
Night’s Black Agents: Shadow Sale 20% off & Excess Baggage kostenlos

Night's Black Agents (Pelgrane Press)

Night’s Black Agents (Pelgrane Press)

Night’s Black Agents. Gegenwärtig gewährt driveThruRPG auf Ken Hites Rollenspiel-Mashup 20% Rabatt. Diese Preisreduzierung gilt auch für die coole Kampagne The Zalozhniy Quartet.

Darüber hinaus stellt Pelgrane Press dort seit Kurzem das kurze Demoabenteuer Excess Baggage zum kostenlosen Download bereit.

„But other vampire stories? Well, no, I really haven’t read too many, and I can’t say I’m crazy about romantic vampires anyway – to me the vampire is simply an evil monster.“
– Brian Lumley

Wer, wie ich, die Nase voll hat von juvenilen sexy Kuschelkursblutsaugern, der kann ruhigen Gewissens einen Blick riskieren und (Ex-)Agenten auf Vampirjagd senden.
Aus den schnuckeligen Monstren werden hier keine allzu menschlichen (Spieler-)Charaktere mit Superkräften gemacht.

Images: Pelgrane Press


Character Cards – Instant NPCs, just add water via Kickstarter

Character Cards – Instant NPCs, just add water. Der Brite Stephen Coffey und sein Freund Laurence Hensel bieten derzeit eine universelle Kartenspiel-Rollenspielerweiterung (52 Karten + 2 Joker) über Kickstarter an.

Die vielfältig einsetzbaren Karten zeigen die vier bekannten Spielkartenfarben ♣ ♦ ♠ ♥. Dabei steht ♣ beispielsweise für den sozialen Stand oder die Verbindungen eines Charakters. Die Wünsche und Begierden des Charakters repräsentiert ♥, etc.

Bis 17. Mai benötigt das Projekt 900 £.

Character Cards (Laurence Hensel, Stephen Coffey))

Character Cards (Laurence Hensel, Stephen Coffey))

„A deck of playing cards that double as a set of instant NPCs for your roleplaying game.

What are Character Cards?


Character Cards are a tool for creating fantasy stories, whether you’re writing a piece of fiction or running a roleplaying game.


Each card details an individual who can be readily slotted into your story. Or, if you want more variety, they’re designed to be easily combined to create truly unique characters.

Character Cards are geeky playing cards.


A standard 52 card deck, with 2 jokers.


Character Cards are a self-contained game


Designed for its own trick-taking game in addition to its other uses.


Who are we?


We’re two Manchester roleplayers, Laurence Hensel and Stephen Coffey, who had a cool idea and decided we should make it a reality.


Why are we making Character Cards?


Every GM has their own strengths and weaknesses and every game presents its own challenges. Sometimes it can be difficult to improvise an NPC under pressure.


Character Cards solve this problem. We long ago realised that having a set of pregenerated NPCs helped: but the more we had the harder it became to pick one. Drawing a card is fast and the information is all right there in one place.


The structure of a card


Each Character Card has a rank and suit, like any playing card, but it also has a character description, which is composed of several sections: one for each suit ♣ ♦ ♠ ♥, and a fifth for its secret.


The ♣ section describes the characters connections with others, their social standing, or something similar.


The ♦ section describes their main physical trait, something that is obvious when you look at them.


The ♠ section details their profession, what it is they do to earn a living.


The ♥ section describes their hearts desire, whether it be the person they love, or simply a hunger for power.


The secret is, well, just that, something that most people don’t know about the character or even something they don’t know about themselves, such as their true ancestry.


Generating Characters


The simplest way to use your deck of Character Cards is to shuffle it and draw a card whenever you need a new NPC or side character within your game


If you desire something more individual than that, the modular nature of the cards (with five cleanly separated traits) becomes significant. By drawing a card for each of the five traits you can instantly generate a completely unique character (with over 300 million possibilities you’ll never get the same result twice).


