
Game of Thrones Season 3: Valar Dohaeris & Create your own banner!

Game of Thrones, heute Nacht lief auf HBO die erste Folge der dritten Staffel mit dem klangvollen Titel Valar Dohaeris.

Nur so viel:

“The truth is always either terrible or boring.”
–  Game of Thrones: Valar Dohaeris – Sansa quote (Season 2 Episode 1)

Jeder kann dem Königreich beitreten und sein eigenes Banner erstellen.

Game of Thrones: - The Unbearable Lightness of Being [A Geek] (Join the Realm, HBO)

Game of Thrones: – The Unbearable Lightness of Being [A Geek] (Join the Realm, HBO)

Images: Join the Realm, HBO


Necropunk Pathfinder Campaign Setting via Kickstarter

Necropunk Pathfinder Campaign Setting. Scott Gladstein führt das beliebte Pathfinder RPG über Kickstarter direkt in die Zukunft. Sein Science Fiction-Rollenspiel eröffnet einen Blick darauf, was es heißt, ein Mensch zu sein – zumindest nach eigenem Bekunden.

„A Science Fiction Game Where Shaolin Monks with Bone Knives Fight 11ft 2 Ton Bone Golems at the Speed of Precognitive Thought in Space.


Necropunk is a game and setting that offers a look into what it means to be human. It will be, in the strictest sense, a roleplaying game set in a fantastic future where science has become indistinguishable from magic and necromancy is the flavor of the day.


A Fantasy Setting in a SciFi World


Our goal is to create an approachable, unique, science fiction setting that feels like a fantasy setting. We want someone who understands the dynamics of a fantasy game to understand the dynamics of necropunk. Because of boneskin, melee weapons have made a reappearance on the field of combat. While there are no “magic” powers, we have psychic abilities that, at least in part, function in a similar way to familiar magic-based concepts (scrying, anti-magic fields, use magic device). Space travel is designed to mimic overland travel (albeit on a larger scale) in a more medieval sense. Ship to ship combat in space is designed to mimic ship to ship combat on water. We drew direct parallels that allow a wider audience to comprehend the universe we are describing.


A few examples:

-Welshen Qu’em hearken back to monks or samurai. They have a heavy reliance on discipline, focus on martial arts, have a strong adherence to a tradition/moral/spiritual code, they are focused on master of the self, and employ different schools.


-Sentinels recall a warrior or ranger. They are strong generalist combatants who rely on training, versatility, and equipment selection.


-The Magdaleeno clan is heavily influenced by the concept of skirmishers, rogues, and ninja. They employ a number of surprising, disruptive, and even dishonorable tactics/weapons to achieve the same ends as their counterparts.


-The Necromancers Guild is very “wizard” like. Their companies are almost like wizard towers and their crafting of necrotech hearkens back to the creation of magic items (“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”). They have a never ending quest for knowledge and will go to great lengths to discover secrets that can grant them power.
Only human …

We intentionally made all races human in origin. The only differences are political/social in nature. This is to keep the message and theme of the game focused on political/social issues rather than actual physical racial issues (“The dwarves fight the elves because the elves don’t have beards. They are too proud to apologize and the dwarves are too stubborn to stop.” has no place in Necropunk).


We do not intend to ever employ sapient aliens. The only aliens we intend to employ are “beasts” as enemies for the players. They will be our analogue to mythical creatures employed in traditional fantasy works. Our bestiary will draw heavily from mythological sources and where magic or mythological abilities exist- we will use technological/aberrant biological counterparts.“

Necropunk Pathfinder Campaign Setting product description

Das Setting klingt eigentlich recht spannend, aber warum verwenden so viele Nachwuchsautoren die Regeln des Pathfinder RPGs, eines der vermutlich uninspiriertesten Rollenspiele. Selten so ein aufgeplustertes, kopiertes und gleichzeitig erfolgreiches Spiel gesehen.

Liebe Pathfinder-Gemeinde erklärt einem aufgeschlossenen Ignoranten bitte, warum Paizos Machwerk so großartig sein soll? Es erschließt sich mir einfach nicht.


Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: Faith of Morr (Print on Demand Expansion)

Fantasy Flight Games. Der amerikanische Hersteller erhält das inoffiziell hinter verschlossenen Türen mehr oder minder abgekündigte Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition mit Faith of Morr, einer weiteren Print on Demand Sammelkarten-Erweiterung, am untoten Leben.

