should be a very quick transition. If you’re not, we’ve compacted our rules and simplified them wherever possible. Most of our rules favor starting quickly.

We use a system of „generations“ to reflect the scope and scale of the campaign. These generations represent vast technological advances that come quicker and quicker each time. As you play through Apotheosis Drive stories, the Titans become stronger by great magnitudes, until they’re able to wipe out hundreds of enemies with a single impulse. The default game assumes you’ll play through at least a few generations to tell an arc.

Most of our rules tweaks were designed to help our focus on epic mecha battles. This is not Fate: The Tactical Wargame. This is a game about high-tech, dynamic war machines piloted by the best talent in the universe. It’s all about scale and escalation. If you have seven minutes, we have a video demonstrating how Titans (our unique mecha) take out massive swaths of infantry mechs in seconds.“
– Apotheosis Drive X: A Fate-Powered Mecha RPG product description


Star Trek Into Darkness – International Trailer & Die Klapperschlange

Star Trek Into Darkness. Der sogenannte International Trailer wirbt für den kommenden Star Trek-Film von J. J. Abrams. Der Bösewicht taucht in einigen Szenen auf. Sehr aufregend …

Der Kreativraum Hollywoods, unendliche Einfallslosigkeit. Wir schreiben das Jahr 2013. Dies sind die Abenteuer der Siver Pictures und Studio Canal, das starke Team um Joel Silver kann den nimmersatten Eifer nicht stoppen und stößt damit in eine neue Dimension der stumpfen Gier vor, um alte Klassiker auszuweiden, nichts Neues zu wagen und sich in Respektlosigkeit zu üben. Viele Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt dringt die Scham in Galaxien vor, die nie ein Mensch zuvor gesehen hat.

Es soll tatsächlich ein Remake von John Carpenters Escape From New York (Die Klappeschlange) geben. Die geplante Trilogie, voraussichtlich ohne Kurt Russell, wird das Genre-Meisterwerk vermutlich enorm aufwerten.

Aus der Zukunft blickt Snake Plissken vermutlich verächtlich auf uns: „Welcome to the human Race.“

When will we escape from the endless franchises of Star Trek Wars and other tedious comedies of greedy errors? (via


Robin D. Laws auf der Hannover Spielt!

Robin D. Laws. Der bekannte Rollenspieldesigner (Hillfolk, Ashen Stars, Feng Shui, etc.) und Autor (Pathfinder: Blood of the Cities, u. a.) kommt nach eigenem Bekunden am 20. und 21.04.2013 nach Deutschland auf das Spieletreffen Hannover Spielt!


Paintfrog über Games Workshops aktuelle Händlervorgaben

Paintfrog. Das brasilianische Blog berichtet, dass Games Workshop, die britische Space Marine- und Miniaturen-Spieleschmiede, ihren nordamerikanischen „freien und unabhängigen“ Einzelhändlern neue und restriktive Handelsrichtlinien (auch bekannt als “GW Embargo”) vorgibt.

  • In Nordamerika (USA, Canada) dürfen Händler keine Produkte von Games Workshop online vertreiben
  • Produkte (auch Einzelteile: Bitz oder Bits) dürfen ausschließlich in der Originalverpackung und mit Originalbeschriftung veräußert werden
  • Exporte in andere Länder sind untersagt
  • Händler, die diesen Vorgaben nicht genügen, werden nicht beliefert

Selbstredend steht es jedem Hersteller frei, seine Produkte im gesetzlichen Rahmen nach Belieben zu vertreiben.
Dieser einfache Grundsatz gilt allerdings gleichermaßen für Einzelhändler und Endkunden. Es wird niemand gezwungen, diesen Anbieter zu unterstützen.

Die Geschäftspolitik von Games Workshop stellt in der Hobbybranche ein einzigartiges Phänomen dar. Ihre Produkte sind vergleichsweise teuer. In der Szene sind die Gängeleien von Händlern und das „Brainwashing“ von Mitarbeitern und oft sehr jungen Kunden beispiellos. Dennoch oder gerade deshalb agiert das Unternehmen erfolgreich auf dem Markt.

Es wäre interessant zu erfahren, welche Restriktionen der Hersteller in Deutschland etabliert hat.

Natürlich geht es um Geld, damit dürfte ein konzertierter „GW Boykott“ innerhalb kurzer Zeit eine gewisse Wirkung zeigen.


