
Game Of Thrones Season 3: „The Climb“ Teaser

Game of Thrones. Die zweite Halbzeit der 3. Staffel naht. Erzählerisch wird HBO sicherlich die Schlagzahl erhöhen.

„The Climb“ (Folge 26, Season 3 Episode 6) legt voraussichtlich einen Fokus auf die Mauer und die Wildlinge.

“ … If you think this has a happy ending, you haven’t been paying attention … If you fall don’t scream … “
– Some Game of Thrones: „The Climb“  quotes (s03e06)

Kino verliert immer mehr – Fernsehserien sind mittlerweile spannender und dramaturgisch schlicht und ergreifend vielseitiger. Wer es nicht glaubt, werfe exemplarisch einen Blick auf The Wire vom gleichen amerikanischen Bezahlsender. Auf dieser kulturellen Ebene versagt Deutschland beinahe vollständig. Mutlos wird stattdessen ein Tatort nach dem anderen produziert.

Winter is coming!


Always/Never/Now: Pre-release of the Cyberpunk RPG based on Lady Blackbird

Always/Never/Now. Will Hindmarch veröffentlichte gestern eine Vorabversion des über Kickstarter finanzierten Cyberpunk-Rollenspiels Always/Never/Now.

Seine Zukunftsvision beruht spielmechanisch lose auf dem großartigem Indie RPG Lady Blackbird von John Harper. Dementsprechend läßt Shadows of Yesterday grüssen. Provokant ausgedrückt sind die Keys aus diesem Indie-Wegbereiter „bessere“ Aspekte.

Projektunterstützer erhielten gestern zwei Dateien. Das Player File (36 Seiten) mit Regelzusammenfassungen und Charakterdossiers und das Scenario File (72 Seiten) mit Spielleitertipps und Spielszenen, die jeder nach Bedarf umarrangieren kann.

Über kurz oder lang wird Always/Never/Now unter einer Creative Commons-Lizenz und zum kostenlosen Download erscheinen.

Ich hatte leider noch nicht die Gelegenheit sonderlich viel zu lesen, aber was ich mir bislang zu Gemüte führte, gefällt mir recht gut. Beispielsweise gibt es keine stupiden Endloslisten mit Gadgets oder anderen Enhancements. Das könnte guter regelleichter Stoff für Conventions oder verlängerte Wochenenden sein. Gerne mehr bei Gelegenheit.


Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls: Greetings from Trollworld

Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls. Ken St. Andre und die Fellowship of the Troll machen ihr Kickstarter-Versprechen wahr. Gestern oder vorgestern kam eine Postkarte aus Khazan.
Ein Lesezeichen, ein kleiner Magnet und einige temporäre Tattoos als Bonus lassen mein Fanherz kurz höher schlagen.

Ich bin mir selbstverständlich bewusst, dass es sich um einen kaum nachvollziehbaren Spleen handelt, aber T & T ist und bleibt das allergroßartigste und tollste Rollenspiel aller Zeiten und überhaupt. Period. Blinde Flecken sollten zu den Grundrechten der Menschheit gehören, jawohl. Stop making sense!

Egal, der geschätzte Blognachbar Craulabesh beschäftigt sich weniger blauäugig und damit wesentlich sachlicher mit dem – echten – Old School-Rollenspielklassiker von Ken St. Andre. Überdies schätzt er das d6-System von West End Games. Ein ganz Schlechter kann er demnach nicht sein, oder? Also vorbeisurfen und mitmachen.

Deluxe Tunnel &Trolls: Greetings from Khazan

Deluxe Tunnel &Trolls: Greetings from Khazan


13th Age Organized Play Program announced

13th Age (Fire Opal Media, Pelgrane Press)

13th Age (Fire Opal Media, Pelgrane Press)

Pelgrane Press. Wir befinden uns im Jahre 2013 n. Chr. Ganz Rollenspielistan ist von den Pfadfindern besetzt… Ganz Rollenspielistan? Nein! Ein von unbeugsamen Rollenspielern bevölkertes Blog hört nicht auf, dem Eindringling Widerstand zu leisten. Und das Leben ist nicht leicht für die Pfadfinder …

Der britische Herausgeber kündigt jetzt ein 13th Age Organized Play Program an.