Für 6,95 $ (+ Shipping) erweitern 20 Karten (15 blessings spanning Rank 1 to Rank 5, 2 item cards, 3 information cards) den Horizont der Priester des Totengottes der Alten Welt.

Das Rollenspiel entwickelt sich immer mehr in die falsche Richtung. Es gibt einfach zu viele Argumente (Sammelkartenspiel, keine weiteren Abenteuer/Erweiterungen angekündigt, weichgespülte Hintergrundwelt, Games Workshop-Lizenz, etc.), die gegen diese Vermarktung sprechen. Ich bin mehr oder minder raus. Vielleicht kaufe ich die fehlenden Erweiterungen mal Second Hand.


Invulnerable Comic Book Tabletop RPG: Vigilante Edition via Kickstarter

Invulnerable Comic Book Tabletop RPG: Vigilante Edition. Imperfekt Gammes und Joshua Kubli bieten über Kickstarter eine überarbeitete Neuauflage seines Superhelden-Rollenspiels an.

Bis zum 28.04.2013 benötigt das Projekt 4000 $.

„Invulnerable is a supers RPG with versatile powers, intense combat, and a complete setting. Grab some dice and save the world!


Hi. I’m Joshua Kubli of Imperfekt Gammes, and I’m here today to talk about my super hero roleplaying game, Invulnerable.




Invulnerable is a tabletop roleplaying game that uses six-sided dice, and allows you to create and play your own comic book super hero characters. You envision your hero’s adventures by imagining yourself a part of their world, describing their actions. My goal in creating Invulnerable was to create a traditional super hero RPG with simple, math-light character creation, versatile heroes, and awesome action.




You make a character by selecting an Awesomeness Level, choosing an Origin, and choosing two Motivations. Your hero’s Awesomeness Level gives you points to spend to increase your hero’s Attributes, Talents, and Powers.


Every hero gains Enhancements for their Powers, special tricks that others with the same Power might not know! Many of the Powers and Enhancements you’re likely to see in comics, cartoons, and movies are ready for you to select, and it’s easy to add more.


Motivations reflect your hero’s inspiration and moral code. Your hero’s Motivation shows us why your hero puts on a costume and risks their life fighting evil. Since heroes have two Motivations, it also shows why heroes are conflicted, why heroes don’t always see eye to eye with one another. A hero’s Motivations are an integral part of who they are, and they give your hero the strength to fight their utmost.


The combat system is intense and gritty, with optional rules for lighter, four-color play. I believe that what makes super heroes heroic is the very real danger they face; and I believe that what makes them Invulnerable isn’t their powers, but their courage and their spirit. Invulnerable includes a complete world setting, Earth-Omega, with over two dozen heroes and villains written up and ready to play, a detailed timeline, and important locations described. I love both the silliness of the Silver Age, the stylized hyper-action of the Iron Age, and the modern, deconstructionist trend in comics, so Earth-Omega is a loving homage to all these comic genres.


„Year One Edition“ has been out for two years now, for sale on DriveThruRPG, RPGNow, Paizo, Indie Press Revolution, and Createspace. It’s done well, but it’s time for a new release. I would like to release Invulnerable RPG: Vigilante Edition with a new cover, lots more interior artwork, and better editing and layout. If this Kickstarter funds, Invulnerable will go into print distribution with Chronicle City, a very exciting prospect.


I have some fantastic artists lined up! Jason Juta will provide the new cover (he did that banner, check it out!). Joel Biske is working on the interior page borders right now, and interior art will be provided by folks like Jason, Joel, industry veterans Bradley McDevitt, Marco Morte, and Khairul Hisham, rising star Gennifer Bone, and indie comics artist Elijah Brubaker.




Ten percent of all money from print and PDF sales of Invulnerable: Vigilante Edition (after the Kickstarter is complete) will go to Doctors Without Borders, also known as Médecins Sans Frontières. These people are real-life heroes, and we can make the world a better place by helping them. Even if you don’t donate toward this Kickstarter, please consider donating to MSF at
Invulnerable Comic Book Tabletop RPG: Vigilante Edition product description

Braucht die Welt ein weiteres Spandexheldenrollenspiel? Vermutlich nicht. Ich schon mal überhaupt nicht, aber Joshua Kublis Projekt unterstützt Ärzte ohne Grenzen / Doctors without borders, was nun mal echte Helden sind. Tolle Idee! Respekt!


