
Adventure Maximus via Kickstarter

Adventure Maximus: Monsters (Eden Studios)

Adventure Maximus: Monsters (Eden Studios)

Adventure Maximus!. George Vasilakos, Chef des Eden Studios und Herausgeber des Rollenspiels Conspiracy X, finanziert sein neues Projekt über Kickstarter. Wer hätte etwas anderes erwartet?

Dieses Mal geht es um ein Rollenspiel für Kinder. Sie sollen alle Aufgaben übernehmen können – auch die Rolle des Spielleiters.

„It’s time for a role playing game adults & kids can both enjoy. Make a character in under 2 minutes. Start playing out of the box.


Adventure MAXIMUS! is a card based, introductory Role Playing Game for players 8 years-of-age and up. Players can take on roles from eight different races. Working together as a famous „Adventure Company“ based in the fantastic, post-apocalyptic world of Ex-Machina where they can become heroes of legend.


When there is trouble, or innocent people need protection from the fierce creatures that populate Ex-Machina, they call on Adventure Companies to save the day!


Adventure MAXIMUS! follows the classic role playing game format consisting of someone who runs the adventure (who we call a Maximus Master) and 2 or more players who interact with the adventure. Inexperienced Maximus Masters will find using our Adventure Creation System helpful when making their first adventure. Also, the role of Maximus Master can be taken over by a player in mid adventure so that everyone gets a chance to play!


Players will be asked to make heroic actions fueled by Action Points. Players receive a limited amount of Action Points each round, so they must be budgeted. The bigger the action, the greater the cost. Action Points replenish each round. Racial Abilities, Class Abilities, Action Powers, Spells and Items all have Action Point costs printed on their cards.




The Adventure Maximus! box set (which will have a SRP of $25.00) will include:


• 8 fully illustrated race cards
• 15 fully illustrated creature cards
• 10 player class cards
• 30 fully illustrated item cards
• 20 fully illustrated spells
• over 30 action powers
• 15 fully illustrated location cards
• a full color soft cover rule book
• set of 5 Maximus Dice


We are hoping to expand the contents of this box with stretch goals if the project is funded. We have designed over 300 cards for Adventure Maximus! and would love to offer more! With a larger budget, we can do that!


The game will be printed right here in the USA, which will allow for a faster turnaround time and supporting our local businesses. By doing so, we plan to have copies available for GenCon 2013 in Indianapolis.“
Adventure Maximus! product description

Adventure Maximus: Race Cards (Eden Studios)

Adventure Maximus: Race Cards (Eden Studios)

Sieht trollig aus und die speziellen 6-seitigen Würfel gefallen mir besonders.


Game Of Thrones Season 3: „The Bear and the Maiden Fair“ Teaser

Game of Thrones. HBOs 3. Staffel neigt sich dem Ende zu, doch zuvor noch einen Blick auf „The Bear and the Maiden Fair“ (Folge 27, Season 3 Episode 7). Es liegen noch 4 Folgen vor den Fans.  Wo und wie endet die Serie, die nach eigenem Bekunden lediglich die erste Hälfte der Buchvorlage von A Storm of Swords adaptiert. The RED WEDDING is coming?

Als damals George R. R. Martins Das Lied von Eis und Feuer erschien (Ja, die Ausgabe mit dem „Schlimmsten“ Fantasy-Cover aller Zeiten.), hätte ich nie gedacht, dass sein vielschichtiges Werk so erfolgreich würde. Es war anders, besser als der ganze Evil Overlord-Ramsch, aber gleichzeitig unerwartet düster und entropisch.

Obwohl mir das letzte Buch nicht mehr gefällt, gestehe ich, dass Herr Martin in meinen Augen das zurzeit beste Stück Fantasy-Literatur vorlegt. Die Betonung liegt auf Literatur. Ich bin Fan und das seit Armageddon Rock. Fiebertraum war ebenfalls klasse.

Ihr könnt euren Bilbo und Sauron und die ganzen Schema-F-Imitatoren gerne behalten.

“Don’t worry about your friend. We’ll take good care of her.”
Game of Thrones quote


Game of Thrones: The Red Wedding by Dejan Delic

Dejan Delic hat mehr als Talent. Seine Red Wedding aus A Song of Ice and Fire hat etwas „Prophetisches“, verrät aber nicht wirklich, worum es geht. Großartig!