Überhaupt bekommt der Dungeons & Dragons-Abkömmling von Rob Heinsoo, Jonathan Tweet und Lee Moyer ziemlich viel Zuspruch, obwohl es zurzeit lediglich die unvollständig gelayoutete Escalation Edition (PDFs) für Vorbesteller gibt.

The Other Steve zauberte auf BoardGameGeek eine umfangreiche und im mehrfachen Wortsinne gute Besprechung von 13th Age.

„… 13th Age is, hands down, the most exciting modern D&D variant I have encountered. It sits at the nexus not just of 3E and 4E – which has engendered much discussion from D&D fans – but also of the “story games” movement. It brilliantly melds the approaches of these three games into a cohesive, and fascinating, whole.


Then, on top of all that, it adds a new and compelling take on an RPG setting – defined by the game’s 13 icons – that provides dramatic conflict, ample room for GM and player input to the story, and makes the PCs themselves prominent. This treatment turned what seemed (to me) a liability of the game – the baked-in setting – to a strength … “
13th Age Review by The Other Steve on Boardgamegeek

Diesen Aussagen oder besser dem vollständigen Review gibt es nicht viel hinzuzufügen. Für ein d20-Rollenspiel macht 13th Age einen außerordentlich überzeugenden Eindruck. Ich freue mich schon auf das richtige Regelbuch und 13 True Ways. Wie gesagt, es handelt sich um die erste Dungeons & Dragons-Variante, die ich nicht nur spielen, sondern auch sehr gerne leiten würde. Be legendary!


The One Ring & Dust Devils: An interview with Cubicle 7 art director and artist Jon Hodgson

Dragon Warriors: Friends or Foes (©2012 Jon Hodgson)

Dragon Warriors: Friends or Foes (©2012 Jon Hodgson)

Cubicle 7. The absolutely stunning The One Ring roleplaying game by Sophisticated Games and the small but dedicated British publisher received a lot attention and deserved awards. Beside this hit they are publishing other popular titles such as Cthulhu Britannica, the Laundry (both based on the Basic Roleplaying System), the upcoming Victoriana 3rd edition and last but not least the Doctor Who RPG and card game. Among other titles some long awaited French translations like Qin: The Warring States, Yggdrasil and Kuro complement their fine portfolio. Now, they announced a collaboration with Joe Dever to launch a Lone Wolf game (line).

I think their presentation and art improvements in recent years paved the way for a much better market recognition. Especially the great The One Ring RPG is totally „eye candy“ – a reference product for the whole hobby scene.

The responsible Cubicle 7 art director and artist Jon Hodgson (on Facebook) took some time to answer my questions.
His artistic approach is different, he avoids the typical cheesy fantasy art with „chainmail bikini women“. I am no expert, but I usually describe his style as independent, believable, down to earth and often somewhat spooky.

Furthermore he seems to be roleplaying game connoisseur, because he likes Matt Snyder’s Dust Devils – a groundbreaking Wild West indie RPG.

I really hope you enjoy the following insights as much as I did and do. Hello Jon Hodgson, please introduce yourself and tell us about your gaming experiences.
Jon HodgsonJon Hodgson: My name is Jon Hodgson, I’m an illustrator and art director living in Scotland UK. My gaming experiences began aged about 10, when a neighbour introduced me to Talisman. The Gary Chalk art really lit a fire. I had feverishly consumed every Fighting Fantasy book I could lay hands on, and that quickly led to picking up Dragon Warriors, then onto Red Box DnD – you know the story, everyone has the same one! Through my teens we played everything pretty much.

Alongside that I was very keen on video games from the early days of Elite on the Spectrum 48k – what was that lenslok thing all about? Remember that? to Uridium on the c64, then on to Amiga, and then a bunch of consoles.

I always responded most strongly to the visual elements of games, so it’s no surprise that I wound up as a full time illustrator and art director.

