
Game of Thrones 3: „Dark Wings, Dark Words“ Teaser

Game of Thrones. Morgen setzt HBO zumindest in den Vereinigten Staaten die Fantasy-Serie fort.
Die zweite Folge „Dark Wings, Dark Words“ (s03e01) schreibt ein weiteres Kapitel der Geschichte der Sieben Königslande.

Lady Olenna Tyrell naht. Ob Left und Right den Cast bereichern?

Season 4 wurde übrigens vor Kurzem bestätigt.


Fudge it! Fudge Dice Infusion via Kickstarter

Fudge it! Fudge Dice Infusion. Rustyn Sa bringt ein wenig Glamour in die Welt von Fudge und damit auch Fate, welches auf dem Freeform Universal Do-it-yourself Gaming Engine von Steffan O’Sullivan aus dem Jahre 1995 beruht.

Ein paar transparente und farbige Würfel fehlen der wachsenden Fangemeinde zum Plusminusglück. Bis zum 1. Mai 2013 benötigt die Würfelmacherin 7950 $.

„Add bling to your bag with the simple elegance of translucent FATE dice.


Fudge Dice – What are they good for?


Fate games use Fudge Dice. Even before the smashing success of Fate Core, it was difficult to find Fudge Dice. It’s particularly difficult to find attractive Fudge Dice. We are going to change that.


There are tons of great FATE based games including:

What you’re getting


The dice are 16 mm, with rounded corners and come in different colors, with white markings. The first two colors are the ever popular red and blue, and after we meet our initial goal we will set up a link so our backers can choose the third color. Each set includes four dice and a small velvet drawstring bag.“
Fudge it! Fudge Dice Infusion product description


Origins Awards Nominees announced for 2013

The Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts and Design Announces 2013 Origins Awards Nominees. Der deutsche Spielepreis trifft so manche fragwürdige Entscheidung und mit dem befremdlichen hinter verschlossenen Türen verliehnen Publikumspreis der RPC beschäftige ich mich nicht weiter.
Wurde schon besser veräppelt.

Hier die leicht kommentierte Auswahl der GAMA:

Best Roleplaying Game
Iron Kingdoms Full Metal Fantasy RPG Core Rules – Privateer Press [Oh, nein. Bitte nicht!]
Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Basic Games – Margaret Weis Productions [Hm, Superhelden? System soll nett sein]
Monsterhearts – Buried Without Ceremony [Nice]
Nights of the Crusades – Aetheric Dreams
Primeval RPG – Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.

Best Roleplaying Supplement
Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Civil War Essentials Edition Event Book – Margaret Weis Productions
Menzoberranzan: City of Intrigue – Wizards of the Coast
Mutants & Masterminds: Threat Report – Green Ronin
Rimward: The Outer System – Posthuman Studios [Nö…]
The Mythos Dossiers – Cubicle 7 Entertainment

Best Board Game
Hot Rod Creeps – Cryptozoic
Kingdom Builder – Queen Games
Lords of Waterdeep – Wizards of the Coast [Cool!]
Mage Knight – WizKids
Mage Wars – Arcane Wonder

Best Collectible Card Games
Card Fight! Vanguard Breaker of Limits – Bushiroad
Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters – Wizards of the Coast
Legend of the 5 Rings: Embers of War – AEG
World of Warcraft: War of the Ancients – Cryptozoic
Yu-Gi-Oh! Battlepacks – Konami

Best Traditional Card Game
Doctor Who the Card Game – Cubicle 7 Entertainment/Treefrog Games
Legendary – Upper Deck
Locke & Key – Cryptozoic [Comic, hat viele Fans. Mir gefiel es nicht.]
Penny Arcade: Rumble in R’lyeh – Cryptozoic
Smash Up – AEG

Best Family, Party or Children’s Game
Catan Junior – Mayfair Games
Escape: The Curse of the Temple – Queen Games
Love Letter – AEG
Once Upon A Time 3rd Edition – Atlas Games [Taucht immer wieder auf. Fein!]
Quarriors! Dice Building Game – WizKids Games

Best Gaming Accessory
Castle Panic: The Wizard’s Tower – Fireside Games
Dungeon Tiles: Castle Grimstead – Wizards of the Coast
Metal Steampunk Dice Set – Q Workshop
Pathfinder Battles Miniatures: Rise of the Runelords – WizKids games [Doofes Spiel, tolle Puppen]
Pathfinder Serpent’s Skull Dice Set – Q Workshop