Game of Thrones: Red Wedding (Dejan Delic ©2012, All Rights Reserved.)

Game of Thrones: Red Wedding (Dejan Delic ©2012, All Rights Reserved. Used with permission.)

Der Künstler unterhält überdies eine eigene Facebook-Seite. The RED WEDDING is coming here.
Ich bin wirklich gespannt, wie HBO diese Aufgabe für Game of Thrones löst.


Six Guns Lasers for Traveller via Kickstarter

Six Guns Lasers: Rourke Weapons Systems Light Laser Revolver (Emel, Terra/Sol Games)

Six Guns Lasers: Rourke Weapons Systems Light Laser Revolver (Emel, Terra/Sol Games)

Six Guns Lasers. Michael Cross – neues Spiel, neues Glück! Schon einmal versuchte er sein Traveller-Material über Kickstarter unter das geneigte Science Fiction-Volk zu bringen. Das aus der gleichen Feder stammende The Twilight Sector und andere Produkte von Terra/Sol Games sind seit geraumer Zeit über driveThruRPG erhältlich.

Nach einer umfassenden Revision sieht es nun wesentlich besser aus für Six Guns Lasers, denn das initiale Crowdfunding-Ziel von 500 $ wurde längst erreicht und bis zum 27. Mai 2013 vergehen noch einige Tage.

Worum geht es in diesem Quellenband? Um Laserwaffen und ihre Stärken und Schwächen im Kontext der Traveller-Ausgabe von Mongoose Publishing. Konvertierungen für andere Systeme sind selbstverständlich möglich. (Pathfinder-Puppen sind z. B. nicht für andere Rollenspiele verwendbar. Wer kommt auf solche frevelhaften Gedanken?).

„Rage, rage against the generic! My apologies to Mr. Thomas but this is what we’re doing with this project. Raging against the generic.


OK we’re back with Six Guns Lasers. We’re going to get this book made if it kills us. Well that we, just really includes me I guess…maybe I need to rethink that.


We’re going to get this book done come hell or high water! There that’s better. We’re (and I’m back to using the term to describe all of those associated with Terra/Sol Games now I just didn’t want to speak for everybody else on the whole „kills us“ thing) really dedicated to getting this book out for a number of reasons.


First, it’s a really good book! With lots of the things that Traveller and science fiction fans in general have loved about the first two books in the line. It takes integral elements in any science fiction setting (this time laser weapons) and lovingly describes, details and illustrates them.


Second, we’re looking for a new way to do things and getting this kickstarter funded is our proof of concept. We have a number of manuscripts (17 at the present time) for books both large and small that we at Terra/Sol Games want to get published. I have poured boatloads of time and money into both creating and procuring these and I want them to see the light of day. However getting the words on paper is only the first step in producing a book. The manuscript almost always needs polishing. Beyond that you need art, editing, layout and finally printing. Not to even mention marketing because having the greatest book in the world is meaningless if no one knows it exists. And all of that takes money.


Now I could go on pouring my daughter’s college fund into these books but that really isn’t the prudent thing to do. So here we are with this second go at a Kickstarter for this book. I’m convinced that Kickstarter is a brave new world where fans and supporters of an idea or product can come together to make it happen. So we’re looking for fellow travelers to walk down this path with us towards seeing this book published and beyond that even more Twilight Sector books, comics and fiction come to fruition. We hope that you’ll help us prove the concept by supporting Six Guns Lasers.


Six Guns Lasers is a sourcebook on Laser weapons specifically for the Mongoose Traveller rules but easily convertible to most science fiction rpg rules. The strength of the line lies in the descriptions of the products, both their benifits and weaknesses and also the flavor of the items. From the manufacturers to the weapons themselves nothing about a Rourke Weapons Systems Light Cobra Laser Revolver will feel generic.


To get a feel for Terra/Sol Games and the Six Guns line as well as our other products here’s a link to DriveThruRPG;


I’m overwhelmed. Thank you all for your support of the project. It has been great reaching our funding goal so early and now we get to move on to the fun stuff, stretch goals!


We’ve already reached our first goal of an original cover by long time Terra/Sol art contributor Emel Akiah. Take a look at our last update for a concept sketch Emel has done for the cover. For additional stretch goals though I want to get you backers involved to help us choose what goals to shoot for. Here are a few ideas but if you guys have some ideas of what you’d like to see I’d really like to hear them.