Les Ombres d’Esteren – Livre 3 Dearg Edition Limitée: Art by Yvan „Gawain“ Villeneuve

Les Ombres d’Esteren – Livre 3 Dearg Edition Limitée. Die Crowdfunding-Aktion via Ulule für die französische Shadows of Esteren-Rollenspielkampagne ist beendet. Agate Editions konnte von 713 Unterstützern insgesamt 62616 € sammeln.

Ein Bild sagt mehr als 1000 Worte. Hier gibt es vier Werke von Yvan „Gawain“ Villeneuve zu sehen, die das Projekt grafisch unterstützen.

Les Ombres d’Esteren (Yvan "Gawain" Villeneuve, Agate Editions)

Les Ombres d’Esteren (Yvan „Gawain“ Villeneuve, Agate Editions)

Les Ombres d’Esteren (Yvan "Gawain" Villeneuve, Agate Editions)

Les Ombres d’Esteren (Yvan „Gawain“ Villeneuve, Agate Editions)

Les Ombres d’Esteren (Yvan "Gawain" Villeneuve, Agate Editions)

Les Ombres d’Esteren (Yvan „Gawain“ Villeneuve, Agate Editions)

Les Ombres d’Esteren (Yvan "Gawain" Villeneuve, Agate Editions)

Les Ombres d’Esteren (Yvan „Gawain“ Villeneuve, Agate Editions)

Verehrte Rollenspielschaffende, so macht man das! Ich freue mich schon auf den nächsten Kickstarter für Shadows of Esteren.

Images: Yvan „Gawain“ Villeneuve, Agate Editions


Unknown Armies: Thin Black Line zum kostenlosen Download

Atlas Games. In letzter Zeit behandelte der amerikanische Verlag das einmalige Rollenspiel Unkown Armies von Greg Stolze und John Tynes eher stiefmütterlich.

Doch seit Neuestem regt sich wieder etwas im Okkulten Untergrund, denn es gibt ein unoffizielles Lebenszeichen von Chad Underkoffler. Sein 24-seitiges Abenteuer Thin Black Line kann kostenlos als Download über Steve Jacksons Games e23 bezogen werden.

„Thin Black Line
An Unofficial Unknown Armies Supplement


In Al-Andalus in the Emirate of Grenada, in the Year of Our Lord 1236, a Christian priest-Cecil-was magickally assaulted by a Moorish sorcerer named Al-Sulayman. That priest’s ultimate victory against dark powers led to the establishment of the Order of Saint Cecil. That’s the legend, at least.


Thin Black Line is a free, non-canonical, PDF-only supplement for Unknown Armies, the roleplaying game where players become movers and shakers in the occult underground, kicking ass and taking names in a world of transcendental horror and furious action.


Thin Black Line details the Order of St. Cecil, an organization of Catholic priests and their allies dedicated to hunting down the supernatural wherever it manifests, and is suitable for player characters. It provides plot hooks and background information galore, including a big-picture history of magic in the Unknown Armies world. It includes a slew of new PC capabilities-including the Charismatic school of magic-that you can use right out of the box in your Unknown Armies game. “
Unknown Armies: Thin Black Line product description


Geek & Sundry-Tabletop: Duty Unto Death – Kostenloses Dragon Age-Szenario verfügbar

Dragon Age RPG. Chris Pramas und Green Ronin machen ihr Versprechen wahr. Der Rollenspielautor stellt das Dragon Age-Szenario Duty Unto Death zum kostenlosen Download zur Verfügung.

In der Youtube-Show Tabletop (Geek & Sundry) spielte der Rollenspieler und Verlagsinhaber dieses Abenteuer mit Wil Wheaton (Star Trek), Chris Hardwick (Comedian, Nerdist), Kevin Sussman (Schauspieler, The Big Bang Theory) und Sam Witwer (Schauspieler, Being Human).

Eine gute Werbung für das Rollenspielhobby.


I Am Zombie: An interview with Mark Rein-Hagen

I Am Zombie. Mark Rein-Hagen wird voraussichtlich im Juni 2013 einen Kickstarter zu seinem kommenden Rollenspiel (und L.A.R.P.) veranstalten. Make-Believe Games werden dieses „I Am Zombie: The Zombification“ veröffentlichen.

