
Low Life: The Rise of the Lowly (Core Rulebook) via Kickstarter

Low Life: The Rise of the Lowly (Andy Hopp)

Low Life: The Rise of the Lowly (Andy Hopp)

Low Life: The Rise of the Lowly (Core Rulebook). Andy Hopp (Mutha Oith Creations) nimmt das Wort Kreativität ernst, zumindest wenn man die spielbaren Rassen in seinem Rollenspiel betrachtet.

Bis zum 24. Juni 2013 benötigt dieser Weirdo-Kickstarter 8000 $, die jedoch längst überschritten wurden.

Ich kann mir nicht helfen, aber irgendwo lief mir das Spiel schon mal über den Weg. Ah, diese Crowdfunding-Kampagne finanziert eine neue Edition des Low Life RPG.

„A supremely original RPG unlike anything in the history of history. Fun, imaginative, and highly playable.


It was the best of times…


Gazillions of years in the future the vaunted Hoomanrace is extinct and Oith’s dominant lifeforms evolved from cockroaches, snack cakes, and the dregs that survived the various apocalypses in this highly detailed and whimsical tabletop roleplaying game.


It was the end of times.


Spork and Sorcery adventure in a shattered world inhabited by the descendants of cockroaches, worms, snack cakes, and stranded aliens. Discover the arcane secrets of hocus pokery, dementalism, smellcasting, and contanimation. Battle hideous beasts risen from the rubble of ancient civilizations. Enjoy a light lunch at the Primordial Soup Kitchen.


Mutha Oith is a world of grand adventure and deadly peril; a world of conflict and danger. It is a land of epic heroism and great evil, a realm of horror and violence, a bold land where even the lowliest croach can become a king by his own mop and the most wretched gob of filth can become a gawd.


Are you werm enough to follow your destiny? Do you have the nuggets to take your rightful place among Oith’s most valiant heroes? If so, strap on your esophagator hide shield, pick up your battle spork and your big ass cleaver, mount your pygmy slog, whisper a prayer to Jelvis, kiss your larvae goodbye, and open the goosin’ book. The muck-riddled road to epic adventure stands before you…


Why a new Low Life?


This brand new version of the classic Low Life game features all new full-color art, new writing, new magic (danged wrangling and giggity gigging), tons of new Edges, Powers, Hindrances, and skills, new locales, new adventures, new monsters, a new layout, and new everything else. The original book isn’t obsolete, it’s just almost sold out and I feel my skills as a writer and illustrator (as well as my vision for the world of Mutha Oith) have improved and expanded since it was released.


The new version will closely match the hardcover edition of The Whole Hole – A Gadabout’s Guide to Mutha Oith – Volume 01: Keister Island and all the other products in the Low Life family. As an added bonus, I will personally sign and customize every single book that’s backed through this campaign.


Low Life is supported by several related products, including a line of high-quality pewter miniatures, a series of card games and game enhancers, and a horde of other nifty things that will come to fruition if our Stretch Goals are met. You can learn a lot more, and nab yourself some free downloads, at


Low Life: The Rise of the Lowly uses the fantastic Savage Worlds rules system by Pinnacle Entertainment Group. The Savage Worlds Deluxe rules (less than ten bucks from PEG Inc.) are required to play the game, but not to enjoy the book, which is presented in such a way that all the game related jazz is in the appendices at the back so as not to interfere with the reader’s enjoyment of the story. If we reach the requisite funding level I will also produce a Pathfinder version.


The Litter Bug waggles some zazz while a horde of filthy contanimants bask in his awesomeness.The Litter Bug waggles some zazz while a horde of filthy contanimants bask in his awesomeness.

Low Life: The Rise of the Lowly - Species (Andy Hopp)

Low Life: The Rise of the Lowly – Species (Andy Hopp)

I’m intrigued. Tell me more…


Ok, sure. Here are the nine playable species that are introduced in the core rulebook:
More peeps are introduced in other Low Life books (snells, funguys, flews, coblins, dungces, etc…).More peeps are introduced in other Low Life books (snells, funguys, flews, coblins, dungces, etc…).


Bodul: Supposedly the devolved descendants of the extinct Hoomanrace, these guys are uniquely weird.


Cremefillian: The ancestors of these proud and durable peeps were lowly snack cakes, imprisoned and consumed by the hated Hoomanrace.


Croach: Hardy and adaptive, croaches (obviously) evolved from baser cockroach stock.


Horc: These bellicose brawlers came to Oith from Middle Oith during the Time of the Flush.


Oofo: Oofos are the vestigial remnants of ancient aliens stranded on Oith gazillions of years ago.


