
Throne of Night, a Pathfinder RPG Adventure Path via Kickstarter

Throne of Night: Aboleth (Michael Clarke, Fire Mountain Games)

Throne of Night: Aboleth (Michael Clarke, Fire Mountain Games)

Throne of Night, a Pathfinder RPG Adventure Path. Gary McBride bzw. Fire Mountain Games springen auf den Crowdfundingzug auf.

„Fire Mountain Games, publisher of „Way of the Wicked“ launches a subterranean adventure path for the Pathfinder RPG — Throne of Night


Welcome to the Throne of Night Kickstarter!


This kickstarter will help fund Fire Mountain Game’s second Pathfinder RPG compatible adventure path. What is our first? That would be the critically acclaimed ENnie award nominated „Way of the Wicked“.


„An apex of the art of adventure-crafting“ —


„This is the best adventure I have had, evil or not.“ — Facebook


„Amazingly well-done and written“ — DriveThruRPG


“ An adventure path as epic as anything by Paizo.“ —


Throne of Night is a second stand-alone adventure path that takes you into the depths of the earth. Set entirely in the realms below, this is an adventure where you can explore the mysterious underworld and build a kingdom there. Following in the tradition of such adventures as Paizo’s „Kingmaker“ and TSR’s classic „Vault of the Drow“, „Throne of Night“ opens up the mysterious underdark for your enjoyment as never before.


You can play as a party of noble dwarves working to reclaim a long lost kingdom. You can play as a house of wicked drow enslaving all they survey to build an empire of darkness. You can even play as a group of adventurers come from above to seek their fortune in the alien underworld. The choice is yours!

Throne of Night, a Pathfinder RPG Adventure Path product desciption

Pathfinder über alles? Ich verstehe es nicht, aber nun gut … Wer mehr Abenteuerstoff braucht, der wagt einen Blick auf Throne of Night.

Images: Michael Clarke, Fire Mountain Games


Dwarven Forge’s Game Tiles: Revolutionary Miniature Terrain via Kickstarter

Dwarven Forge’s Game Tiles: Revolutionary Miniature Terrain. Dwarven Forge nutzt die Werbe- und Vertriebsmacht von Kickstarter, um 3D-Dungeons aus Kunststoff unter das weltweite Rollenspielervolk zu bringen.

„Dwarven Forge’s Game Tiles Kickstarter project seeks to bring revolutionary miniature terrain to everyone in the tabletop gaming world.


Dwarven Forge, a leader in miniature terrain for 17 years, is proud to introduce Game Tiles, right here on Kickstarter. Game Tiles is our new 25mm gaming terrain that is inspired by (and completely compatible with) our classic terrain. Perfect for D&D, and other 25mm games, Game Tiles look and feel spectacular. They feel heavy in the hand, and they can quickly be placed together to form a cool miniature terrain encounter area.


What’s immediately striking is Game Tiles’ casting material. Made from a dense, incredibly strong, color-infused compound, Game Tiles are nearly indestructible and remarkably affordable. You can literally throw Game Tiles in a bag, haul them to a game session, dump them on the table, set them up – and then scrape them off the table back into your bag. In testing, we actually struck our prototype pieces hard with a hammer – and it didn’t leave a mark!


Our faithful and long-time collectors will love this product for its new and highly-adaptable set design, and they will greatly appreciate its compatibility with everything DF makes. New collectors will love the less-expensive price as well as how easy it is to store, transport and use.“
Dwarven Forge’s Game Tiles: Revolutionary Miniature Terrain product description

Für Miniaturen-Rollenspieler, also Anhänger von z. B. Dungeons & Dragons, Savage Worlds oder Pathfinder, sicherlich erwägenswert.


Obsidian Portal Reforged via Kickstarter

Obsidian Portal Reforged. Das bekannte Online-Kampagnenwerkzeug für Rollenspieler soll überarbeitet werden. Auf der Höhe der Zeit greift Obsidian Portal für die Finanzierung auf Kickstarter zurück.