Eel Witch (©2012 Jon Hodgson)

Eel Witch (©2012 Jon Hodgson) You work as the Art Director for Cubicle 7 and as a freelancer? What does a typical working day look like for you?
Jon HodgsonJon Hodgson: I get up early, since I have young kids – usually before 7. I’ll check emails in case there’s anything urgent or especially exciting, and then do the morning breakfast routine with the family. Once everyone is where they need to be I get into work for 9. It’s Cubicle 7 work until 5, then after dinner I head back into work for my non-c7 freelance work. If I’m busy I’ll work until midnight. Usually till about 9. Before I was “in house” at c7 I maintained a very strict 9 to 5 working schedule, which I think was very healthy and a wise thing to do. But I do enjoy being able to do some over time on other projects alongside all the very cool stuff we do at c7.

Great -Spider (©2011 Sophisticated Games and Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.)

Great -Spider (©2011 Sophisticated Games and Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.) Most of your images seem to be otherworldly and eerie in „earth tones“. How would you describe your style? Who or what does inspire you the most?
Jon HodgsonJon Hodgson: Yeah, earthy is about right. It’s all quite textural and gestural. I don’t know, it’s very hard to sum up what you do with any accuracy. Thats for other people to decide. it’s all too tempting to just knock what I produce, and that’s poor form. People pay their hard-earned money for it!

Inspiration comes from so many places that it’s always hard to give good answers to questions like this. I’m very much inspired by the scenery and light up here in Scotland. I have a marvellous view from my house that has just seeped into me every day for the last decade or so. Artwork-wise I’ve always been a big admirer of Angus McBride, and Victor Ambrus. Both hugely prolific illustrators who’s work always had a foot in reality, which I admire greatly. A lot of my contemporaries inspire me. At Cubicle 7 I work closely with Paul Bourne, who’s our graphic designer. He’s an incredibly creative person with enormous talents, That’s always inspiring. Likewise many of the artists I work with keep me full of energy. There’s nothing quite like opening up finals for the first time.

I’m very admiring of people who get things done, and who are versatile and prolific. Beside John Howe and Tomasz Jedrusek you illustrated The One Ring roleplaying game for Cubicle 7 and Sophisticated Games.
You gave J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth another bewitching appearance apart from the prominent artists Alan Lee and the already mentioned John Howe. For many years they have shaped how we visualize the world Bilbo, Frodo, Gandalf and the other companions. Which artistic goals did you and the team pursue?
Jon HodgsonJon Hodgson: There was a lot of discussion about this. We knew we weren’t going to follow the look of the movies. We decided to take Middle-earth back to it’s roots in early medieval (“dark age”) culture and literature. Which seemed very risky at the time. Would people warm to a different look than Peter Jackson’s vision? Luckily for us a great many people have. I think the text is strong enough to support multiple interpretations. It was also important to create that sense of place, that characters could meaningfully inhabit. Depicting the setting was almost more important than showing “cool” characters.

The Bride ©2011 (Sophisticated Games and Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.)

The Bride ©2011 (Sophisticated Games and Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.) The artwork of The One Ring RPG has some reappearing signature characters (The Bride etc.). Please tell us a bit more about them? Are they real player characters? Maybe you want to share your favourite anecdote about these heroes.
Jon HodgsonJon Hodgson: Yes, they are real player characters. I believe they were devised by Francesco (Nepitello, the game’s designer). The Bride gets mentioned a lot, and I think she’s one of my favourite images from the game. She has a grim background, and so it was a real pleasure to get to depict a female character with depth and grit. She’s not beautiful as such. I liked that. So much fantasy art is about eye candy for teenage boys, and it wears thin when there’s a lack of variety. You did some covers for the German roleplaying game Das Schwarze Auge (The Dark Eye). Do you know the the game? How did this collaboration begin and do you still work for them?
Jon HodgsonJon Hodgson: I did. I worked for a few years under Patric Goetz until his departure from the company. He’d seen my Dragon Warriors covers and wanted something like that for DSA. My association with the company pretty much ended with Patric’s departure. My style was described as too “British”, and I think understandably they wanted something softer and tighter.

London Boxed Set for Cthulhu Britannica (©2013 Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.)