Piles: Given life through the mucky art of contanimation, these peeps are peculiarly curious and curiously peculiar.


Smelf: Smelves, the hated enemies and favorite prey of their horcish foes, also came to Oith during the Time of the Flush.


Tizn’t: The combobulated stuff of Oith’s extinct fauna, tizn’ts stand atop the heap of Oith’s most unusual denizens.


Werm: Squiggly, wiggly, and often jiggly, werms are far snazzier than their subterranean ancestors.“
– Low Life: The Rise of the Lowly (Core Rulebook) product description

Beim Polyeder, ich glaube, dies überfordert mich … Chapeau!


Game Of Thrones Season 3: „The Rains of Castamere“ Teaser

Game of Thrones. Noch 2 Folgen und dann erscheint die Serie irgendwann auch in Deutschland.
Vermutlich wieder im Privatfernsehen mit stimmungsvollen Werbeunterbrechungen. Für Anhänger führt kaum an ein Weg an den DVD-/Blu-ray-Boxen vorbei.

„The Rains of Castamere“ (Folge 29, Season 3 Episode 9) ebnet den Weg zum Finale „Mhysa“ in drei Wochen. Am Memorial Day wird wohl die Ausstrahlung einmal ausgesetzt, aber sicher bin ich mir diesbezüglich nicht.

„Killing Crows it’s what we do.“
Game of Thrones quote

The Nationals – The Rains of Castamere beweist, dass die Verantwortlichen auch musikalischen Geschmack besitzen.

„And who are you, the proud lord said,
that I must bow so low?
Only a cat of a different coat,
that’s all the truth I know.
In a coat of gold or a coat of red,
a lion still has claws,
And mine are long and sharp, my lord,
as long and sharp as yours.


And so he spoke, and so he spoke,
that Lord of Castamere,
But now the rains weep o’er his hall,
with no one there to hear.
Yes now the rains weep o’er his hall,
and not a soul to hear.“
The Rains of Castamere (A Wiki of Ice and Fire, 20.05.2013)

Irgendwie bedauerlich, dass das A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying von Green Ronin (dt. Mantikore-Verlag) nicht das Niveau des Herr der Ringe-Rollenspiels The One Ring (Cubicle 7, dt. Uhrwerk Verlag) erreicht.

Das Game of Thrones RPG geht prinzipiell in Ordnung, aber schlussendlich trifft es in meinen Augen nicht ganz den richtigen Ton.

Beispielsweise sind die schwachen Spielregeln für Intrigen nach meinem Dafürhalten schlicht und ergreifend ein mieser Atmosphäre-Killer und damit mehr als überarbeitungsbedürftig.
Die Erweiterung The Night’s Watch riss mich ebenfalls nicht sonderlich vom Hocker. Trotz des Hinweises, dass diese Interpretation der Others den Kanon verlässt, verkommen sie zu schlichten Statistik-Monstern mit beeindruckenden Spielwerten.

Es geht auch anders, siehe Shadows of Esteren. Dort wird der „Feind“ lediglich beschrieben. Es gibt keine Spielwerte und es obliegt dem Spielleiter, diese Mär mit Leben zu füllen.

All jene, die sich eine eigene Meinung zum A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying bilden wollen, können einen kostenlosen Blick auf die englischen SIFRP Quick-Start Rules werfen. Die deutsche Ausgabe Das Lied von Eis und Feuer – Schnellstartregeln: Das Game-of-Thrones Rollenspiel kostet hingegen zunächst einmal Geld (9,95 €). Mit dieser Geschäftspolitik macht man sich nicht nur Fans.

Ich bleibe beim Original, dann vermeide ich überdies die traurigen Übersetzungsstilblüten.


Odyssey: The Complete Game Master’s Guide to Campaign Management Preview

Odyssey: The Complete Game Master’s Guide to Campaign Management  (Gnome Stew, Engine Publishing)

Odyssey: The Complete Game Master’s Guide to Campaign Management (Gnome Stew, Engine Publishing)

Gnome Stew – The Game Mastering Blog. Phil Vecchione und Walt Ciechanowski, zwei „Gnome“ aus dem Team hinter der preisgekrönten Webseite mit systemneutralen Anregungen und Tipps für Rollenspieler, sind die Autoren von Odyssey: The Complete Game Master’s Guide to Campaign Management. Ken Hite steuert überdies sein Vorwort bei.

Der vor Kurzem angekündigte 200-seitige universelle Ratgeber für „spielleitende“ Anfänger und Experten kann ab dem 3. Juni 2013 direkt vorbestellt werden. Die gegenwärtige Planung sieht eine Veröffentlichung im kommenden Juli vor.