Best Miniatures Rules
Dungeon Command: Curse of Undeath – Wizards of the Coast
Heavy Gear Blitz! Perfect Storm: The NuCoal Field Guide – Dream Pod 9
The Battlefield: Miniature Modern Warfare – Bombshell Games/Brent Spivey
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Campaign Starter Set – WizKids Games
WARMACHINE: Colossus – Privateer Press

Best Historical Miniature Figure/Line
Ancient Greeks – Victrix Ltd
Austrian Napoleonic Infantry – Perry Miniatures
Early Imperial Romans – Aventine Miniatures
Early War Polish WWII – Forged In Battle
German BP44 Armored Train – Battlefront Miniatures

Best Historical Board Game
1812: The Invasion of Canada – Academy Games
Andean Abyss – GMT [Wollte ich spielen, klappte nicht. Abgefahrene Regeln. Sicher spannend]
Clash of Wills – Mayfair Games
Frontline General: Spearpoint 1943 Village and Defensive Line Map Expansion – Collins Epic War Games
Samurai Battles – Zvezda

Best Historical Miniature Rules Supplement
Bolt Action: Armies of Germany – Osprey Publishing/Warlord Games
Clash of Empires: Age of Ravens – Great Escape Games
Flames of War: Nuts – Battlefront Miniatures
Hail Caesar Army Lists: Late Antiquity to Early Medieval – Warlord Games
SAGA: Raven’s Shadow – Gripping Beast/Studio Tomahawk

Best Historical Miniature Rules
Brink of Battle: Skirmish Gaming Through the Ages – Strategic Elite
Bolt Action: WWII Wargaming Rules – Osprey Publishing/Warlord Games
Deus Vault – Fireforge Games
Flames of War: Open Fire! – Battlefront Miniatures
Mad Dogs With Guns – Pulp Action Library

Best Miniature Figure Line
The Aberration (Carnevale: The Miniature Game) – Vesper-On Games
Marvel HeroClix: Galactic Guardians – WizKids Games
Mountain King (Trollbloods Gargantuan) – Privateer Press
Radru-Rashaar (Carnevale: The Miniature Game) – Vesper-On Games
Trontek 29ers Corporation Team – Mantic Games

Best Game-Related Publication
Death’s Heretic – Paizo Publishing, LLC
Battletech: Weapons Free – Catalyst Game Labs [Mecha not Mech, you …]
Time Traveled Tales – GAMA
Eighth Day Genesis: A World Building Codex – Alliteration Ink
Never Unprepared: The Complete Game Master’s Guide to Session Prep – Engine Publishing [Schick]


Star Wars: Edge of the Empire erscheint voraussichtlich Juli

Fantasy Flight Games. Der amerikanische Hersteller verschiebt die Veröffentlichung seines Star Wars-Rollenspiels, d. h. das Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook, die Roleplay Dice und das Game Master’s Kit erscheinen wohl erst in der ersten Juliwoche.

Die Macht war wohl nicht so ganz mit dem 448-seitigen Hardcover über Schmuggler in einer weit, weit entfernten Galaxie. Vermutlich ist sie verärgert, weil es keine Regel für Jedis geben wird.


Edara: A Steampunk Renaissance Tabletop RPG via Kickstarter

Edara: A Steampunk Renaissance Tabletop RPG. Ryan Schoon und die neue Spielefirma Caelestis Designs bereichern die rollenspielende Kickstarterwelt mit einer Eigenentwicklung.
Es handelt sich um einen Stilmix aus Fantasy, Steampunk und Renaissance. Menschen, Elfen, Zwerge, Dampfmaschinen, Luftschiffe, religiöse Konflikte (etc.) und ein auf einem 12-seitigen Würfel basierendes Spielsystem sind die wesentlichen Kernmerkmale des Projekts.

Bis zum 01. Mai 2013 benötigt das Team 7500 $.

„A serialized pen & paper RPG set in a magical world where a Steampunk Renaissance is pitting Science against Religion.