Die Lizenz für die World of Darkness gehört dem Spieldesigner nicht mehr, aber die DNA seiner Kreationen, wie z. B. Vampire: The Masquerade, sind unverkennbar.
Das Konzept alte „geistvolle“ Zombies (Profane) vs. junge „geistlose“ Zombies (Skags) spricht Bände etc., oder?

Hier das Interview von Your Main Man Speaks mit Mark Rein-Hagen.

Mark Rein-Hagen setzt auf Karten und Chips anstelle von Charactersheets. Seine Ausführungen über das noch in der Entwicklung befindliche Spielsystem hören sich wesentlich interessanter an, als das überstrapazierte Zombie-Genre. Während Vampire: The Masquerade damals innovativ war, fehlt hier irgendwie das Neue … Ich bin ein Monster-Rollenspiele gibt es bereits und der Virus greift spätestens seit Resident Evil um sich.

Kartenbasierte Rollenspiele, also beispielsweise Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition und Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition, hemmen die eigene Kreativität – zumindest teilweise. Sie spielen sich oft wie das Sammelkartenspiel Magic: The Gathering.

„Ring-a-ring o‘ roses,
A pocket full of posies,
A-tishoo! A-tishoo!
We all fall down.


Where o‘ ere it gosies?
The smell will burn your nosies,
Blackened! Blackened!
We rise from the ground!


Shamble to the Purgis,
Then a round o’ Dirges,
A-feastin’! A-feastin’!
You all fall down!




Mark Rein•Hagen brought dragons out of the dungeon and into the coffeehouse 20 years ago with a relevant and achingly literary spin on the undead, then vanished. Now he’s back with a new game for a planet crawling back from economic disaster.


LOUISVILLE, Kentucky and TBILISI, Georgia, March TK, 2013 – Award-winning game designer and TV producer Mark Rein•Hagen knows what scares us, so now that he’s back with I AM ZOMBIE, his first all-new role-playing system in nearly two decades, we might all want to check our neuroses at the door.


The good news is that the co-founder of White Wolf Publishing (now owned by Icelandic MMORPG game developer CCP) isn’t shy about making sure not to serve loyal fans or new gamers any stale nightmares about the walking dead.
“People think zombies are played out but that’s just lazy storytelling finding its own level,” he explains. “The image of the animated corpse that pursues us endlessly still scares us. It still scares me, and I’ve watched a lot of zombie movies lately while working on I AM ZOMBIE. That’s why even the languid versions still have the power to both terrify us and inform our sense of where society is headed.”


After an intensely collaborative development cycle with Rein•Hagen’s partners at Make-Believe Games and Eschaton Media Inc., I AM ZOMBIE is currently slated to launch on Kickstarter on June 20th with full support from both companies.

Like a traditional role-playing game, I AM ZOMBIE allows players to participate in the storyline by taking the part of characters in a rich fictional setting, in this case a dense 50 year old “Manifesto of the Risen” that Rein•Hagen says bears unnerving echoes to a modern post-iPad, post-Occupy, post-Crash world.


However, I AM ZOMBIE’s mechanics take the game off the tabletop and into the field with playing cards and chips instead of character sheets. Those looking for a glimpse of Rein•Hagen’s current thinking can find plenty of clues at Make-Believe’s current Kickstarter campaign Succubus: The Reborn (, which takes a particularly lush approach to the card-based system.

Rich online support will reflect the interest Make-Believe and the modern game community share in speed, DIY sensibility, and direct two-way communication between players and developers. Simplified versions of the I AM ZOMBIE cards will be available to print on demand, and playtesting will be open, free, and universal.


Plunge into the “Google Void”
Rein•Hagen and his design team primarily collaborate online – while he has adopted Tbilisi as his home, Make-Believe is based in Louisville and Eschaton operates out of Jersey City – so development meant months of searching endless wiki-fied, Google-friendly versions of the myth before finding inspiration well off the beaten track.


“I was rummaging through the ‘poetry’ shelves in a teeming Greenwich Village bookstore, and there it was: the historical I AM ZOMBIE manifesto,” he recalls.


“You know, the shelves where they keep all kinds of journals you’ve never heard of, privately printed zines, mimeographed rants. This strange book called itself ‘a Guide Book to the Hereafter, in Photographs and Text.’ I was a little dumbfounded and completely fascinated. This was our jumping-off point. And there was a P.O. Box address on the back page. I think the store wanted $3 for it. It goes for a lot more now.”