London Boxed Set for Cthulhu Britannica (©2013 Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.) Beside some Doctor Who and Call of Cthulhu RPG covers I know no „real“ Sci-Fi or contemporary or horror art from you. Are there any special reasons for this?
Jon HodgsonJon Hodgson: No not especially. I think I do mythic fantasy better than I do anything else. Rocks and trees and gnarly old people in mail seem to fit my style better than sleek spaceships or motor cars. I generally just work on whatever comes down the pipe, so I have done some sci fi stuff. A few years back I did a ShadowRun cover. Actually it’s funny – for reading I really enjoy the work of Iain M Banks, which is all far future sci fi. I suppose it’s a change of gears. Escapism from the dank glens, gnarled trees and mossy rocks that fill up my head. Crowdfunding (Kickstarter) is by now the driving force of the hobby market. Many artists share their work over this marketing and sales channel. Electronic tools and application are coming to the gaming table. How do you perceive the changing hobby market and community?
Jon HodgsonJon Hodgson: Hmm I think the long term effect of Kickstarter remains to be seen. I’m naturally cautious of any new hotness. In the roleplaying games sphere lot of high profile projects are yet to be delivered, and huge sums of money are being exchanged for promises of a lot of product that doesn’t yet exist. I think it will be an interesting couple of years watching that settle down – is it a sustainable model, or a short term bubble? Some high profile successes have caused huge problems for the companies involved who simply got the sums wrong, or had unexpected costs. It will be fascinating to observe “best practice” evolve.

That said, I think it’s a truly fantastic tool for creators to connect with new markets, and for companies to gather marketing info, or go the extra mile with a boost of extra funding for those dream projects that don’t quite work on the balance sheet without a little help up front. I’m cool with that. People need to do their sums very carefully, as the costs fall to the customers when things go wrong. And that’s dangerous.

With regard to digital technology – It is constantly seeping into all areas of our lives, and it’s no bad thing. The ability to play via Google hangouts or Skype is a great thing, and we’re always learning from the newer markets that bring new ideas to the table in terms of play experiences and presentation. Be interesting to see when someone manages to really capitalise on those mediums. Finally, some fun and quick questions. We start with: Role playing is …
Jon HodgsonJon Hodgson: …waiting for a new form to reinvigorate it as the social, creative, shared activity it is. Doctor Who or Lord of the Rings?
Jon HodgsonJon Hodgson: No fair. But Lord of the Rings.
What do you think about „Life imitates art far more than art imitates Life.“(Oscar Wilde)?
Jon HodgsonJon Hodgson: I prefer „All art constantly aspires towards the condition of music“ by Walter Pater

 Mountains Boy ( ©2012 Jon Hodgson)

Mountains Boy ( ©2012 Jon Hodgson) What is your favorite piece of your own art?
Jon HodgsonJon Hodgson: Oh crumbs that’s a tough one. Probably Mountain Boy. It says something that I can get behind in it’s ambiguity. Self discovery and self destruction can be indistinguishable, but the painting says it, and other things, better than the words do. So it’s a good painting. You prefer Gamemaster or player?
Jon HodgsonJon Hodgson: Hmmm. I used to GM a lot. Now I prefer to play. I do enough management at work! What are the key ingredients for great game art?
Jon HodgsonJon Hodgson: It has to be relevant and meaningful not just cool. Cool is a factor, but it’s a surface factor. Art in games has a number of purposes. One of those is to make people pick up a book or box. One is to make the artifact recognizable. One is to communicate “What it is”. I often talk about the art building a bridge from the outside of the game to the inside. No one can look at a wall of text and say “this is for me” with the same speed that they can look at the cover and be intrigued. Another job art has to do is provide breaks in text and visual book marks to make the book navigable and memorable. Art in a game works for it’s living. It’s not decoration.

Great game art also describes the setting, the people in the setting, the things you do in the game. It inspires GMs to write, it inspires players to join in the creativity.

Something I’m keenly aware of at the moment is that art needs to be inclusive. We’re a small niche of a small niche, and driving people away with outdated ideas about how we depict people is a really bad idea. I will never, ever forget something I saw when I worked in a games store many years ago. A group of students came in, and started looking at the rpgs. One feller said “nah, these aren’t for me.” His friends asked why. “Where am I on the covers of these books? These books are for white people”. And whilst it’s really easy to argue against that one and dismiss it as just one anecdote, it hit home pretty hard. Likewise I think the default that rpgs need “sexy” art in order to sell is extremely wrongheaded, not to mention tiresome and old fashioned. At GAMA tradeshow this year I saw a couple of publishers still trading on “look at the sexy lady on our banner!” and it seemed so very tired, regardless of “moral” issues. Gamers are smarter than that. We all have work to do.