„Obsidian Portal is the award-winning online campaign management system for tabletop role-playing games. We want to revitalize the existing Obsidian Portal by increasing its functionality, adding new features, and cleaning up the design. We are taking the strong core that is Obsidian Portal, heating it up in the furnace, and reforming it into a sleeker and sharper tool. A better Obsidian Portal will make your life easier as a game master, which will make your game the best it can be. That’s what “reforging” is all about.




To provide you with the best possible experience, we’ll revamp the most frequently used parts of the site and rework them so that they’re easier to use. We will be examining every page for ways to make them flow better, provide the information you need, and allow you to navigate and manage your campaign faster and easier. The redesign will add more features to enhance your gaming.


A perfect example of this is our plan to create a campaign dashboard that will put the most important details of your campaign right at your fingertips. The dashboard is just the first of many changes that will fundamentally enhance Obsidian Portal and make it a much better tool than it is today.“
Obsidian Portal Reforged service description

Nico P. und unsere anderen Earthdawn-Freunde verwenden das Obsidian Portal für ihre Runden. Ihre beiden Kampagnen Die Sturmklingen und Die Namenlosen sind dort zu finden. Sie finden diese universelle Spielhilfe sehr gut und verwenden eine Ascended Membership. (via Nico P.)


13th Age: Das vermutlich beste Dungeons & Dragons seit der Erfindung des d20

13th Age: Enraged Treant (Fire Opal Media, Pelgrane Press)

13th Age: Enraged Treant (Fire Opal Media, Pelgrane Press)

13th Age. Die Bleibe des Layouters, Chris Huth, brannte bedauerlicherweise ab. Deshalb wird sich die gedruckte Veröffentlichung des „Indie-Dungeons & Dragons“ voraussichtlich bis zum 1. Juli verschieben. Das 13th Age Bestiary soll schnellstmöglich folgen.

See Page XX March 2013 beinhaltet zwei absolut empfehlenswerte Artikel zu diesem Rollenspiel. In
Alternative Icons (Ash Law) tauscht der Autor nicht nur die Geschlechter der Mächtigen aus.
Das unterhaltsame Character class flowchart (Greg Stolze) erleichtert die Qual der Charakterklassenwahl.

In diesem Leben werde ich wohl nicht mehr ein großer Fan des Rollenspielmutterschiffs D & D werden, aber 13th Age beinhaltet so viele coole Ideen, die es für mich zum ersten spielleitenswerten d20-Rollenspiel überhaupt machen.

Klasse statt Masse! Paizos hoffnungslos overhyptes „Bloatware“-Rollenspiel Pathfinder verliert in meinen Augen in nahezu allen Belangen gegen den Ansatz von Rob Heinsoo, Jonathan Tweet und Lee Moyer. Ich ziehe allerdings Wolfgang Baurs Midgard dem Dragon Empire vor.

Ich bin sehr gespannt, wie sich diese Produktreihe entwickelt.

Images: Fire Opal Media, Pelgrane Press


See Page XX March 2013 – Ken Writes About Stuff

Ken Writes About Stuff: Hideous Creatures - Deep Ones (Pelgrane Press)

Ken Writes About Stuff: Hideous Creatures – Deep Ones (Pelgrane Press)

See Page XX March 2013. Die neue Ausgabe des hauseigenen Online-Magazins von Pelgrane Press erschien gestern.

Was soll ich sagen? Für mich gehört der britische Herausgeber zu den interessantesten Szeneerscheinungen zurzeit.
13th Age, ihre D & D-Entwicklung, und Night’s Black Agents sind beispielsweise einfach gelungene Rollenspiele. Die Verlagsautoren Ken Hite und Robin D. Laws gehören im „Rollenspiel-Mainstream“ schlicht und ergreifend zu den kreativsten Köpfen.