Edara: A Serialized Role-Playing Game


Our goal for Edara is to make a serialized role-playing game that is both incredibly fun to play and incredibly fun to talk about. In today’s world of social networks and social gaming, everyone seems to crave that social component. With a serialized game, we will deliver that. Edara: A Steampunk Renaissance will deliver a central story to all of its players. No matter what characters you are playing, what level you have achieved, or what extra adventures your Game Master takes you on, everyone who follows the published adventure modules will be moving through the story at the same place. The same excitement at seeing a new episode of your favorite television show or reading a new entry into your favorite series of novels will be present after finishing one of the published Edara adventures. Social media will then become an outlet for fellow fans to gather together and discuss how their missions played out, attempt to unveil the mysterious machinations occurring behind the scenes, and share tips and strategies on developing characters. We will help organize these discussions with official Edara forums and pages across all networking sites, as well as organizing Edara „Mission Days“ at local game stores across America where your performance will be tracked and compared to other players across the nation. Supplementing these adventures will be planned novels, comic books, and even animated webisodes that will bring new depth to the story.


What is the Steampunk Renaissance?


The Steampunk Renaissance describes the cultural movement currently happening in Edara. For the past few centuries, Edara has been steeped in violence. Religious leaders from both the Black and White Bands believed their Primarchs to be at war and carried that spiritual battle to the physical fields of Edara. This lead to closed borders, division between the mortal races, and an air of tension that lasted for hundreds of years.


With the discovery of Steam Technology, all of this changed. Suddenly, there was hope. Green Band Inventors and Red Band Engineers went to work harnessing that power and creating Gadgets that make life easier. Roadways were built to connect cities that had never been connected. The first Cross-Realm railroad has been completed and steam powered Zeppelins roams the skies. The world is smaller than ever. This allows for an exchange of ideas and culture that had long since been forgotten. Now the focus is on the inventors, artists, and musicians who are slowly removing the blanket of fear from Edara. The world is ripe for travels and adventures. Edara is open once again.


The System


Edara uses a brand new game system developed by Caelstis Designs. The entire game can be played using only one twelve-sided die per player. This is to make the game simple for new players, and also to drive the idea that Edara is, first and foremost, a  game focused on role playing. Skill based solutions and creative role playing will often benefit you more than flat out combat. The die is there to determine if actions succeed or not, and to help give a framework for skill checks and combat.


When combat does occur, the D12 system that we have developed calls for creative solutions and strategic movements as opposed to lucky die rolls. The way to succeed in combat and devastate your enemies is by maximizing your Action Points (a set amount of points that must be divided among your actions each turn), working together to Engage and Overwhelm your targets (which keeps them off balance and allows you to press your advantage) and choosing the correct attack for the situation. Attacks are made via a strengths vs weakness system where the type of attack you are making has a better chance to succeed against certain types of opponents. You wouldn’t want to attack a giant troll in full scale-male with a rapier. That situation would instead call for a devastating magical attack, or a piercing bullet that can penetrate the armor.“
Edara: A Steampunk Renaissance Tabletop RPG product description


East Asian Village for 28mm Gamers via Kickstarter

East Asian Village for 28mm Gamers (Renaissance Miniatures)

East Asian Village for 28mm Gamers (Renaissance Miniatures)

East Asian Village for 28mm Gamers. Tabletop-Fans und Rollenspieler können sich über den aktuellen Kickstarter von Renaissance Miniatures freuen. Sie bieten ostasiatische, maßstabsgetreue und bemalte Modellgebäude und Accessoires an. Die japanisch, chinesisch oder koreanisch inspirierten Gebäude sind zerlegbar und können gewissermaßen von 28mm-Miniaturen „betreten“ werden.

Das Projekt von Renee Launer dürfte besonders etwas für Fans von Legend of the 5 Rings, Kensei oder Bushido sein. Die gezeigten Bilder sehen vielversprechend aus. Einige Figuren von Black Hat Miniatures werden gleich mitgeliefert.

„Realistic pre-painted modular buildings & accessories in 28mm scale. Accessible and detailed interiors with 1“ etched grid on floors.


The goal of this project is to kick start our „East Asian Village“ effort. Sure, these models buildings look good, but they are also highly functional. Built for 28mm gamers, these are modular units – so you can pull them apart and reassemble them into different buildings. You can remove the roof to see inside the upper floor, remove the upper floor to see the ground floor.  We’re aware that a village is a lot more than just buildings – so we’re gradually creating a strong line of accessories – anything you might find in a typical village.

Our „flagship“ model is our giant pagoda. This is a huge building on seven floors – lift any of the levels off and you’ll see floors etched with a 1″ gamer grid, realistic planking, a spiral staircase and detailed, multi-colored walls.