Merchants (©2012 Jon Hodgson)

Merchants (©2012 Jon Hodgson) A design tip for established or upcoming artist?
Jon HodgsonJon Hodgson: Try and depict a relationship between two characters in a well realised location which has an impact on their relationship, instead of drawing another floating elf or copying another film still. What is your favorite role playing game of all time and in recent years?
Jon HodgsonJon Hodgson: Hmmm. The game I have had the most fun with over the years has to be Dragon Warriors. It’s very easy, and as I’ve grown old it’s shifted in meaning to me. In recent times The One Ring has blown me away with it’s take on Middle-earth, in terms of the rules. Honourable mention to Matt Snyder’s Dust Devils that changed how I viewed rpgs. What is your favorite board and/or video game of all time and in recent years?
Jon HodgsonJon Hodgson: I’m enjoying Catan Junior with my kids. Video game-wise I play a fair amount of stuff – it’s so easy to pick up after a long day. My favourite of all time is probably GTA: Vice City for it’s strongly themed open world. Of recent times it’d be a tie between a bunch of games – Fallout 3, Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, or perhaps Bioshock 2, which I played before 1, and it blew my mind that you could put that kind of setting in a video game. I’m yet to pick up Bioshock Infinite and I’m really looking forward to it. Favorite game designer and/or artist?
Jon HodgsonJon Hodgson: This is a tricky one because I know and work with so many people I really admire. There’s a bunch of folks who I have the privilege of speaking to regularly who blow my mind with how they think. Francesco Nepitello, Dom McDowall-Thomas, Gareth Ryder Hanrahan, Malcolm Craig, Gregor Hutton. Very clever people. I get the best ideas for my games when … or I am most creative when … ?
Jon HodgsonJon Hodgson: I’m at work. Ideas come from practising creativity. Really hard. For 8 hours at a time. Ha Ha. Thank you, Jon Hodgson. Anything else you want to share with the fans?
Jon HodgsonJon Hodgson: Just a huge thank you to everyone who’s enjoyed what we create at Cubicle 7. 2013 and 2014 are going see some very exciting developments in what we do.

You want to know more or engage Jon Hodgson? He told me that he updates his Facebook page more regularly than his website. Check them out.

PS: Did you see it? Yes, there is a Kickstarter planned for the Cthulhu Britannica: London Boxed Set. Visit the fine Geeknative for a little bit more information. I am looking forward to this one!


Deadzone: The Sci-fi Miniatures Board Game via Kickstarter?

Deadzone: The Sci-fi Miniatures Board Game. Mantic (Dreadball, Kings of War, Warpath etc.) konzentrieren sich immer mehr auf Crowdfunding und Kickstarter.

Auf den ersten Blick wagen sie sich nun in die Ecke von Miniaturenspielen wie Space Hulk, Sedition Wars oder Necromunda. Ein Clou an der Sache ist allerdings das gleich mitgelieferte 3D-Terrain mit Mauern und Gebäude.

Deadzone (Mantic Games)

Deadzone (Mantic Games)

Ich glaube, man muss kein Prophet sein, aber auf Kickstarter herrscht schon wieder extremer Hypealarm. Mit anderen Worten, der Rubel ($) sitzt sehr locker bei den Fans.

„Deadzone is the sci-fi tabletop miniatures skirmish game played in a fully interactive 3D gaming environment.

Welcome to Deadzone – the Kickstarter campaign for the Skirmish Game set in the Warpath universe!


Deadzone is the dynamic Tabletop Miniatures Skirmish Game set in the distant Warpath sci-fi universe, written by Jake Thornton, author of last year’s runaway Kickstarter success DreadBall – The Futuristic Sports Game.


Players control one of four unique factions, battling it out over scarce resources by combining deadly actions to lethal effect. The sci-fi backdrop of Deadzone is brought to life using the new modular Mantic Scenery Range adding a vertical dimension to your games and incredible customisation to your battlefield. No game need ever look the same!


By backing this Kickstarter you will be allowing us to create four brand new factions of miniatures – The Enforcers, Plague, Marauders and the Rebs – as well as an exciting game box that includes plastic sprues of our great new Scenery.
The Game


Deadzone is a 2 player miniatures game using D8s played with between 5-25 high quality


Mantic miniatures:
– Sci-fi Skirmish System: Take command of a crack team of upgradable elite troopers from one of four factions including powerful heroes, troopers, heavy weapons and specialists.


