Eine kostenlose App für mobile Gefangene soll es zusätzlich geben.
Auf der Haben-Seite steht das Thema, es gibt zwar schon andere Spiele, die in ein ähnliches Szenario bieten, aber hey keine Zombies, kein Star Wars, kein Star Trek und keine Hobbits. Dagegen wirken Bandenkriege hinter verschlossenen Türen geradezu revolutionär innovativ.
Auf der Soll-Seite steht eine generelle Crowdfunding-Ermüdung (gescheiterte und unendlich verzögerte Projekte, Intransparenz, jeden Tag ein neuer Hype) und die Preisgestaltung von The Oleg Story™: Survival.
Nicht-Briten bezahlen gegenwärtig alleine 30 £ für den Versand. Für vergleichsweise wenig Geld bekommt man das Spiel selbst, nämlich 55 £. Bis zum 30. August 2013 benötigt das Projekt 25000 £. ‚Nuff said!
Nein, das Setting erinnert mich an die Fernsehserie Oz (HBO), das Comic Hellblazer: Hard Time (Brian Azzarello, Richard Corben (!), DC Vertigo) und das sehr unterhaltsame Spiel Alcatraz: The Scapegoat von Kuźnia Gier. Sollte The Oleg Story™: Survival in dieser Liga spielen, dann wäre das mehr als spannend. Mal sehen.
Diese Crowfunding-Aktion wird auf jeden Fall im Auge behalten.
- 4 Tile Map board (Board game)
- The Oleg Story™: Survival Back Story DVD
- 6×40 Attack Cards
- 6×40 Defence Cards
- 1×40 Mission Cards
- 1×40 Special Cards
- 1×6 Gang Cards
- 1×60 Commodity Cards
- 24 Miniature Figures
- 12 Dice
- 2 Shuffle Pouches
- 24 & 21 Prison Cell draw cards
- Guide Book
- 1 Poster
Note: A FREE The Oleg Story™:Survival mobile/cell phone app is available to download. (You can play the game without the app, refer to rulebook)
See below in the app section for further information.
From cell block invasions, to dealing with snitches, this game aims to give you an experience unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. You can trade commodities, settle fights, create temporary alliances, shank opponents and more!
The Oleg Story™: Survival is a character driven prison survival game, with a wide range of comprehensive detailed miniatures. You and six other friends can control and co-operate with 6 different rival gangs.
The stories of 618 Nation, Ryder Brotherhood, The Asian Family, The Mobsters, Russian Spies and, finally, non-gang members, also known as NGM, who are led by Oleg, are all in your hands. Remember, the NGM are a group of people who are not associated with any organised gangs; they are called the non-gang members.
There are add-on gangs too. The Terrorists, Cannibals, Somali Pirates, Prison Divas, Mexican Cartels and The Guards are another 24 unique miniatures, each with their own unique attack and defence cards. These gangs are a minority in the prison and each gang is represented by 4 unique figures. Once we reach our stretch goal, these add-ons will become available.
Can you survive the harsh realities of prison?
Play the game that allows you to control individual gangs and conquer other gangs. You will be able to play as existing gangs and engage in their active and ongoing battles. If you possess the right cards, you can also join an alliance with a fellow player and plan your attacks on other players.
According to your gang’s card, you start from a random cell, either a maximum-security cell or a general cell.
Your starting cell is determined by the prison cell draw cards. If you are unlucky, one of your miniatures may end up in a cell that is in a territory controlled by a rival gang.
Maximum-security cells can only house 2 inmates (2 miniature figures), so gangs that are confined to a maximum-security cell may end up with a displaced starting location that makes them more vulnerable.
The outcome of your dice establishes your movements on the map board. If you get a 6 and a 4 on your dice, then you have 10 grid movements, which you can share between your 4 miniature figures or, alternatively, give it all to a singular miniature figure.
Mission cards may instruct you to invade a territory, avenge an attack, organise a fight or start a riot. Be aware that prison snitches are everywhere and each mission card is revealed to everyone.
The Oleg Story™: Survival is a character driven prison survival game, with a wide range of comprehensive detailed miniatures. You and six other friends can control and co-operate with 6 different rival gangs.
The stories of 618 Nation, Ryder Brotherhood, The Asian Family, The Mobsters, Russian Spies and, finally, non-gang members, also known as NGM, who are led by Oleg, are all in your hands. Remember, the NGM are a group of people who are not associated with any organised gangs; they are called the non-gang members.
There are add-on gangs too. The Terrorists, Cannibals, Somali Pirates, Prison Divas, Mexican Cartels and The Guards are another 24 unique miniatures, each with their own unique attack and defence cards. These gangs are a minority in the prison and each gang is represented by 4 unique figures. Once we reach our stretch goal, these add-ons will become available.
Can you survive the harsh realities of prison?
Play the game that allows you to control individual gangs and conquer other gangs. You will be able to play as existing gangs and engage in their active and ongoing battles. If you possess the right cards, you can also join an alliance with a fellow player and plan your attacks on other players.
According to your gang’s card, you start from a random cell, either a maximum-security cell or a general cell.
Your starting cell is determined by the prison cell draw cards. If you are unlucky, one of your miniatures may end up in a cell that is in a territory controlled by a rival gang.
Maximum-security cells can only house 2 inmates (2 miniature figures), so gangs that are confined to a maximum-security cell may end up with a displaced starting location that makes them more vulnerable.
The outcome of your dice establishes your movements on the map board. If you get a 6 and a 4 on your dice, then you have 10 grid movements, which you can share between your 4 miniature figures or, alternatively, give it all to a singular miniature figure.
Mission cards may instruct you to invade a territory, avenge an attack, organise a fight or start a riot. Be aware that prison snitches are everywhere and each mission card is revealed to everyone.“
– The Oleg Story™: Survival (Prison Game) product description