Further research revealed that I AM ZOMBIE was so obscure that a Google search turned up zero hits for the book, much less its authorship or anything about the publisher, Purgatory Press. Rare book dealers were little help, but a few months of digging secured the rights to adapt and reprint the somewhat eccentric text under new cover.


“There are still mysteries, even in this day of Google everything,” Rein•Hagen says. “Call them search voids, or social media holes, nobody ever mentions them anywhere online. Sometimes it’s because they don’t want to be found. I AM ZOMBIE was like that, and thanks to the good people at Purgatory Press, we’re going to get to take you somewhere new.”


ABOUT MARK REIN•HAGEN. As co-founder of White Wolf Publishing, creator of the world-renowned omnimedia franchise known as THE WORLD OF DARKNESS and co-producer of KINDRED: THE EMBRACED, Mark is sometimes known in the game industry as the “King of the Vampires” because of the influence he has had on subsequent Vampire movies and TV shows. He lives in Tbilisi with his wife and two children and is prepared for the end of the world as we know it.


ABOUT MAKE-BELIEVE GAMES. Make-Believe Games is an American game company focusing on developing innovative card, board, and role-playing games. I AM ZOMBIE is its third commercial design (following the “Euro-style” board game DEMOCRACY: MAJORITY RULES, and the “Party Poker RPG” game SUCCUBUS: THE REBORN (currently on Kickstarter), and now its first full role-playing system.


ABOUT ESCHATON MEDIA INC. Eschaton Media is an American game company focusing on game related trans-media properties. Eschaton Media came onto the scene with the release of the Dystopia Rising LARP network and Dystopia Rising table top game properties two years ago. Since then Eschaton Media has continued its focus on game lines that cross between the realms of alternate reality gaming, live action role playing, and traditional table top roleplaying games. Eschaton Media has thirteen publications either already released or set for release in 2013 ranging from novels to RPGs, to card games and film scripts.






Everything you’ve seen in the zombie movies is true, but it goes deeper than that. The mindless ones you see on the screen are our Skags, but you, you are one of the Profane, a master of death.


Your government has been lying to you for years. Outbreaks happen, but they are then covered up. Flesh eating bacteria? That was us. Chemical spills? You guessed it, that was us too. The Black Death? That was a big one, but guilty as charged. Mad Cow disease? Yeah … that’s not us.


I’d invite you to join us, but if you are reading this you’re already infected. Welcome to the party. Now you have to learn how to manage your disease and use it, but with great power comes great … yadda, yadda, yadda. Listen; if you cause an outbreak, they’re going to Supermax you. So pull it together newbie. You probably don’t have much time.

Once you learn to control it, you can live a long, long time, but most of us barely make 20 years. Live fast, die young, leave a gruesome corpse…


Your struggle will be to stave off the taint and keep yourself looking human most of the time so that your illness doesn’t become terminal. Let it get to that point and you’ll be spending the rest of your miserable existence as a quasi-sentient head in a box.

Take this book seriously! If you want to make it in our world, you need to know this shit cold.“
I Am Zombie announcement via Facebook

(via Rollenspiel-Almanach)


Succubus: The Reborn by Mark Rein-Hagen via Kickstarter

Succubus: The Reborn (Make-Believe Games)

Succubus: The Reborn (Make-Believe Games)

Succubus: The Reborn. Make-Believe Games, Mark Rein-Hagens (Vampire: The Masquerade, World of Darkness, etc.) neue Firma, wendet sich den untoten Blutsaugern zu. Überschaubare Spielregeln und spezielle thematisch aufbereitete Spielkarten sollen den Weg ins Rollenspiel oder Live Action Roleplaying (LARP) selbst für absolute Neulinge ebnen.

Der Kickstarter zum selbst ernannten Party Poker RPG für 8-90 Spieler benötigt bis zum 15.04.2013 mindestens 15000 $.

„Succubus: The Reborn is a deck of vampire themed playing cards, but it is also something more. It is a new take on a classic game device: cards.


First and foremost it is a custom deck of playing cards printed at the highest possible quality by the world leader in cards, The United States Playing Card Company, makers of Bicycle and Bee cards. Each card is lavishly illustrated and carefully designed to illustrate the theme. And each deck, and all of the components offered in this Kickstarter, are made in the United States.

Second, each card bears a symbol which represent the classic game of Rock, Paper, Scissors and even Bomb, which makes the Succubus: the Reborn deck the premier deck to own for fans of Live Action Role Playing Games.