– Modular 3D Environment: Deadzone is played using a flat, grid-based gaming mat that can be built up using Barricades and Buildings from our modular plastic Sci-fi Scenery Range.


– Equipment and Loot: Upgrade your troopers by collecting equipment and new weapons from the Battlefield, such as machine guns, medi-packs, grenades and more. But beware – you could be triggering a booby trap!


– Player Progression and Experience: Grow your team across the war as individual soldiers earn experience and advance through ranks, acquiring new abilities and awesome new weapons.


The Miniatures

Deadzone features all-new models for four individual factions:


The Enforcers

The Enforcers are the Council of Seven’s elite peacekeepers, dispatched to tackle threats that are beyond the scope of regular military units. Each Enforcer is a superior soldier, trained in countless forms of combat and equipped with the best technology available.


The Plague

There have been increasing reports of a terrifying virus unleashed by alien artefacts scattered across the Expansion Zone. Each primary victim is twisted into a brutal colossus hell-bent on spreading its contagion to new hosts. These second-generation victims suffer the same mutation to a lesser degree, becoming less massive but no less deadly.


The Rebs

The Corporation sells itself as a utopian society, but there are those among its citizens that disagree. For these free-thinkers, anarchists and dissidents there will always be the welcoming arms of the Rebellion. Following a crushing loss against Corporation forces thirty years ago, the Rebs have been slowly rebuilding their numbers, taking on recruits from alien races who share their grievances with the Council.


The Marauders

The Marauders, trained by the Corporation as shock troops but defying their rule, are a terror of the shipping lanes, known for attacking cargo haulers and pillaging spaceports. They see a Deadzone as an opportunity too great to pass up, even if they have to fight their way through a fleet blockade to reach one.

Figures are supplied unassembled and unpainted in coloured plastic.


The Scenery

Deadzone is played amidst an urban warzone and includes a flat highly detailed gaming mat and sprues of our plastic Sci-fi scenery, allowing you to create a fully interactive 3D gaming environment!


The sprues are based on a 3″x3″ template, allowing you to assemble them in an infinite number of combinations using our innovative connector system.

Scenery Sprue Sample – contents may vary. We expect to have up to 6 tiles per sprue. This is a sample mock-up.


You can customise your buildings using the large number of cool accessories such as railings, barricades, crates, barrels, ladders, supports and buttresses.
Scenery sprues are supplied unassembled and unpainted. Made in plastic.“

Deadzone: The Sci-fi Miniatures Board Game product description

Klingt nicht schlecht, oder? The Plague is coming …


Lone Wolf Roleplaying Game: Joe Dever & Cubicle 7 deal

Cubicle 7. Zur Abenteuerspielserie Einsamer Wolf (Lone Wolf) muss man wohl nichts mehr sagen.
Ich behaupte beinahe jeder Rollenspieler der 80er Jahre kennt Magnamund und die Geschichten des gleichnamigen Kai-Mönchs.

Jetzt kündigt Cubicle 7 an, dass sich der Verlag mit dem Autoren Joe Dever über eine Rollenspiellizenz zur Reihe einigen konnte. Ich sage nur The One Ring – da könnte wirklich etwas Bemerkenswertes anstehen.

Darüber hinaus soll es farbiges Kartenmaterial geben. Über die Soloabenteuer wird kein Wort verloren, aber hier liegen die Rechte gegenwärtig offenbar beim deutschen Mantikore-Verlag.

Die Soloabenteuer interessieren mich nicht mehr so sehr, aber ein Rollenspiel im Stile von T.O.R.  wäre wohl der Hammer. Daumendrücken!

PS: Am Wochenende naht ein Interview mit Jon Hodgson.

Source: Jon H.


Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG: Shadows of a Black Sun at Free RPG Day

Fantasy Flight Games. Die von vielen sehnsüchtig erwartete Veröffentlichung des Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG verschiebt sich. Zwischenzeitlich wird es wohl zum Free RPG Day das kostenlose Einführungsabenteuer Shadows of a Black Sun geben.

