
Shadows of Esteren – A Medieval Horror RPG: Travels via Kickstarter

Shadows of Esteren – A Medieval Horror RPG: Travels. Studio 2 bringt jetzt zusammen mit dem französischen Team von Agate Editions den ersten Quellenband Travels für das Fantasy-Rollenspiel Shadows of Esteren unters Kickstarter-Volk.

Die diversen Verzögerungen und Lieferprobleme der vorherigen Kampagne beeinträchtigen die Begeisterung der Crowd wenig, denn innerhalb von rund 2 Stunden konnte das Projekt finanziert werden! Nach den ersten 15000 $ läuft die Kür noch bis zum 11. August 2013.

Shadows Of Esteren: Travels - Standard and Limited Edition (Agate Editions, Studio 2)

Shadows Of Esteren: Travels – Standard and Limited Edition (Agate Editions, Studio 2)

Das französische Original der Spielerweiterung hat 80 Seiten und die englische Ausgabe kommt mittlerweile auf beachtliche 196 Seiten mit zusätzlichen Charakteren, Spielhilfen, Reiseregeln, Lokationen, Unholden und dem Abenteuer A Life Choice.

Auf Ulule läuft parallel eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne für den französischen Markt. Die Fans im Heimatland wollen schließlich auch beglückt werden.

Das mittelalterlich-fantastische Rollenspiel legt mit seinen Gothic Horror-Elementen eindeutig einen Fokus auf die Atmosphäre. Wer also die Alte Welt von Warhammer und die Sperenzchen des herausgebenden Konzerns oder der Lizenznehmer nicht weiter fördern will, dem sei die liebevoll gestaltete Reihe aus Frankreich ans Herz gelegt.

Shadows Of Esteren: Travels Box (Agate Editions, Studio 2)

Shadows Of Esteren: Travels Box (Agate Editions, Studio 2)

Jeder soll nach seiner Façon selig werden, aber Regelfetischsten, Optimierer und andere Munchkins gehören vermutlich nicht zum primären Zielpublikum der engagiert produzierten Bücher. Nichtsdestotrotz finden diese unentwegten Spielgefährten – wie immer – ausreichende Systemlücken zum Ausschlachten und noch besser sein. Viel Vergnügen.

„A medieval role-playing game somewhere between Ravenloft, Game of Thrones and Call of Cthulhu.


Welcome to the page of the new Kickstarter campaign for Shadows of Esteren!


After Book 0 – Prologue and Book 1 – Universe, we are very proud to show you the third opus of the series: Book 2 – Travels. The purpose of this campaign is to help us finance a Limited Edition, as well as some exclusive content for this new release.


A new edition with improved content


The version we are speaking of is an upgrade of the original French version. Initially, it was a softcover book of 80 pages. The English version is twice as big, resulting in a fully colored hardcover book of 196 pages.

Standard Edition and Limited Edition


Deliveries next October!


We have worked on this book all through the year, and we are glad to announce that the PDF of Book 2 – Travels is now finished. The additional content for the Limited Edition is almost finished. Soon, all there will remain to do will be to send it all to our printer!


We have previously organized two Kickstarter campaigns, and we have learned valuable lessons from them. This time, we have designed a campaign with stretch goals that will not slow down the crafting process. These additional rewards will include PDFs, but also other kinds of bonuses that we hope we will get to reveal. This way, we are certain that we will be able to send you your rewards by next October – perhaps earlier, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Making deliveries on time is very important for us!

An adventure shared with the French-speaking community


A unique feature of this campaign is that it has a twin on the European crowdfunding
platform Ulule:


For this double campaign, we will put a second financing bar where the funds gathered in both campaigns will be combined to unlock new stretch goals! Feel free to go on the Ulule page to speak with the French-speaking community. You can also meet them, as well as other English-speaking fans, on the official forums:


Any questions or suggestions?


If you have any questions or wish to share your impressions, feel free to post a comment. You can also go to the forums to take part in the discussions there. A crowdfunding campaign is a living project subject to evolutions, and we always welcome feedback!


Additionally, don’t forget to take a look at the FAQ at the bottom of this page.




Here are the contents of the Limited Edition of Book 2 – Travels available through the Farl Collector pledge:


Augmented Book 2 – Travels


This 196-page edition will be a hardcover book limited to 600 numbered copies. It includes all the content of the first version of Book 2 – Travels (descriptions of places, gallery of characters, scenarios, bestiary), with more than 100 pages of fully original additional content: new characters, game aids on locations, additional rules for traveling, an augmented bestiary, and an expansive scenario written by Iris: “A Life Choice.”


  • “Travels” Box
    A gorgeous 3-inch-tall box illustrated by Yvan “Gawain” Villeneuve, in which you can keep your game aids and your book, as well as the other releases of the series.
  • Game aids
    Several game aids for the scenario “A Life Choice” (maps and character portraits) in a specially made folder.
  • Travel Journal
    Four pages to complement the standard Character Sheet on which the Players can take notes, write down the highlights of their games, and keep track of their traveling equipment.“

Shadows of Esteren – A Medieval Horror RPG: Travels product description

Alleine die „Swamp Thing“-Box ist in meinen Augen ein Knüller und für mich ein schönes Liebhaberstück. Keine mir bekannte Rollenspielbox sieht ähnlich aus.
Ich brauche nicht ständig Drachen und irgendwelche kämpfenden Helden auf meinem Cover oder der Spieleschachtel. Diese abgehalfterten Langweiler gibt es zu Genüge bei meinem besonderen „Liebling“ Pathfinder. Splittermond, der aufgehende (oder womöglich verglühende?) Stern in der hiesigen Rollenspielszene reiht sich brav und kalkuliert in diese stereotype Reihe ein. Egal, es gibt glücklicherweise Alternativen!

Weitere interessante Artikel?

  1. Shadows of Esteren – A Medieval Horror RPG: Prologue: Letzte Gelegenheiten
  2. „Shadows of Esteren – A Medieval Horror RPG: Prologue“-Kickstarter online
  3. Shadows of Esteren – A Medieval Horror RPG: Prologue und der Gratisrollenspieltag
  4. Gewinne eine Limited Edition „Shadows of Esteren – A Medieval Horror RPG: Universe“
  5. „Shadows of Esteren – A Medieval Horror RPG: Prologue“-Kickstarter startet morgen, oder?

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