Interior Art – We have some illustrations of the laser weapons already and we have some art we’ve used before that I have slated for the interior but if you’d like to see some original interior art this would be a possible stretch goal.


An Adventure – I’ve had an idea rolling around in my head for an adventure that would fit in very well with the theme of this book. The title I’ve been thinking of for it is „Gun Runner“.

A Map Pack – We’re in the process of putting together an e-book that will be a Twilight Sector Atlas. We could offer copies of that as a stretch goal or actual printed copies of some of the maps as a stretch goal. You folks tell me which you’d like to see.


Six Guns Vacc Suits – I’m throwing this one out there, it’s kind of a pipe dream but hey it might inspire some people. I have a manuscript for the 4th installment of Six Guns which will cover Vacc Suits. Martin Dougherty has written this installment as well, but it’s not nearly as far along as Lasers is and so would entail more cost to get the book ready. It would take an additional stretch goal of $1,000 and I’d need two months (till November of 2013) to get it done. I want to assure you it wouldn’t affect the date for the Lasers book though. I’d just need a couple of months extra to get the additional book done as well. “
Six Guns Lasers product description

Ich war nie ein großer Fan von Gadget-Handbüchern, aber diese Optimierungshilfen verkaufen sich zu gut und Traveller braucht so etwas irgendwie, oder?


Kostenlose Spielleitertipps zum Download

Das kostenlose Gamemastering von Brian Jamison geistert bereits seit geraumer Zeit durch die Rollenspielszene. Blognachbar Einige Seiten des Buch Eibon sammelt jetzt einige freie Ratgeber mit Tipps und Tricks, um die besondere Aufgabe des Dungeon Masters (DM), Game Master (GM) oder Spielleiters (SL) zu erleichtern.

Das bekannte The Game Master: A Guide to the Art and Theory of Roleplaying von Tobiah Panshin und das zumindest für mich neue RPG Handbook ~ Getting Started von David Morrison bieten weitere Anregungen.

Ich lese solche universellen Spielhilfen selten vollkommen durch, aber ich finde eigentlich immer mindestens ein, zwei gute Perspektiven und Ideen. (via Einige Seiten des Buch Eibon)


Tome of Horrors Complete – 28mm Heroic Scale Miniatures via Kickstarter

Tome of Horrors Complete – 28mm Heroic Scale Miniatures. Center Stage Miniatures bedient die große Welt der Pathfinder-Rollenspieler mit weiteren Unholden aus dem Tome of Horrors Complete von Frog God Games. Die Figuren sollen ebenso kompatibel zu Swords & Wizardry sein.

Die initiale Finanzierung von 12000 $ für 17 verschiedene Figuren steht bereits. Nun gilt es bis zum 31. Mai 2013 weitere Stretch Goals zu erreichen.

Tome of Horrors Complete (Center Stage Miniatures, Frog God Games)

Tome of Horrors Complete (Center Stage Miniatures, Frog God Games)


All Things Zombie – Final Fade Out Minis & More via Indiegogo

All Things Zombie: Final Fade Out (Two Hour Wargames)

All Things Zombie: Final Fade Out (Two Hour Wargames)

Two Hour Wargames. Für das preisgekrönte Zombie-Miniaturen Tabletop All Things Zombie (2006) oder besser die letztjährige Final Fade Out Edition sind neue Miniaturen im 15 mm und im 28 mm geplant. Rod Campbell von Highlander wird die Miniaturen gestalten.

Überdies beinhaltet die Indiegogo-Kampagne das City Deck und Zombie Deck, die weitere Spieldetails über urbane Umgebungen und ihre „Anwohner“ bereithalten.

Bis zum 14. Juni 2013 sammelt das Crowdfunding-Projekt vermutlich die angestrebten 5000 $.

„Two Hour Wargames creates entertaining games playable in two hours or less. None has been more popular than All Things Zombie, the Origins Award winning Miniatures Game of 2006.


With the great reception for Final Fade Out, the final edition of ATZ, currently in use and released last year, we’re ready to offer the complete zombie experience, starting with a line of 15mm figures. Already play in 28mm? No worries, checkout the $40 Perk!