Or, if you know one thing about the character before you draw, you can simply ignore that section, while still using the rest of the card. For instance, if you know your character is a popular socialite in the town, you would ignore their ♣ description while using the rest of the card to fill out their other aspects.


Playing Games


In addition to all the other games you can play with a deck of cards, Character Cards have an extra one built in.


We’ve given each card a value for all 4 suits, creating a trick-taking game where everyone can participate in every trick.


In addition, each cards secret has a modifier value, allowing the card to be discarded to alter the value of a card, and thereby change the outcome of the round.“
Character Cards – Instant NPCs, just add water product description


Game Of Thrones Season 3: “Walk of Punishment” Teaser

Game of Thrones. Am Sonntag führt HBO die mehr als gelungene Serienadaption von David Benioff und D.B. Weiss fort. Die Flimmerkiste kann immer häufiger mehr als die große Leinwand.

Gemäß der Ankündigungen erscheinen nun Blackfish und Edmure Tully auf der Bildfläche.


Sticks & Stones Prehistoric-ish Role-Playing Setting for Savage Worlds

Sticks & Stones RPG (Jade Tower Studios)

Sticks & Stones RPG (Jade Tower Studios)

Jade Tower Studios. Es gibt einen neuen Hintergrund für das sehr beliebte Rollenspiel Savage Worlds.

„Prähistorische“ Rollenspiele liegen gerade offenbar im Trend. Hillfolk von Robin D. Laws spielt, sofern ich mich recht entsinne in der Eisenzeit. Das Cavemaster RPG fokussiert Steinzeitgeschichten.

Rob “Lug” Lusks Sticks & Stones wirft Magie und andere Fantasyelemente in den Topf.

„Sticks & Stones Prehistoric-ish Role-Playing Setting for Savage Worlds


Sticks & Stones is a romp through a prehistory that time forgot. Players choose from among a variety of races struggling for survival and dominance at the dawn of humanity. To stay alive, you’ll have to use everything you’ve got: shamanic powers, mighty beasts, brutal weapons, cunning inventions, shiny rocks, diplomatic grunts, threatening stares, and more!

Just remember—no talking (except known words) while you are in character!


This book contains the complete Sticks & Stones Role-Playing Setting. You will also need a copy of the Savage Worlds Deluxe Edition rules to play this game.

Sticks & Stones is a full-color, 188 page PDF.


It contains:

  • More than 150 full-color illustrations
  • Full-color player’s and Cave Master’s maps of the Land of Lur (the Cave Master’s map is fully linked to descriptions of locations)
  • A fully linked Table of Contents and Index
  • Comprehensive Bookmarks
  • Rules for language (and the lack thereof)
  • New Skills, Hindrances, Edges, and Powers
  • Character creation rules for Archaic Homo sapiens (Ahs), Homo Floresiensis (Florz), Cave N.E.R.D.s, Neanderthals, and Dino sapiens
  • 9 ready-to-play Archetype characters
  • Shamanic Magic rules
  • Weird Prehistoric Science rules
  • Detailed descriptions of important plant and animal life on Lur
  • Descriptions of a variety of locations of interest
  • Religion in Lur (and the secrets of the Spirits)
  • Detailed descriptions of the inhabitants and settlements of the Land of Lur
  • Rules for travel in the Land of Lur
  • Prehistoric-ish Armor, Hand Weapons, Ranged Weapons, Ammunition, Currency, Miscellaneous Gear
  • Weird Prehistoric Science Vehicles, Vehicle Add-Ons, Weapons, and other Gadgets
  • A host of magical Relics
  • 9 linked plot-point adventures
  • 17 one-shot adventures
  • A Bestiary with more than 30 creatures
  • A comprehensive Index
  • Templates for a new weapon (the Bum Breaker)
  • A Character Sheet“

Sticks & Stones product description

Images: Jade Tower Studios


Short Order Heroes via Kickstarter

Short Order Heroes. Calico Games und Jesse Butler greifen die aufkeimendenen Kartenspielaspekte in modernen Rollenspielen auf und bieten über Kickstarter eine eigene regelleichte Variante an, die sich überdies als universelle Spielhilfe eignet.