Jeden Monat kriegt mich Pelgrane Press – dieses Mal mit Ken Writes About Stuff! Seine neue monatliche Kolumne im Abo für 24,95 $ (oder 2,95 $/Ausgabe) z.B. über Hideous Creatures: Deep Ones mit optionalen Spielregeln, Serienpitches für das kommende DramaSystem, Mini-Szenarien oder Kampagnenskizzen.

“A burst of Hite goodness that you can imbibe or not as you see fit, secure in the knowledge that there’s another one coming down the pike in a month at a reasonable price. I’ll be putting about 4,000 words worth of fun together every month — maybe an optional rules system, maybe a longish DramaSystem Series Pitch, maybe a “ripped from the headlines” mini-scenario, maybe a campaign frame or a mini-setting, maybe an extended riff on some worthy intelligence organization or serial killer or astrophysical anomaly. Leave requests in the comments, and I shall take them most indubitably under advisement.”
Ken Writes About Stuff quote

Ferner beinhaltet die aktuelle Ausgabe des kostenlosen See Page XX March 2013 weitere Artikel-Schmankerl unter anderem über Dropping the Trait Bomb (Robin D. Laws) oder großartige Alternative Icons für 13th Age (Ash Law). Check this out!

Images: Pelgrane Press


MYTH by MERCS Miniatures via Kickstarter

Myth (MERCS Miniatures)

Myth (MERCS Miniatures)

MYTH. MERCS Miniatures folgen dem Trend in der Hobbybranche. Sie bieten ihr neues kooperatives Fantasy-Brettspiel über Kickstarter an.

Das Spiel für 2-5 Heldinnen und Helden erinnert an Descent (Fantasy Flight Games) oder an Super Dungeon Explore (Soda Pop Miniatures), dies bedeutet, dass einige mutige Streiter in dreiaktigen Geschichten gegen die Dunkelheit und ihre Schergen antreten.

Wie in den unterhaltsamen Dungeons & Dragons-Brettspielen (Castle Ravenloft: A D&D Boardgame, etc. von Wizards of the Coast) gibt es keinen Spielleiter, Overlord oder Ähnliches.

Wenngleich Descent: Journeys in the Dark 2nd Edition von Fantasy Flight Games nicht mehr ganz einschläfernd daher kommt, wie die erste Ausgabe, das Spielleiterkonzept überzeugt nicht.
Bei Mansions of Madness, ebenfalls von FFG, geht das Ganze richtig nach hinten los und das erzählerische Konzept Suspension of disbelief bleibt ganz und gar auf der Strecke.

Castle Ravenloft und seine Nachfolger gehen geschickter an die Sache, die Spielmechanismen steuern die Herausforderungen und Gegner der Helden automatisch und der gemeinsame Problemlöseaspekt tritt in den Vordergrund.

Myth: Heroes & Monsters (MERCS Miniatures)

Myth: Heroes & Monsters (MERCS Miniatures)

Daran erinnert MYTH von MERCS Miniatures ein wenig. Kooperative Spiele (wie auch Rollenspiele) sind einfach cooler. Punkt. Ausnahmen bestätigen diese Regel.

Myth: Monsters (MERCS Miniatures)

Myth: Monsters (MERCS Miniatures)

„Myth is a cooperative game for 2 to 5 players developed and published by MERCS Miniatures (MegaCon Games). A complete game in Myth is called a Story. Each Story is played over three Acts. Acts can be played sequentially, or can be split up over three different game sessions. Each Act lasts 2 hours.


Players‘ avatars within a Story are called Heroes. Myth Heroes are clothed in immense power, able to reave all but the mightiest foes. However, this power must be balanced lest the Darkness take too much notice. Players must weigh their actions against the Threat each will bring, with the consequences of awakening more evil and bringing doom on the party’s endeavors. And be careful they must, as the Darkness is formidable and eager to snatch glory from the valiant.