For this Kickstarter, we’re pleased to announce that we’re collaborating with Black Hat Miniatures to add bonus figurines for many of our reward levels.

For more pictures and other product information check out our website at
East Asian Village for 28mm Gamers product description

Images: Renaissance Miniatures


Shadowrun: Sprawl Gangers – An interview with Randall Bills

Shadowrun. 2013 soll das Jahr der Sechsten Welt werden. Die 5. Auflage des Rollenspiels naht, ebenso die zwei Computerspiele Shadowrun Returns and Shadowrun Online. Für den cyber-fantastischen Spieltisch sind Shadowrun: Crossfire und Shadowrun: Sprawl Gangers bestimmt.

Letztgenannte Auslegung adressiert den umkämpften und lebhaften Tabletop- und Skirmish-Markt. Mit Hilfe von CooolMiniOrNot soll auch die „Puppenschubserfraktion“ beglückt werden.

Doc Belmont führte mit Randall N. Bills ein Interview über den aktuellen Stand an der Scharmützelfront. Randall N. Bills verantwortet für Catalyst Game Labs als Managing Line Developer unter anderem die Produktlinien Shadowrun und Battletech.

Gemeinsam mit Ross Watson entwickelt er momentan Shadowrun: Sprawl Gangers.

Zusammenfassend und Änderungen vorbehalten:

  • Shadowrun: Sprawl Gangers erscheint voraussichtlich in einer Box mit zwei Gangs (Ancients, Halloweeners – Plastikminiaturen) und Spiel- und Kampagnenregeln
  • Nekromunda (Games Workshop) dient als Orientierungspunkt. Besonders das Kampagnensystem wird als vorbildlich betont
  • Die Lernkurve soll für Fans des Rollenspiels niedrig gehalten werden, d. h. ähnliche Begrifflichkeiten, Regelkonzepte etc.
  • Das Spiel wird Magier und Decker integrieren. Critter sind ebenfalls möglich. Die Einbindung von Lone Stars (Cops) scheint hingegen noch offen
  • Von der Marktresonanz abhängig sind Erweiterungen und Gangs (Eye-Fivers, Rusted Stillettos oder unter Umständen eigene Schöpfungen) denkbar
  • Mit einer Veröffentlichung vor dem kommenden Winter ist nicht zu rechnen

Der Kickstarter, der unausweichlich erscheint, könnte ein Hit werden.



Lords of Gossamer and Shadow: (Amber) Diceless Role-Playing via Kickstarter

Lords of Gossamer and Shadow (Jason Rainville, Rite Publishing)

Lords of Gossamer and Shadow (Jason Rainville, Rite Publishing)

Lords of Gossamer and Shadow: Diceless Role-Playing. Steven D. Russell von Rite Publishing und sein Team aktualisieren gewissermaßen Erick Wujciks würfellosen Rollenspielklassiker Amber. Der Verlag konnte einige interessante Kreative für das über Kickstarter finanzierte Projekt gewinnen.

Lead Designer: Jason Durall (Amber Diceless Role-Playing, Shadow Knight, A Game of Thrones RPG, Supernatural RPG)

Editing: Perry Grosshans (To Kill or Not to Kill)

Lead Artist: Jason Rainville (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Npc Codex, Lamentations of the Flame Princess, Coliseum Morpheuon)

Cartography: Jonathan Roberts (George R. R. Martin’s Lands of Ice and Fire, Heroes of the Jade Oath, Coliseum Morpheuon)

Nach eigenen Aussagen ist das ca. 160-seitige vollfarbige Hardcover geschrieben, editiert und weitestgehend gelayoutet. Einige Illustrationen fehlen noch.

„Check out the Full-Sized Free PDF preview!


„The spiritual successor to Amber Diceless Role-Playing“ – Dominic McDowall-Thomas of Cubicle Seven Entertainment


This world is but one of untold many, a flux of chance caught between shadow and light. It is a world poised between great powers that shape and define all matter, one of many battlegrounds in an epic struggle between form and cacophony. This is the battle between the creators, shapers, and destroyers of worlds. Welcome to the Lords of Gossamer and Shadow!

Lords of Gossamer and Shadow is an original sourcebook and role-playing game using Erick Wujcik’s Amber Diceless Role-playing, licensed from Diceless by Design. It is a standalone product, but remains fully compatible with the existing rules system and can be readily used in new and existing campaigns.