Short Order Heroes (Eleanor Ferron, Calico Games)

Short Order Heroes (Eleanor Ferron, Calico Games)

Bis zum 6. Mai 2013 benötigt das Projekt 2000 $.

„Short Order Heroes is a rules-light role-playing game or a tool for spontaneous character generation.


Short Order Heroes is a rules light game designed for easy role-playing. It is a deck of 54 cards that can also be used for spontaneous NPC generation in any RPG. All card art by Eleanor Ferron.


How it Works In a word: fast. Each card has a picture, an adjective, and a number. To create a new character, draw some cards from the deck, depending on how fleshed-out you want the character to be — we recommend 3 for PCs, down to 1 for throw-away NPCs. The adjectives describe what makes your character unusual. Fill in the details and off you go.


To resolve a conflict, first set a target number or draw one randomly from the deck — higher is harder. Then draw a card. The number on the card tells you whether the action succeeded, the adjective gives some color to how, and the picture provides added inspiration.


To enhance other games, the cards can quickly add personality to otherwise bland encounters — „Thug #2“ is now „The unnerving thug“, the barmaid is complicated, and more. Great for tavern trawling or adding a bit of local color.


With Short Order Heroes, you spend less time fiddling with the rules and more time telling the story. Character creation and conflict resolution take seconds, and instantly fill your game world with color and flair. Short Order Heroes is an entire role-playing game in a pack of cards. It’s perfect for one-shot adventures where you don’t want to spend all night making characters and miss playing the game.“
Short Order Heroes product description

Simple is beautiful. Eine einfach schöne Idee. Erinnert mich ein wenig an Everway.

Images: Eleanor Ferron, Calico Games


Elysium: Erster Trailer zum neuen Film des District 9-Regisseurs Neill Blomkamp

Elysium. Sony Pictures klotzt, statt zu kleckern. Die Stars Matt Damon und Jodie Foster agieren unter der Führung von Neill Blomkamp. District 9, der erste Science Fiction-Film des Regiseurs, gehört vermutlich zu den intelligentesten Kinounterhaltungen der letzten Jahre. Der neue Trailer wirkt nicht sonderlich außergewöhnlich, aber die Zukunftsvision von Neill Blomkamp, der offenbar auch das Drehbuch verfasste, macht neugierig.

Leider verödet das Genre ansonsten weitestgehend. Blaue Indianer-Avatare, Star Trek Wars und Oblivion mit Tom „Scientology“ Cruise rocken nicht wirklich.

Bunt und stumpf sind bedauerlicherweise Trumpf. Hoffen wir das Beste.


Cyberpunk 2020 is back!

Cyberpunk 2020 (R. Talsorian Games)

Cyberpunk 2020 (R. Talsorian Games)

R. Talsorian Games. Der amerikanische Verlag veröffentlicht Cyberpunk 2020 wieder!

Was soll ich sagen? Die Sechste Welt versprüht billigen Glamour, während das Original von Mike Pondsmith die Leidenschaft für Dark Future weckt.

„You’ve got interface plugs in your wrists, weapons in your arms, lasers in your eyes, bio-chip programs screaming in your brain. You’re wired in, cyberenhanced and solid state as you can take it to the fatal Edge where only the toughest and coolest can go. Because you’re CYBERPUNK.“
Cyberpunk 2020 slogan

Chummer, klingt dagegen irgendwie ridikül, oder? Für Shadowrunner stehen eben auf Style statt auf Substance …

Die der Urban Cyber-Fairy Tale entsprungenen Elfen, Zwerge, Orks, Straßensamurai, Adepten und Kampfmagier können recht unterhaltsam sein, aber unterm Strich bleiben sie doch nur eine verzerrte Kopie der Ideen aus Cyberpunk (2020), die wieder zurück ins Dungeon führt.