Heroes are controlled through an intuitive Hero Deck (videos for each Hero can be found in the Game Play Videos section below). Each deck plays uniquely and allows players more freedom of action and the ability to truly impact the Story each and every Act. Yet, cooperation is the key to victory and bloody fortune. Players must communicate, interact, and assist each other or surely the Darkness will cover all.


Myth is a fully cooperative game. There is no player controlling the Darkness. The Darkness is governed by a set of rules unique to each Boss Deck. Yet, the Darkness is activated through Hero actions. If the Heroes get overzealous, then the Darkness pushes back by activating Lairs, spawning Captains, and punishing the Heroes with devious Events. If the Heroes take a more subtle approach, then the Darkness reacts by reducing the potential for treasure and rewards. Without the treasures and equipment to upgrade, the Heroes will find each Act more difficult and eventually fail. The dynamic nature of the Darkness really lends a more fluid feel to the Story. Players aren’t being driven by properties out of their control, nor are they being shepherded by a person whose skill has a direct impact on the enjoyment of the game.


Myth setup offers players the freedom to experiment and create the Story they want. Each Act is created by placing the double-sided World Tiles in any configuration desired, then each tile is populated through random card draws (or by choice). Enemy-types, quests, treasure, merchants, and events are all variables controlled by players. Each Story is unique and breathed to life by the players.


Myth is a fun fantasy romp where players feel truly heroic. In the playing of the game, the players are creating their own mythos. These stories are the ones carried away from the table, becoming myths themselves. And these are the myths, with friends and family, that we carry with us; telling and retelling our endeavors at the mead benches, earning treasured smiles and laughter.“
MYTH product description

Images: MERCS Miniatures


Game of Thrones Season 3: „Flying Dragons“ Teaser

Game of Thrones. Am 31.03.2013 startet auf HBO die 3. Staffel der erfolgreichen Fantasy-Serie.
Die Drachen erheben sich bereits vorab in der Preview „Flying Dragons“ …

„If we lose, the night will never end“
Game Of Thrones Season 3 „Flying Dragons“ teaser quote

Es soll sie tatsächlich geben, die verträumten ewig Gestrigen, die noch immer behaupten, der klischeehafte gute böse Herr der Ringe stelle noch immer das Maß aller Fantasy-Dinge dar.
Diesen unverzagten bourgeoisen Kleinbürgerliebhabern sei ein mutiger Schritt in die fantastische Gegenwart empfohlen.

Das brave Auenland wird kurzerhand abgefackelt und die Feste des so gemeinen Oberschurken Sauron, Dol Guldur, kurzerhand gleich mit in Schutt und Asche gelegt.

Die Autoren Abercrombie (The First Law), Erikson (Book of Malazan) oder wie sie sonst noch alle heißen, werden es schwer haben, aus dem Schatten von George R. R. Martin zu treten. Sein Lied von Eis und Feuer gibt momentan berechtigterweise den Takt in diesem Genre an.

Wo bleibt eigentlich der Erneuerer im Bereich Science Fiction?

Jetzt bitte nicht mit Neal Stephenson anfangen, der ungefähr so spannend schreibt, wie die Autoren des lokalen Telefonbuchs.


World War Z Trailer 2 with Brad Pitt

World War Z Trailer 2. Der zweite Trailer von Brad Pitts voraussichtlichen Zombie-Kassenschlager zeigt eine neue Dimension dieser Apokalypse.
Der von seiner eigenen Produktionsfirma Plan B produzierte Film, basiert lose auf dem gleichnamigen Roman (dt. Operation Zombie: Wer länger lebt, ist später tot) von Max Brooks.

Is there anything left out there?
World War Z quote

We talk about the end of humanity.
World War Z quote


Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection: An interview with Mark Rapson

Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection (Prodos Games Ltd)

Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection (Prodos Games Ltd)

Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection-28mm Miniatures Game. The Dark Legion, the Brotherhood and the Megacorporations like Bauhaus and the Imperial are coming back! Like many others in the hobby industry Prodos Games Ltd count on the crowdfunding force of Kickstarter. Their still running project is already successful.