ENnie award winning designer and Amber Diceless Role-Playing veteran Jason Durall brings you the talent and imagination you’ve seen in his work with Shadow Knight, The Game of Thrones Rpg, and the Basic Roleplaying game.


The manuscript is complete, written and edited. We’ve packed this book with great art from the talented Jason Rainville–Whose fantastic work has recently appeared in the NPC Codex by Paizo Publishing, Lamentations of the Flame Princess, and works by Rite Publishing.

There’s just one problem. When this project began, we projected only a 60-page book. Sixty pages to create the spiritual successor to Amber Diceless Role-Playing. To create an entirely new realm of intrigue and adventure. And then we turned the author loose on it.

What we got back was an additional 100 pages of pure awesome. One hundred and sixty plus pages of adventure.


We knew we had to make this book, no matter what it took, but our resources for Lords of Gossamer and Shadow were spent– and I think you’ll agree, they were spent well. Rite Publishing could wait for months.


We could internally fund the remaining necessary artwork, but we don’t want to wait. We don’t think you want to, either. Artists get busy, new projects come up. We want to lock in Jason Rainville to create the remaining artwork. To keep the same artistic theme. That is the sole purpose of this project– to fund the few remaining pieces necessary to fill out the completed manuscript. With your support, our Kickstarter campaign hopes to gather the resources necessary to present an absolutely gorgeous, unified game that is a joy to play and behold.


With design by Jason Durall, cover art by Jason Rainville and editing by Perry Grosshans, we want to give you a second chance to be a part of a roleplaying legacy. To rescue the project from a purgatory of waiting.


Thank you for your time.

Steven D. Russell


Rite Publishing


(estimated 160+ page hardback full-color interior)


The manuscript is completed and edited, with initial layout near completion, we need an estimated 15+ pieces of additional artwork to complete this project.  100% of the initial goal will go toward purchasing this artwork. A percentage of any money earned over that amount goes to the estate of Erick Wujick via our licensing agreement with Diceless by Design, the current publishers of Amber Diceless Role-Playing. (Special thanks to them for letting us do this project.)

Lords of Gossamer and Shadow: Diceless Role-Playing product description

Images: Jason Rainville, Rite Publishing


Kensei Fantasy Creatures via Indiegogo

Kensei Fantasy Creatures Indiegogo (Zenit Miniatures)

Kensei Fantasy Creatures Indiegogo (Zenit Miniatures)

Kensei Fantasy Creatures. Zenit Miniatures (Nemesis u. a.) veröffentlichten vor einiger Zeit Kensei, ein von der japanischen Historie inspiriertes Tabletop.
Der spanische Hersteller stellt übrigens die englischen Spielregeln von Kensei auf der Produktseite zum kostenlosen Download bereit.

Das IndieGogo-Crowdfundingprojekt integriert japanisch-mythologische Kreaturen in das Spiel. Selbstverständlich eignen sich die Monster auch für Rollenspiele, wie z. B. Legend of the 5 Rings.

Zenith Miniatures verfolgt mit der Kampagne große Ziele, denn es sind bereits in der ersten Phase mehr als 30 japanisch-fantastische Kreaturen und Charaktere geplant. Abhängig von den erreichten Zielen, werden diese nach und nach freigeschaltet. Unter Umständen kommen auch noch 2 neue Clans …

Kensei: Oni (Zenit Miniautres)

Kensei: Oni (Zenit Miniautres)



This is the new Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign for Kensei to create a great set of miniatures inspired in creatures from japanese mythology. We would like to create as many Fantasy Japanese creatures as we can. These miniatures would be used in Kensei Miniature Wargame, but they could also be used in roleplaying games or for artistic painting.

Our friend Adam Ferrando is creating the creature designs for this project, so you can have a new way to look at this fantasy creatures. We are also working in the Kensei rules for every creature or character included in this campaing.

We hope you like this campaign and that you help us reach our goals by sharing it with your friends and choosing one of our Perks.





This campaign will be structured in three phases; when the first one is complete, the next one starts. Every phase is full of new creatures and extra miniatures, and the last one will include two new clans for the game. We would like to reach the final phase, so please help us spread this campaign and make our dream come true.



We have planned more than 30 different miniatures inspired in characters and creatures from Japanese mythology. Whenever one goal is reached, a new one will be available.