Images: R. Talsorian Games


Atlantis: The Second Age RPG via Kickstarter

Atlantis: The Second Age (Khepera Publishing)

Atlantis: The Second Age (Khepera Publishing)

Atlantis: The Second Age RPG. Jerry D. Grayson, Eigentümer von Khepera Publishing, veranstaltet einen neuen Kickstarter. Bei seinem Rollenspiel handelt es sich um eine lizenzierte und überarbeitete Neuauflage von Atlantis: The Arcanun (Bard Games).

Das neue Regelsystem beruht auf einem 20-seitigen Würfel und einer kleinen überschaubaren Tabelle. Besonders sympathisch auf der Projektseite des Hellas und Godsend Agenda-Maches gibt es eine umfassende Vorschau des Atlantis: The Second Age RPG.

„Atlantis: The Second Age, a tabletop role-playing game (RPG) of sword and sorcery fantasy.


Atlantis: The Second Age – What is it?


The draft text can be found HERE.


Atlantis is a sword and sorcery game inspired by the works of Fritz Lieber, Michael Moorcock, Robert E. Howard, and Clark Ashton Smith. Atlantis; a strange, wondrous and sometimes horrific antediluvian age where heroes survive by their wits, courage, and strong sword arms.


Based on the classic Atlantean Trilogy by Bard Games.


Welcome to the world of Atlantis. This is a new role-playing game for a new generation that draws inspiration from the material of the original.

While staying true to the original setting, this all-new game expands upon it with a dynamic magic system, exotic technomantic magical creations, and rules to bring your character’s back-story and drama to life at the table.


• Play as a twisted Netherman cannibal, a haughty Atlantean sorcerer, a bestial Anadaman thief, or a mercurial Jinn warrior.
• Face the horrors of the dark isle of Anostos, brave the fighting-pits of Atlantis, and battle Makara on the high seas.
• Uncover ancient conspiracies, cleave demented cultists, and conquer lands unseen by civilized man for a thousand years.
• Rebuild the might of shattered Atlantis, or wipe clean the past and create your own empire from the dust and blood of the lost age.


Will you be kingmaker, tyrant, thief, scholar, or slayer?“
– Atlantis: The Second Age RPG product description

Images: Khepera Publishing


Professional MP3 Background Loops for Role-Playing Games via Kickstarter

Professional MP3 Background Loops for Role-Playing Games. Wes Otis bietet über Kickstarter keine Musik im eigentlichen Sinne, sondern Geräuschkulissen an.

Am 01. Mai 2013 endet die mit mindestestens 1000 $ angesetzte Kampagne. Für 20 $ erhalten Unterstützer zunächst 11 10-minütige Hintergründe. 30 weitere Stretch Goals sind vorgesehen.

„Add professional background sound to your table top role-playing game.


You’ve set up your dungeon/space map/haunted house. Your players are assembled, ready to dive in and save the world, or at least get some coin. What’s missing? Immersive environmental sounds for the area your players are in. Plate Mail Games is going to change all that. This project’s aim is to make 11 MP3 backgrounds for your role-playing games. Now you can cover up the sound of your refrigerator with a cool dungeon, lab, or battlefield background loop. Below is a complete list of the core MP3s. The first five have been completed and I have put samples below for you to listen to.


Each MP3 is 10 minutes long with no distracting sounds to draw your attention away from the game. As much as I love metal music, you will find none of that either. All audio is professionally mixed and can be played at low volume without losing quality. Set the volume that is comfortable for you. The information for each MP3 is fully filled in for easy navigation. GMs can simply create a playlist in their favorite MP3 software on their tablet, laptop, or smart phone and when the players arrive at the area where the background is to be used, the GM hits play.The audio will add a layer of detail to your story that aids in everyone’s imagination.