Nach eigenem Bekunden beinhaltet dieser Band Ratschläge zum Beginn, zur Verwaltung und zum Beenden von Rollenspiel-Kampagnen. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Herausgeber Engine Publishing bietet Gnome Stew nun schon mal eine kostenlose Vorschau und Kostprobe mit 9 Seiten (PDF) vorab an.

Masks: 1,000 Memorable NPCs for Any Roleplaying Game, Never Unprepared: The Complete Game Master’s Guide to Session Prep und Eureka: 501 Adventure Plots to Inspire Game Masters, die Vorgängerwerke des gleichen Verlags, mochte ich sehr gerne.

Gleichwohl verschlucke ich immer wieder an diesen Buchtiteln? Kurz und prägnant geht irgendwie anders. Ich bin sehr gespannt. Keine Ahnung, ob es für eine Vorbestellung reicht, aber ansehen werde ich mir Odyssey auf jeden Fall. Bislang war immer etwas für mich dabei.


Game of Thrones: The Red Viper is coming?

Dejan Delic. Der Künstler nimmt vorweg, worauf eingeweihte Fans der Fernsehserie Game of Thrones warten. Bei den Sieben, wo bleibt Oberyn Martell, The Red Viper?

„Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.“
– A Song of Ice and Fire: The words of House Martell

Game of Thrones: Oberyn Martell (Dejan Delic ©2012, All Rights Reserved.)

Game of Thrones: Oberyn Martell (Dejan Delic ©2012, All Rights Reserved.)

Weitere Interpretationen gibt es auf seiner Facebook-Seite.

“…and for an instant Prince Oberyn had wings. The snake has vaulted over the Mountain.”
– A Storm of Swords

Game of Thrones: The Red Viper vs The Mountain: “…and for an instant Prince Oberyn had wings. The snake has vaulted over the Mountain.” ASOS (Dejan Delic ©2013, All Rights Reserved.)

Game of Thrones: The Red Viper vs The Mountain: “…and for an instant Prince Oberyn had wings. The snake has vaulted over the Mountain.” ASOS (Dejan Delic ©2013, All Rights Reserved.)


Savage Worlds: Battle for Oz via Kickstarter

Battle For Oz: Pumpkinhead undead rising from the grave (Pirate Press LLC)

Battle For Oz: Pumpkinhead undead rising from the grave (Pirate Press LLC)

Battle for Oz. Pirate Press LLC modernisiert L. Frank Baums World of Oz in Form einer Plot-Point-Kampagne für das Rollenspiel Savage Worlds.

Das Projekt benötigt bis zum 25. Juni 2013 mindestens 3500 $.

„A plot point campaign and setting for the award winning Savage Worlds RPG based in a modernized version of L. Frank Baum’s Land of Oz.


Pirate Press, in conjunction with Pinnacle Entertainment Group and Savage Mojo presents this adventure setting in a re-imagined and modernized version of L. Frank Baum’s classic World of Oz. The events of Baum’s original stories are a century in the past. The original Wizard and Dorothy are long dead although many of their friends and companions are still around. Players can take the role of a freedom fighter, mercenary, Oz soldier, or countless others to aid or hinder the liberation of the Oz throne.


Battle for OZ is a complete game setting custom built for the award-winning Savage Worlds rule-set published by Pinnacle Entertainment Group. You will need the Savage Worlds Deluxe or Explorer’s core books to play the game. If you are not familiar with the Savage Worlds RPG, try out the FREE test drive rules here- TEST DRIVE RULES – on Pinnacle Entertainment Group’s website.


The Battle for OZ core book contains a complete description of all five major Countries of Oz and numerous cities, towns, and important places of note. It gives the players a rich history to build off of in one of the oldest and most recognizable fantasy settings in American literature with a new modern edge.
Pumpkinhead undead rising from the gravePumpkinhead undead rising from the grave

Battle for OZ has two new optional additions to the Savage Worlds rule-set, frequent and competitive leveling, and a card based random character generation system. Both of these new rule-sets can be applied to any Savage Worlds setting and are designed to do what Savage Worlds games do best, keep the action fast and furious. We have posted three cards below to give you a peek at the random character generation card system. With it, we create fleshed out new player and non-player characters in a matter of minutes!


Battle for OZ also has tons of NPC stats for the major and minor players in Oz, as well as mini-adventures and encounter tables based on what part of Oz the players are traveling through. It has familiar and unfamiliar weapons, gear, and armor, and custom edges and hindrances. Our book has three new custom magic disciplines that include, Technomancy, Scar magic, and Fae magic. Lastly, Battle for OZ has a complete plot point campaign that will take players from novice to legendary. They will have to choose between helping to free Oz from tyranny or helping to enslave the rest of the world beyond it.