Due to the support of dedicated fans this excellent sci-fi/fantasy universe will be the battlefield for corrupt commercial enterprises and sinister supernatural forces again.

Personally, I think Bauhaus and the Brotherhood are much cooler than the Space Marines by this other company from Nottingham. Just a matter of taste.

Mark Ronson, owner of Prodos Games Ltd, the current licensee of the Mutant Chronicles miniature tabletop took some time and answered some questions about the setting, the game and the future of the their endeavor.

Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection: The Cybertronic Eradicator's lay down covering fire for the Chasseur forces lead by the Immortal. (Prodos Games Ltd)

Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection: The Cybertronic Eradicator’s lay down covering fire for the Chasseur forces lead by the Immortal. (Prodos Games Ltd) Hello Mark Rapson, please introduce yourself and tell us about your gaming experiences.
Mark RapsonMark Rapson: I am Mark Rapson, a Founding Owner of Prodos Games Ltd. Prodos Games Ltd is an experienced and successful production company based in the UK, with over six years of freelance gaming product development. In combination the team has over 70 years of experience contributing to over 60 gaming products. Who are the people behind the project and the company Prodos Games Ltd?
Mark RapsonMark Rapson: The key members are Jarek Ewertowski, Managing Director, who leads a diverse team of passionate designers, artists, writers and manufacturers, all leaders in their field.

Dr. Mark Rapson, the company’s Marketing Director is highly experienced in plastic manufacture and a qualified marketeer, he has also written a number of rule sets and campaigns in various tabletop miniature setting.
Manufacturing and Logistics Manager, Michal Pawlaczyk is a qualified logistics specialist and production engineer, leading the manufacturing team in Poland.
Senior writer, Andy Hoare is a veteran of the game design world and has written a number of very successful SciFi novels. Pick up a rulebook or novel from the tabletop game industry from the last ten years and its likely Andy was involved. How would you describe Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection and what makes your tabletop standout?
Mark RapsonMark Rapson: Warzone Resurrection is a 28mm scale tabletop skirmish wargame for two or more players, each fielding units of warriors drawn from one of the mighty MegaCorporations of Mankind, the Brotherhood or its vile enemy, the Dark Legion. Warzone Resurrection is a fast paced, exciting and tactical miniature game created by Prodos Games Ltd. and Paradox Entertainment. The game has an eventful history and were unavailable for some years. Why do you intend to revive Mutant Chronicle universe and tabletop?
Mark RapsonMark Rapson: Because even taking into account over 10 years of not being in print. Warzone still has a very big fanbase in various places across the globe. We are part of that fanbase and feel with 21st approach to model making and rule construction, Warzone resurrection has a massive potential.

Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection -- Kicktraq Mini Any changes or updates to the background setting of the Mutant Chronicles universe?
Mark RapsonMark Rapson: No deletions. Some aspects will be richly developed and some big gaps will be filled. There are some surprises, but we believe they are all good and exciting ones. What are the game system key features or changes regarding previous editions of the tabletop game? Does your interpretation have any relationship to the Mutant Chronicles Collectible Miniatures Game by Fantasy Flight Games?
Mark RapsonMark Rapson: Yes, it does. Old players will recognize the best bits from previous versions, but with a much more balanced rule system. The gaming system involves both miniatures and cards. The minis are your skirmish force and the cards represent game resources, additional wargear, global and local effects on the battlefield etc.. In a real battle it is likely that a soldier wouldn’t know his opponents wargear, whether they have grenades or a laser-sight for example. Both sides might be surprised by a Martian earthquake or Mercurian solar flare. The Venusian jungle cover you are in might be better (or worse) than you thought! War is rarely predictable, especially when it takes place on the planets, planetoids and asteroids of the solar system! All these and many more variables are represented by the cards you and your opponent play. Making Warzone Resurrection a truly novel, realistic and exciting tabletop miniature skirmish game!

Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection: Bauhaus concepts (Prodos Games Ltd)

Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection: Bauhaus concepts (Prodos Games Ltd) The setting material for Warzone and the Mutant Chronicles RPG will be developed in collaboration with Modiphius? Can you explain the plan in more detail? Any crossover events planned?
Mark RapsonMark Rapson: The time line is shared and we hope to have characters usable in both systems. Crowdfunding (Kickstarter) is changing the world, smart phones, tablets and e-book readers are marching forward to the gaming table. Legal and illegal downloads everywhere. How do you perceive the hobby market and community?
Mark RapsonMark Rapson: We believe one needs to be novel and exciting and design a system which utilizes and embraces all the things you mention above. What do you plan next? Any plans to offer your Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection game line via brick and mortar and online retailers?
Mark RapsonMark Rapson: Its early days. I can tell you we will have a great commerce website, where people will be able to buy MC products. And we are in discussions with a number of outlets, both brick and online. Finally, some fun and quick questions. We start with: Tabletop wargaming is …
Mark RapsonMark Rapson: An escape, a flight of fancy, something to make you think and enjoy.
Favorite Mutant Chronicles Faction?
Mark RapsonMark Rapson: For me, Imperial
The Dark Legion or the Brotherhood?
Mark RapsonMark Rapson: Hard one, Brotherhood (I love the new minis)
What are the key ingredients for a great game?
Mark RapsonMark Rapson: Great fluff, simple rules (a minute to pick-up a lifetime to master), something that tells a story or makes the grey matter work, oh and a bit of luck What is your favorite tabletop wargame of all time and in recent years?
Mark RapsonMark Rapson: Excluding WZ in any form. I loved Risk (a classic) and am a fan of Warhammer 30k (Heresy).

Mutant Chronicles: The Mighty Razide by Prophaniti (Prodos Games Ltd)

Mutant Chronicles: The Mighty Razide by Prophaniti (Prodos Games Ltd) What is your favorite role playing game of all time and in recent years?
Mark RapsonMark Rapson: Really sorry, I am not a fan of RPG, never have been, I cant get my head around it What is your favorite board and/or video game of all time and in recent years?
Mark RapsonMark Rapson: I love Carcassone and as a youngster, Hero Quest. A design tip for established or upcoming game developers?
Mark RapsonMark Rapson: Work very hard, take feedback, but be true to your initial vision.
Favorite game designer and/or artist?
Mark RapsonMark Rapson: Steve Jackson, Paul Bonner
I get the best ideas for my games when … or I am most creative when … ?
Mark RapsonMark Rapson: Chatting with friends or taking a ’stroll‘ on the web.
Thank you, Mark Rapson. Anything else you want to share with the fans?
Mark RapsonMark Rapson: For me ‚The Hobby‘ also centres on mini making and converting and painting. So we are aiming to make minis that will be a joy in these regards too.

You are looking for an alternative to your traditional dark science fiction tabletop? Checkout the Kickstarter for the Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection-28mm Miniatures Game.

Chris Birch, thank you for the contact.

Images: Prodos Games Ltd, Kicktraq


Games Workshop: The MiniWarGaming Store is closing

The MiniWarGaming Store is closing. Das vor Kurzem bereits erwähnte Handelembargo oder Retailer Trade Agreement von Games Workshops zeigt erste Folgen.

Der MiniWarGaming Store schließt. Matthew, der Inhaber, erläutert in seinem Youtube-Beitrag, wie Games Workshops aktuelle Geschäftspolitik zu dieser Entscheidung beitrug. Darüber hinaus stellt er die entsprechenden Dokumente (Retailer Policy, etc.) des Herstellers zum Download bereit.