Finally, and most intriguingly, each card in the deck has at least one or more unique (and sometimes hidden) symbols, which allow it to be used in a unique party game for players clever and sensible.


Succubus is a unique game designed to turn a dull get together into an exciting high-stakes game of social poker. The game requires a “Dealer” who runs the game, and knows the rules, which are simple. The players are Vampires who are members of four great Lineages (teams) represented by the four card suits.


The one rule that the players need to know is that the game is played by convincing, or coercing, other players to trade cards with them in order to get the best possible Poker hand. They need to work together as a team to succeed, but each is vying to be Captain of the team. To win, players must trick, lie, bribe, and outwit the other players into giving them the cards that they need.


There are three acts: in each, players engage in open trading, challenges, and closed trading among their teammates. At the end of each act there will be a Captain’s Table. At the Captain’s Table the player from each team with the highest card of their teams suit will come together and play a single hand of poker. There is a final confrontation and the Lineage whose Captain won the final Captain’s Table will take the victory and seize control of the night.


Party Poker RPG is not just one game, it is a game system. Just as Role Playing Games (RPG’s) often sport one core rules set with many different possible play settings, so too does Party Poker RPG. In Party Poker RPG you and your friends utilize a custom deck of high quality playing cards as the core component in a fun to play, easy to learn, hard to quit party game. The element that makes Party Poker RPG different from other games which utilize cards is that our cards combine the strategic elements of board games, with the play acting elements of a Live Action Role Playing Game (LARP), and the competitive head-to-head action of a multiplayer video or computer game. This is our first release in the Party Poker RPG lineup, coming soon are Zombie, Werewolf, Wiz-School, and Mafia themed decks and games.

For players of Live Action Vampire RPGs we hope that these decks and game will make it easier to recruit new players, luring them in with simple, easy to learn rules and low stress team play.


If you have more than 30 players you will need assistant Dealers and, unless you live in a mansion, a location to play other than your home. Party Poker RPG is an ideal convention event because of it accessibility and speed of play.


Back of the card, 18k Stretch Goal. Rough sketch, not finalBack of the card, 18k Stretch Goal. Rough sketch, not final


Succubus: the Reborn playing cards will be printed by the world famous United States Playing Card Company, and features 56 standard poker sized cards with custom art designed by Make-Believe to convey a dark, moody, and at times shockingly whimsical depiction of everyone’s favorite creatures of the night … Vampires. Your decks will include all of the following features:


• Custom card backs
• 12 custom designed, face cards
• 4 uniquely crafted Aces
• Custom designed number cards, each one of them unique.
• Hidden symbols on every card: including Rock, Paper, Scissors, and Bomb and more.
• 4, yes 4, custom Joker Cards, one each of the four suits, with hidden symbols.
• Embossed, or “Magic”, finish which both protects the cards and makes them easier to handle and pick up off of flat surfaces such as table tops.
• Bespoke suit symbols on every card
• Custom tuck box


…and for a lucky few of you: your very own likeness, or that of a loved one, or your character, emblazoned upon one of the face cards!




Note: this first edition version of the Succubus cards, using this particular font (and other details) will never be repeated, making them unique and distinctive.“
Succubus: The Reborn product description


Burning Suns – The conquest of a galaxy via Kickstarter

Burning Suns (SunTzuGames)

Burning Suns (SunTzuGames)

Burning Suns – The conquest of a galaxy. SunTzuGames führt seinen Eroberungsfeldzug über Kickstarter.

Das Science Fiction-Strategiespiel für 2-5 Freizeitstrategen dauert nach eigenen Angaben ca. 40 Minuten je Spieler.
Sie alle streben danach, das größte Weltraumimperium zu errichten.

Emil Larsen, dänischer Leutnant und Spielentwickler, stellt die treibende Kraft hinter diesem Projekt dar. So wie es aussieht, wartet sein Team mit einem bemerkenswerten Erstlingswerk auf.

„Burning Suns is a 4X strategy game in space, where 2-5 players compete in an epic struggle to create the greatest empire in the galaxy. The game plays in 80 min. for two players, you add 40 min per extra player that joins the game. In your attempt to build an empire you’ll have to be cunning, strategic and willing to face both great risks and difficult decisions. Remember, only one empire can ever rule the galaxy as the supreme power!“
Burning Suns – The conquest of a galaxy product description

Images: SunTzuGames