Battle for OZ is currently slated to be a full size soft cover book and our current goal will help us pay to have the book polished by Savage Mojo and sent to print. The book is very close to completion, but we will be adding additional content and art on top of what we already plan as the fundraising continues. With your help, we can reach the stretch goals that will allow us to upgrade to a hardback cover and add new content. We also have grand plans to provide you with some great Oz extras like custom bennies and playing cards.“

Battle for Oz product description


Games Are Serious Fun: Mark Rein-Hagen

Mark Rein-Hagen (Ars Magica, Vampire: The Masquerade) talks about games at TEDxTbilisi.

„Games open your mind.“
– Mark Rein-Hagen

„Game designer Mark Rein-Hagen advocates for the use of games as a valuable educational tool. In addition to designing the world’s first collectible action figure game, he was a writer and co-producer of the American television series Kindred: The Embraced.


In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)“
Games Are Serious Fun: Mark Rein-Hagen at TEDxTbilisi video description

(via zwobot)


Awesome Most Complicated Board Game (RPG?) Ever?

The Mythical Show proudly presents: Most Complicated Board Game Ever! I think they are playing at the same time the most complicated roleplaying game ever.

Now, take a closer look at the absolutely funtastic:

Risky Settlers Knights and Allies of the Lords of Dominion of Earth: Pandemic Edition

Check out the complete show: The Mythical Show Ep 3 (YO MAMA & Wipeout Host Jill Wagner)!

(via the incredible Chris N.)


The Ministry Initiative – Steampunk Role-Playing & Fiction via Kickstarter

The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences (Galileo Games)

The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences (Galileo Games)

The Ministry Initiative – Steampunk Role-Playing & Fiction. Brennan Taylor, Galileo Games (Bulldogs!, Shelter In Place, and Kingdom of Nothing), finanziert ein neues dampfendes Fate Core-Rollenspiel und eine entsprechende Anthologie über Kickstarter.

Damit diese steampunkige Idee für Queen and Country umgesetzt wird, benötigt die Zusammenarbeit mit Imagine That! Studios zumindest 20000 $ bis 15. Juni 2013.

„A new steampunk anthology and RPG from The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences!


Galileo Games and Imagine That! Studios have teamed up to bring you an ambitious steampunk project! The Ministry Initiative is a two-part creative endeavor that will not only premiere new fiction from the steampunk world of the Ministry but also present a brand new role playing game from the makers of Bulldogs! and the ENnie Award winning game Shelter in Place. Thrill to the tales in Ministry Protocol, or join in as an Agent in The Ministry Initiative.


What Is the Ministry Initiative?


The Ministry Initiative has two parts. The first is an anthology of thrilling steampunk stories set in the world of the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences called Ministry Protocol. The second is a brand-new steampunk role-playing game powered by Fate Core, called The Ministry Initiative.


With this Kickstarter, you can back either of these great projects, or both! We’ve structured our rewards so you can pursue the fiction element of the Kickstarter, or strictly follow the role-playing game side. We hope that readers who are interested in the role-playing game will try it out, and role-players unfamiliar with the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences series will join in reading the anthology as well. We want it to be easy for you to choose a reward level that fits your interests.


Anthology: Ministry Protocol


The first part of this Kickstarter is funding of Ministry Protocol: Thrilling Tales from the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences. Bridging the gap between the Janus Affair and the third novel in the series, Dawn’s Early Light (by Tee Morris and Pip Ballantine, scheduled for an early 2014 release), Ministry Protocol is an anthology of new cases from the Archives, never before podcast or released in digital format. With original Ministry stories from Leanna Renee Hieber, Alex White, Tiffany Trent, and Delilah S. Dawson (just to name a few), half of our Kickstarter will be dedicated to commissioning of stories, editorial services, cover art, and interior layout, the end result culminating in a digital anthology with a limited print run.


RPG: The Ministry Initiative


The second part of our Kickstarter is entitled The Ministry Initiative, an exciting new role-playing game from Galileo Games, a company with years of experience designing and publishing role-playing games. With game design from the award-winning J.R. Blackwell of Shelter in Place and setting by steampunk author PJ Schnyder, The Ministry Initiative is a Fate Core tabletop RPG, putting you in the field for Queen and Country. Along with a chance to interact with your favorite characters from the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences, you will wield the latest technology from R&D, face off with members of the house of Usher and the Phoenix Society, and travel the globe to investigate the fantastic and the unexplainable. Half the funding from this Kickstarter will go to game design, cover and interior artwork, printing and distribution.