This phase includes four new goals and 16 new types of creatures, + extra miniature rewards.



Four new goals are included: 8 new kind of creatures, 1 new Omnyouji and his shikigami, + extra miniatures rewards + 2 new clans.“
Kensei Fantasy Creatures product description

Ich finde bereits Bushido (GCT Studios) sehr unterhaltsam. Dieses Skirmish erinnert an ein „japanisches Confrontation“. Die gezeigten Onis oder besser Kensei Fantasy Creatures machen was her.

Images: Zenith Miniatures


Kobolds ate my Baby! in Color!!! via Kickstarter

Kobolds ate my Baby (John Kovalic, 9thLevel)

Kobolds ate my Baby (John Kovalic, 9thLevel)

Kobolds ate my Baby! in Color!!!. Der Kickstarter zur farbigen und erweiterten Neuauflage des preisgekrönten Fun-Rollenspiels von Chris O’Neill, Dan Landis und John Kovalic, 9thLevel, läuft noch beinahe 2 Tage.

Die längst finanzierte Kampagne umfasst, der Stretch Goals sei Dank, weit mehr als eine farbige von John Kovalic (Munchkin, Apples to Apples, and Dork Tower) illustrierte Rollenspielparodie. Unterstützer erhalten darüber hinaus Abenteuer, Musik, Spielhilfen und besonders zahlungswillige Fans können Miniaturen- oder kuschelige Puppen erwerben.

„KOBOLDS ATE MY BABY! The classic Beer and Pretzels RPG of merry mayhem and hysterical horrible death – bold and brash in magical COLOR!

A non-stop, growing buffet of super awesome rewards!


Like a Kobold’s stomach, the Endless Buffet of Awesome is an expandable feast of surprises and mini-games. We’ll start with the following items included in this digital add-on pack designed to make your games of KOBOLDS ATE MY BABY! more awesome. As we unlock stretch goals, there will be more and more included in this. We’re in this together now – the more that we raise  the more awesome it gets. LET’S BE MORE AWESOME!


EACH STRETCH GOAL will include additions to this growing list of add-ons, including PDF copies of ANY & ALL ADDITIONAL BOOKS. That means every time we pass a stretch goal there will be something added to the BUFFET increasing the return on this pledge through economies of scale! Take that economics!


The Endless Buffet of Awesomeness!!!  (updated 3/10/2013)

  • 1) The Kobold: A Totally Expected Parody PDF
  • 2) Kobolds Ate My Baby SDE PDF
  • 3) Kobolds Ate My Album MP3 Digital Download
  • 4) Random Horrible Death By Kick™ PDF
  • 5) KOBOLDS ATE MY BABY IN COLOR! Softcover Book
  • 6) KOBOLDS “Print and Slay” Minis
  • #1 (Basic Kobolds)
  • #2 (Kobold Outfits)
  • #3 (Chickens) – unlocked
  • #4 (Babies) – unlocked
  • #5 (More Things to Kill and Eat megapack) – UNLOCKED!
  • 8) KOBOLDS „digitial minis“ for Roll20 or other clients
  • 9) KOBOLDS Wallpaper and Image Set– Multi-dimension digital wallpapers featuring the all new KOBOLDS Cover for desktop, Facebook Banner, profile pictures and more.
  • 10) SECRET BONUS LEVEL!!!!! – KAMB DICE with special mini game “AHKT!”
  • 11) UNLOCKED: Kobold Starter: The Kickstarter Adventure™
  • 12) UNLOCKED: Even More Things to Kill and Eat PDF
  • 13) UNLOCKED: IN VOR’S FIST: The Kobold Afterlife Fun Time Death Activity Book™
  • 14) LOCKED : SECRET DOOR #1- Quick & Dirty, A Kobolds Ate My Baby card game (PLAYTEST ACCESS and Print and Play)
  • 15) UNLOCKED : SECRET DOOR #2 – THE WARLOCK’S APPRENTICE – Featuring Comic Book Superstar JIM ZUB!
  • 16) UNLOCKED : SECRET DOOR #3 – SAWGONS (Tshirts and Minis)
  • 17) UNLOCKED : SECRET DOOR #4 – Classic KAMB Adventure Update and KOBOLD PLUSH „Kobold Patch“ Dolls“

Kobolds ate my Baby! in Color!!! product description

Images: John Kovalic, 9thLevel