Sculpted by Rod Campbell of Highlander Studios, the range will include a variety of humans; Survivors, Police, Gang Members, Civilians and more. The range covers all the character types found in ATZ. In addition we will have a zombie counterpart for each human, for those times when things don’t go quite as planned!


Added to this are two decks of cards. The first is a City Deck. The City Deck provides a complete urban area to adventure in. Lay out fewer cards and you have a suburban area to play in. Lay out even less cards and you have a rural area. One deck covers all three locales used in ATZ.


Each card contains the layout of a building and all the necessary info about that building. What’s in that building is unknown until you flip the card. The City Deck eliminates the need for any terrain and can be set up for play in a matter of minutes. Each deck has 54 buildings and when laid out will offer a different game each time you play.


The second deck is called the Zombie Deck. Each card is packed with information telling you what you have met in each building, what they are, how many zombies, and even what you have found should you survive. The deck gives you all the info for the three areas found in All Things Zombie, rural, suburbs and the ever dangerous urban areas.


By using both decks you can create a different environment to explore where every game is unique and no two games are exactly alike. Using the decks brings the information you’ll need to your fingertips, reducing the need to refer to the rules.
What do you get?


We need to reach our goal to get these miniatures and decks into production. In return you get a complete game from figures to terrain and rules. Why those five minis?

Becasue we are including a special scenario where all five band together when the outbreak occurs.


And we haven’t even mentioned High Rise to Hell, the new ATZ supplement available only through this project. So what is High Rise to Hell?


There has to be a Cure or so you’ve heard. It starts with the Prosperity Corporation but if it’s true it will be tough to get. There’s a High Rise in the center of the city, the home office of Pro Crop and that’s the best place to look. It’s abandoned now, so is much of the city, but with a little luck maybe you can find the Cure. Maybe not, but if the rumors were true you may find other things in there that can help you. It’s worth a try, so what are you waiting for?

Already have All Things Zombie? You don’t have to buy it again. Don’t have the rules? Get them now, it’s whatever you need.“
All Things Zombie – Final Fade Out Minis & Moreproduct description

Ich kenne lediglich das gleichnamige Brettspiel (2010), aber trotz einiger Regelschwächen unterhielt es uns hervorragend. Gut möglich, dass der Zombie-Bewegungsmechanismus Zombicide ein wenig inspirierte.


Firefly Fans do NOT watch this? Time to move on …

Firefly. Diese Serie ist tot! Aus und vorbei. Doch die Fans können nicht loslassen. Do NOT Watch this and STOP reading!

Ich schließe mich diesen Damen und Herren von Bleeding Cool an. Nein, ich gehe noch einen Schritt weiter.

I have a dream! Der endlose Reigen um Star Wars Trek endet gleichfalls und wir bekommen endlich brauchbare Science Fiction zu sehen. Wäre das nicht wunderbar?

Nimmerruhegebende Unverzagte werden ohnehin das untote Firefly und andere Irrungen und Wirrungen der Unterhaltungsindustrie durch den tatkräftigen Kauf von Lizenzprodukten weiterhin unterstützen.

Sorry, aber Firefly und Serenity waren todlangweilig und sind nach meinem Empfinden noch immer hoffnungslos überbewertet.

Get over it! Time to move on …

PS: Dead like me and Veronica Mars waren viel unterhaltsamer als …


Fantasy Flight Games: Battlefront Miniatures to Take Over Distribution of Dust Tactics and Dust Warfare

Fantasy Flight Games. Der amerikanischer Hersteller fokussiert sich auf seine Kernprodukte.
Dust Warfare und Dust Tactics gehören nicht mehr dazu. Ab dem 1. Juni 2013 übernimmt Battlefront Miniatures die Distribution.

Star Wars X-Wing hin oder her. FFG und Miniaturenspiele passen irgendwie nicht zusammen.
Ihrem sammelbaren Miniaturenspiel im Mutant Chronicles-Universum war vor einigen Jahren kein sonderlich langes Produktleben beschieden. Ich bin gespannt, was Battlefront Miniatures aus der Marke Dust herausholen. Wie wird sich der Heidelberger Spieleverlag positionieren?

Ich gehe davon aus, dass deutscher Verlag und Vertrieb sein Engagement zurückfahren wird.