I’m also offering five bonus MP3s, six Kickstarter exclusive MP3s, and 30 Stretch Goal MP3s depending on your pledge level. You could end up with hundreds of minutes of audio to enrich your campaigns. Again, these are listed below. The more people who pledge at the $20 or higher levels, the more Stretch Goal MP3s people will be awarded. Help me spread the word to reach all the goals.“
Professional MP3 Background Loops for Role-Playing Games product description


Arena Rex: Gladiator Combat in a Mythic Age via Kickstarter

Arena Rex: TOP: Urbicus by Valentin Zak - MIDDLE: Micon by Valentin Zak - BOTTOM: Noxius by Benoit Cauchies (Red Republic Games)

Arena Rex: TOP: Urbicus by Valentin Zak – MIDDLE: Micon by Valentin Zak – BOTTOM: Noxius by Benoit Cauchies (Red Republic Games)

Arena Rex: Gladiator Combat in a Mythic Age. Salve, Freunde, Römer und Mitbürger. Die Todgeweihten grüßen euch und die fantastischen Spiele von Red Republic Games bedürfen eurer Unterstützung.

Bis zum 21. April 2013 benötigt das Fantasy-Gladiatorenspiel mit 35mm-Miniaturen 20.000 $.

„Gladiator miniatures and an arena skirmish game in a world where history, myth, and legend intersect.


Arena Rex is a line of high-quality, 35mm resin miniatures and an engaging skirmish game for 2 or more players. The world of Arena Rex is historically inspired, mythic in scope and legendary in proportion. Join us in bringing that world to life.


The Miniatures:


The miniatures we are creating are the heart of Arena Rex. At its core, this project is a way to get a line of exceptional gladiator miniatures out into the world. Every Arena Rex mini is a work of art, handmade by extraordinarily skilled artisans. We have some of the best sculptors in the world working on our models, and we put in a lot of effort to make sure they have what they need to capture the character of each piece. We then cast the sculpts in resin for a high-fidelity replica of the original.


Resin is the perfect medium for painters and collectors alike. Painters will love the detail captured on the models, and everyone else will appreciate how stunning our resin is in its natural state.


Currently, we have several minis on sculptors‘ tables. We’ll share them as they are completed. The purpose of this campaign is to fund the expansion of our miniatures line before the game launches.


Character poses in concept art may be altered when they are translated from 2D to 3D.

Arena Rex is not affiliated with the other games or miniature lines listed above. Their models only appear here as a demonstration of scale. Aquila is on a 30mm base.


The Game:


If the miniatures are the heart that drives Arena Rex, our game system is the body, giving them added structure and purpose. With streamlined and innovative mechanics, Arena Rex is surprisingly simple to pick up and play, but still provides meaningful choices and is a lot of fun. The game’s mechanics have been completed and polished. Right now we are completing final balancing of our individual gladiators. The summer playtest will allow backers at the Ludus level and higher to preview the full version of the game and provide feedback on clarity of rules text and any final rule tweaks.


A skirmish-style game with a low model count is a natural fit for gladiatorial arenas. It also allows us to work in more interesting characters and mechanics without worrying about game play becoming too unwieldy. It’s easy to get into Arena Rex — three models per side is an excellent a starting point.


The World:


The world and setting are the soul of Arena Rex: those things which give it character and identity. The rumor and superstition that are pervasive through accounts of the ancient world have been writ large in Arena Rex, and a keen sense of wonder is a key element that we wanted to include in the world. Inspired by the most exciting eras of antiquity, we have taken some anachronistic liberties and changed some key historical points to create a world that is both familiar and incredible.


The Roman Republic endures on the shores of the Mediterranean, while across the Alps, the Gallo-Roman Empire holds sway. The kingdom of Aegyptus is a tributary of the Roman Republic and ruled directly by an Antonian king and Ptolemaic queen. The Atlantic is not the barrier it once was, and men from the twilight lands of the north and natives of the far west join in commerce and warfare. The year is 1253 AUC and this is not the world you know.“

Arena Rex: Gladiator Combat in a Mythic Age product description

Images: Red Republic Games