„The city of Coruscant, once the glittering pearl of the Republic, now languishes under the shadow of the Galactic Empire. A bustling black market flourishes in the underworld, controlled by the notorious crime syndicate Black Sun. Now, hired to infiltrate a Black Sun outpost and retrieve vital data about a treacherous bounty hunter, a small group of enterprising individuals works rapidly to access the Black Sun network….“
Shadows of a Black Sun adventure description

Mich beschleicht der Eindruck, dass die Autoren zu viel Mass Effect gespielt haben. Blue Suns? Ein Mass Effect Pen & Paper RPG wäre voraussichtlich spannend(er), als diese ständig aufgekochte und dennoch lauwarme esoterische Science Fantasy-Brühe.


Pathfinder RPG: The Elves of Uteria RPG Sourcebook via Kickstarter

The Elves of Uteria RPG Sourcebook. Die Firma Lone Wanderer Entertainment oder besser Michael Bielaczyc beschert der Pathfinder-Gemeinde ein neues Rollenspielprojekt über Elfen.

Ganz zeitgeistgemäß wird der Quellenband über die Elfen von Uteria mithilfe von Kickstarter finanziert.

Die „rollenspielenden Pfadfinder“ lauern überall. Fantasy, Elfen, das Pathfinder RPG und eine Zielsumme von 2200 $ bis zum 22. Mai 2013 – klingt doch machbar, oder?

„A story based source book for Tabletop roleplaying with new versions of elves based in the World of Uteria.


About the book


The Elves of Uteria is a story heavy source book featuring an original re-imagining of fantasy elves. The book will be at least 100 pages with plenty of art, fiction and gaming material.


Dane and I were always in love with RPGs with a strong story. When we first started planning to launch our own books, we decided early on that story would come first, and the rules would work around the stories.


The Elves of Uteria is told through the eyes of Jarin Plainswalker, as Druid from the Western Council who was tasked with reestablishing contact with the elves of the world. The five different cultures of the elves are explored, as well as the elflings, who are the fey cousins of the elves.


Jarin keeps records of the places he goes, so the book will include maps of Uteria, the towns and pathways he uses, and the creatures he encounters.

Magic has also begun to wake in the land, and Jarin records the different types he encounters and their application in the world around him.“
The Elves of Uteria RPG Sourcebook product description

Ich kann es mir nicht verkneifen, aber die Kombination aus „a strong story“ und dem Rollenspiel Pathfinder scheint ein Oxymoron zu sein. Irren ist menschlich.


Samurai, Ninja & Creatures of Japanese Mythology – Kensei Miniaturen via Indiegogo

Kensei (Zenith Miniatures)

Kensei (Zenith Miniatures)

Kensei Fantasy Creatures. Die Crowdfunding-Kampagne von Zenit Miniatures (Nemesis u. a.) für ihr Tabletop Kensei läuft noch rund 20 Tage.

Längst konnte das Team mehr als die 6-fache Summe des eigentlich initialen Zielbetrags von 5000 € über Indiegogo sammeln. Mit dem Erreichen der Stretch Goals winken den Unterstützern „kostenlose“ weitere Bonusminiaturen.

Zwischenzeitlich gibt es einige Beispiele zu bewundern. Fans der Comic-Serie Okko oder des Rollenspiels Legend of the 5 Rings finden sicherlich Gefallen an den japanisch inspirierten Samurai, Shinobi, Oni und anderen asiatischen Ungeheuerlichkeiten.

Fans des Skirmish-Tabletops Bushido oder des eher chinesisch angehauchten Qin: The Warring States RPG können ebenfalls das Projekt im Auge behalten. Der Mix aus historischen und fantastischen Figuren bietet für unterschiedlichste Interessenten etwas.

Die Bilder und Vorschauen der Figuren sehen schon mal überaus vielversprechend aus.

Kensei: Jorogumo (Zenit Miniatures)

Kensei: Jorogumo (Zenit Miniatures)

Ich unterstütze diese Crowdfunding-Aktion. Vermutlich müssen aber erst diese Herren kommen, damit das Projekt die verdiente Aufmerksamkeit erhält.

Kensei: Shinobi (Zenit Miniatures)

Kensei: Shinobi (Zenit Miniatures)

Images: Zenit Miniatures