Nach der zumindest eigenwilligen Interpretation des Space Marine-Trademarks vor einigen Wochen benötigt der Spielehersteller aus Nottingham kaum eine Atempause, um mit weiteren beachtlichen Nachrichten aufzuwarten. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass weitere Unternehmen von diesen Handelsrichtlinien empfindlich betroffen sein werden. Die Geschichte wiederholt sich …

Der Ladeninhaber merkt frühzeitig an, dass Games Workshop nicht der einzige Sargnagel für sein Geschäft darstellt. Nichtsdestotrotz erläutert er ausführlich und sachlich seinen Widerspruch gegen die teilweise aberwitzigen Geschäftsvorstellungen und -vorgaben des übermächtigen britischen Geschäftspartners.

Aus der Ferne betrachtet, erinnert die gegenwärtige nordamerikanische Entwicklung ein wenig an die frühen 90er in Deutschland. Damals schaltete die Miniaturen- und Spieleschmiede seine Großhändler, Fantasy Productions und Welt der Spiele, ohne Vorankündigung aus und drängte aggressiv auf den deutschen Markt. Einige Unternehmen fielen und fallen dem Verdrängungsansatz des englischen Produzenten von „Kriegsspielen“ zum Opfer.

Ich unterstützte Games Workshop seit der schwarz-weißen Erstauflage von Talisman und Citadels Lone Wolf-Miniaturen, Space Hulk gehört noch immer zum meinen Strategiespielfavoriten.
Gleichzeitig war ich persönlich anwesend, als mein damaliger Kollege und Einkäufer von Welt der Spiele den Anruf erhielt, dass die Großhandelsrabatte von Games Workshop innerhalb der nächsten Wochen gestrichen werden. Ähnlich agiert nun der Konzern gegenüber seinen amerikanischen Händlern.

Die Erinnerung aus meinen Großhandelszeiten hallt noch immer vital nach. Als Händler (und Kunde) würde ich mir mehrfach überlegen, ob ich Games Workshop durch den Verkauf von Warhammer- oder Warhammer 40.000-Produkten unterstützen würde. Aufgrund der hohen Marktdurchdringung mag die Verlockung groß sein, doch das Risiko kann gleichfalls erheblich sein.

Nach dem Dafürhalten vieler älterer Fans sichern zahlungskräftige durch Eltern und Großeltern gesponserte Kinder einen Großteil des Umsatzes von Games Workshop. Mitarbeiter von Games Workshop bestätigten diesen Eindruck in einem persönlichen Gespräch.
Dies mag unter Umständen vor sich selbst und vor anderen ein ausreichendes Argument sein, weiter in die „tollen Spiele“ zu investieren, weil es ohnehin genug „kriegsspielgeile Kiddies“ gibt.

Ich halte diese Einstellung zumindest teilweise für kurzsichtig, da auch der Zahlungswillen und Geldbeutel der „alten Hasen“ eine Bedeutung hat. Begrenzen oder beenden diese gar ihr finanzielles und sonstiges Engagement in Bezug auf Games Workshop, dann setzt dies mehr als nur ein Zeichen. Kaufen diese beispielsweise keine Lizenzspiele, wie z. B. das neue Relic (von Fantasy Flight Games), sinkt die Attraktivität der Marke für die Geschäftspartner von Games Workshop. Was wiederrum Umsatzeinbußen bedeutet.

Der Markt bietet zumindest einige spieltechnisch und qualitativ hochwertige überaus interessante Alternativen, die oft auch noch preisgünstiger sind.
Im vorherrschenden Wirtschaftssystem entscheidet jeder selbst mit seinem Portemonnaie, ob oder wie er/sie eine bestimmte Geschäftspolitik unterstützt.

Ich werde meinen Konsum von lizenziersten und direkten Games Workshop-Produkten weiter einschränken bzw. ganz aussetzen … Ich unterstütze Vielfalt statt Einfalt!