Enjoy them both! While readers and fans of the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences will enjoy the anthology, the game is designed to be friendly to new-to-gaming players who want to become an agent themselves. The RPG is also designed for fans of Fate-powered games, presenting you the chance to dive headlong into a world of steampunk and spy craft.


Our Goal


For this two-part Kickstarter, our goal is 20,000 dollars, the largest goal ever undertaken by Galileo Games. With Galileo’s track record for delivering projects partnered with the quality of fiction and creativity from Imagine That! Studios, we believe we can reach this goal. But we can’t do it alone.


Here’s where you can help:


Support this project and you could receive great new fiction from established writers and a brand new steampunk RPG from a company with a history of excellent games. Not only will you help fund both an exciting role-playing game and a new anthology, but you’ll get a peek at advance artwork featured in The Ministry Initiative RPG, new audio fiction from Imagine That! Studios, and even a chance for you to appear in the fourth novel of the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences series, coming in 2015 from Ace Books.

After showing your support for the Ministry, share this video and images from this Kickstarter on your social media networks of choice. “
The Ministry Initiative – Steampunk Role-Playing & Fiction product description


1st Annual Earthdawn Appreciation Day June 14th

EPIC! RPG Blog. In Anlehnung an den Swords & Wizardry Appreciation Day veranstaltet der Blogbetreiber am 14. Juni 2013 einen vergleichbaren Fan-Tag zum formidablem Earthdawn-Rollenspiel. Fasa, der Lizeninhaber, steuert ein paar Preise bei.

„Create new original content for Earthdawn. This can include, but is not limited to:


New Sections of the Map (South Africa, Antarctica, Atlantis,
Lemuria, Mu, Australia, North/South America, Greenland…The Moon, Mars?)
New Disciplines
New Talents

Savage Worlds and Pathfinder Versions are acceptable as well.


Prizes (edited)
FASA Games via Drivethru RPG with 100% discount vouchers.
(requires valid email address)

First prize = choice of any 4 Earthdawn PDFs
Second prize = choice of any 2 Earthdawn PDFs
Third prize = choice of any 1 Earthdawn PDFs
product from the current or back-catalogs


Steven Black
Hank Woon (Cathay Sourcebooks, and work on RedBrick’s 3rd edition of Earthdawn!)
awaiting information on additional guest judges


I’m setting the date to June 14th, 2013. Entries should be done by Midnight on the
14th, so we can use the cool new material for the Free RPG Day!!!

NOTE! All content submitted for Earthdawn Appreciation Day
remains your intellectual property, I will lay no claim to your IP nor
responsibility for any copyright infringement you commit. If I am informed that
your entry Infringes on someone else IP, the entry will be disqualified and the
Link removed. No Challenge is created to the Earthdawn Intellectual properties,
all IP remains the property of their respective copyright

If you wish to release your work in CCNA, add a rider to
your work stating that it is released under Creative Commons.

EPIC! RPG Blog Earthdawn Appreciation Day

Schöne Idee! Wie wäre es mit einem allgemeinen deutschen „RPG Appreciation Day“ (Deutscher Rollenspiel-Wertschätzungstag – Klingt wie  ein neues Monster für Pathfinder)?


DSA = Deutschland Schwächelt Abenteurlich?

Holy Moly! Was geht? Aus meinem beiläufigen Kommentar über Exalted und die deutsche Rollenspiellandschaft wird ein Riesenrad!

Man muss systematisch Verwirrung stiften – das setzt Kreativität frei. Alles, was widersprüchlich ist, schafft Leben.
-Salvador Dalí

Eigentlich wollte ich eine Glosse über meine Wahrnehmung und Meinung schreiben, stattdessen soll nun eine unvollständige Auflistung der Blogbeiträge und Kommentare zu diesem Thema für sich selbst sprechen.

Abschließend finde ich besonders faszinierend, dass bis auf wenige Ausnahmen viel über meine Aussage geschrieben und diskutiert wird, aber nur sehr wenige mit mir sprechen oder mir schreiben. Ferner beobachte ich interessiert, wie viele Masse (z. B. Fanzuspruch, Publikationsfrequenz) mit Klasse (Kreativität) gleichsetzen.

Rollenspiel bedeutet für mich gemeinsames Erschaffen einer Fiktion. Dies geschieht durch den Austausch von sich wandelnden Ideen und Meinungen. Das Wiederkauen und Wiedergeben von Spielregeln und Texten spielt dabei in meinen Augen eine untergeordnete Rolle. Es gibt Spiele, die dies unterstützen, andere hingegen eher nicht.