Mutant Chronicles: Dark Symmetry RPG is coming

Mutant Chronicles: Falling down shooting  (Modiphius Entertainment)

Mutant Chronicles: Falling down shooting (Modiphius Entertainment)

Modiphius Entertainment. Der aktuelle Kickstarter des britischen Verlags für Achtung! Cthulhu läuft momentan erfolgreich.

Überdies gewährt Chris Birch seit heute einen ersten Ausblick auf die bevorstehende dunkle Zukunft. Der metallische Teaser auf Youtube wird weitere Aufmerksamkeit auf diese Rollenspielankündigung lenken.

Im Herbst/Winter 2013-14 soll zunächst Mutant Chronicles: Dark Symmetry erscheinen. Dieser erste Streich lässt die Rollenspieler das Erstarken der Dunklen Symmetrie und der Dunkeln Legion miterleben.
Mutant Chronicles: Dark Legion wird voraussichtlich im Frühjahr 2014 in den 2. Krieg der Corporations entführen.

Sowohl das Tabletop Mutant Chronicles: Warzone Resurrection als auch die Rollenspiele beziehen sich auf den gleichen Hintergrund und führen die Geschichte gemeinsam fort.

„The Dark Symmetry is unleashed this Fall/Winter 2013-14 as Modiphius Entertainment brings the world of Mutant Chronicles crashing back with a vengeance.

A video by the British based publisher Modiphius Entertainment launching 12.00 Noon GMT on Wednesday 20th March at reveals the new Mutant Chronicles logo that draws on inspiration from the iconic techno-fantasy setting and dieselpunk style that the brand is so well known for. The soundtrack to the video is Ephemera, the new release by death metal band System Divide who loved the match between their song lyrics and the world of Mutant Chronicles.


„Why are we forced to be under darkened skies, such insignificant lives, consumed by mistrust, we are the displeased, relish in the chaos you created…we are children of man, consuming all, destroying all, we went to far, we were given this world and tore it apart“.

Modiphius has announced plans for the Mutant Chronicles roleplaying line, which sees one of the biggest RPG’s brought bang up to date. “We’ve been filling in some of the gaps in the storyline, answering mysteries and expanding on hints to bring the Mutant Chronicles world to life like never before.” Explains Publisher Chris Birch who sees the original material and stunning artwork as crucial to the success of the new vision alongside new artists who will be creating never-seen-before views of the world.


The Mutant Chronicles 3rd Edition RPG is a full rewrite of the best elements of the popular 2nd Edition rules that the fans know and love, and utilizes d20’s combined with a fresh approach to the core systems. Modiphius wants to let players experience the incredible breadth of adventure possible within the universe from investigations of the Dark Symmetry, cults, and corporate conspiracy to the Corporate Wars and desperate battles with the Dark Legion. For the first time taking the game into space, players will have the freedom to roam the solar system aboard a range of spaceships, create their own companies, engage in corporate conspiracy as well as the typical smash and grab missions.


“The aim is to make this play fast, fun and just like you imagine the world of Mutant Chronicles to be. We want you to be able dog fight in the skies of Venus, hold off a horde of Necromutants, survive a fleet battle and lead a terrifying investigation without bogging you down in endless rules.”


The first release – Mutant Chronicles: Dark Symmetry, due Autumn 2013 will let gamers play through the first outbreak of the Dark Legion. Live out some of the defining moments of the Mutant Chronicles timeline; want to experience the crash of civilisation as the Dark Symmetry is unleashed? Investigate the growing madness or see the Dark Citadels rise for the first time? Mutant Chronicles: Dark Symmetry will be the first release in time for Christmas 2013 with a preview on show at US gaming event Gen Con Indy in August 2013.


Mutant Chronicles: Dark Legion due Spring 2014 throw’s players headlong in to the 2nd Corporate War as the Dark Legion returns for a second cataclysmic match with humanity. Mutant Chronicles: Dark Legion is set during the same timeline as the Warzone skirmish game in the Mutant Chronicles universe being developed by UK based Prodos Games Ltd

Further supplements and campaigns are planned for both timelines to expand on the universe and will allow fans to pursue action orientated or investigative adventures and will be written by a host of well-known names from the tabletop RPG scene.


Whilst the first release is set for Winter 2013-14, a Kickstarter planned for the Autumn this year will allow fans to unlock some fantastic options for the RPG, limited editions as well as conversions to other popular RPG systems so that more people can enjoy the world of Mutant Chronicles than ever before. “
Mutant Chronicles RPG announcements

Images: Modiphius Entertainment