„Dust Studio today announced that Battlefront Miniatures will become its publishing and distribution partner for the Dust Tactics and Dust Warfare miniatures game lines. Fantasy Flight Games, Dust Studio’s current publishing partner for those games, will transition sales and marketing activity to Battlefront Miniatures on June 1st, 2013.

“Dust has had a wonderful few years, during which we have seen the game’s community grow exponentially,” said Dust creator Paolo Parente. “Both Dust Studio and Fantasy Flight Games have evolved significantly during our relationship, and we now mutually feel that we are both better served by moving in new directions. Christian (CEO of Fantasy Flight Games) and I have known each other for many years, and I can say that this decision is a truly amicable one.”


Added John-Paul Brisigotti, CEO of Battlefront Group, “we are very excited by the Dust universe, and although it is a first for us to be distributing a product other than our own, the fit with our business model made this partnership something we could not resist. During
the last few years, we have been moving into new avenues to expand the breadth
of products the group offers, and we see DUST as another one of these ranges.”


“We’ve been fortunate to distribute Dust Tactics since its debut
at GEN CON 2010, and we’re very proud of our development work on Dust Warfare,”
said Christian T. Petersen, CEO of Fantasy Flight Games (FFG). “The last year,
however, as FFG experienced phenomenal growth across many of our publishing
categories, it became clear that Paolo and the Dust games would be better served
by a partner who specializes in the unique business of miniature games. We’re
confident that Paolo’s partner choice in Battlefront Miniatures is a strong one,
and we wish nothing but the best to them, to Paolo, and to the fantastic Dust
fan community.”


Starting June 1st, Battlefront Miniatures will begin
soliciting and distributing all new products for Dust Tactics and Dust Warfare.
FFG will ship all of its previously solicited new products prior to that date,
and FFG will continue to exclusively sell all current Dust Tactics and Dust
Warfare items while its inventories last. While FFG will support the Dust
Tactics and Dust Warfare regionals events in May and June 2013, all future
marketing and organized play for the games will be handled by Battlefront
Miniatures, including the scheduled GEN CON 2013 tournaments.“
Battlefront Miniatures announcement


MiniWarGaming’s New Studio via Indiegogo

MiniWarGaming. Miniaturen- und Puppenschubserszene kennen vermutlich ihren sympathischen Youtube-Kanal.

Über 78000 Abonnenten und mehr als 32000000 Videoaufrufe sind keine Kleinigkeit, insbesondere in der eher überschaubaren Hobbyszene.

Sie wenden sich nun an die Crowdfunding-Community, um ein neues Studio zu finanzieren.
Unterstützer erhalten im Gegenzug Video-DVDs oder Modelle von Dark Potential.

Die Indiegogo-Kampagne läuft bis zum 29. Mai 2013 mit einem Minimalziel von 3000 $ .

„It’s Time For a New Studio!


We here at MiniWarGaming have been making videos to entertain and educate the miniature wargaming market for over 5 years.

We are dedicated to making the bestest and funnest content that we can possibly make.

This fundraiser is all about helping us build our new studio, including renovations and new audio and video equipment.

We could do this without a fundraiser, but it would probably take a couple of years of running our business before we’d be able to fully realize our dreams. With your help, we can cut that time down to just a few months.


We Need a New Studio, and You Get Awesome Stuff…


This is going to be quite simple:
•We need money to renovate and buy some new equipment.
•If you contribute, you get access to our tutorial DVDs
•If you want to contribute even more, you can even be immortalized by „sponsoring“ one of our tables, or even the room itself!

What We’ll Spend the Money On

If we make our initial goal of $3000, then we will do the following:
•Buy a new higher end camera (that’ll cost about $1500)
•Paint the entire studio (that’ll probably cost about $1500 when all is said and done)
•Decorate the entire studio


By helping us do this you’ll get higher quality videos from MiniWarGaming, helping you to enjoy your hobby even more!


Stretch Goals


Well, hitting $3,000 sure didn’t take long! Here are our new stretch goals:

$10,000 – Professional Lighting in the Studio – DONE!

$13,000 – Another professional camera

$17,000 – A new computer and TV to turn the studio into a LIVE studio! This will make some of our live shows even awesomer.


What You’ll Get


You can get DVDs, you can get Dark Potential models, you can get your name plastered in our videos, and more.“
MiniWarGaming campaign description (3. May 2013)