Bundle of Holding. Pssst, Storm Knights. Nicht weitersagen, für knapp $10, – gibt es die TORG Player’s Collection und für rund $25,- beinhaltet diese (Teil-)Spendenaktion auch die passende Game Master’s Collection. Wie üblich, erhalten Unterstützer DRM-freie PDFs.
„Overwhelmed? Relax. The fellowship of Storm Knights, together with our allies at DriveThruRPG, bring you our Torg Bundle, a hand-picked collection with everything you need to get started as a Storm Knight in the Possibility Wars. Just US$9.95 gets you our Player’s Collection (retail value $47) with the updated core rules, player’s guide, pregen characters, a weapons book, and a spellbook:
- Torg: Revised & Expanded (retail $15): Originally published in 1990 by West End Games, Torg has a new lease on life with German publisher Ulisses Spiele. This updated corebook includes the „Drama Deck“ of cinematic action.
- Introductory Pack (retail $2): Simplified rules, a sample character, and a tutorial mini-adventure, plus the Storm Knights novel.
- Storm Knight’s Guide to the Possibility Wars (retail $9): New character generation rules, skills, equipment, and more for every Torg player.
- Character Collection (retail $9): Sixty unique Torg characters to use as your own or set in the world as allies or adversaries.
- Kanawa Personal Weapons (retail $7): Firearms, cyberweapons, lasers, explosives, and espionage armaments of many tech levels.
- Pixaud’s Practical Grimoire (retail $5): The definitive guide to magic and spell design in Torg.
And if you pay more than the threshold price of $24.10, you’ll level up and get our Gamemaster’s Collection with all the best cosm sourcebooks and the GM’s guide (retail $59):
- High Lord’s Guide to the Possibility Wars (retail $9): Invaluable advice for the Torg GM.
- Delphi Council Worldbook (retail $9): The sourcebook of Core Earth, holding down the front against the encroaching cosms.
- The Cyberpapacy (retail $9): In this cosm, cyberpunk collides with the French Inquisition. The single best-regarded Torg sourcebook.
- The GodNet (retail $5): Rules for jacking into cyberspace and netrunning in the 1990s style.
- Nile Empire (retail $9): Dr. Mobius’s cosm has turned Africa into a pulp playground — except with pharaohs and hieroglyphs.
- Nippon Tech (retail $9): The megacorporate cosm of High Lord 3327 occupies most of Asia.
- Tharkold (retail $9): High Lord Jezrael’s army of techno-horror demons has made Los Angeles a living nightmare.
Remember, now you can give a Bundle of Holding as a gift—either a generic gift code good for any one bundle, or a gift download link for this specific bundle that’s good even after the offer ends. Recruit another stormer to fight the High Lords!“
– Bundle of Holding (TORG)
Schnäppchen, oder?
Szenenwechsel – Anfang der 90er: Ich erinnere mich noch dunkel an einen Agenten der Cyberpapacy, der mit radioaktiver Munition auf uns ballert und aus einem Hochhaus springt, eine wenig vertrauenerweckende Hängebrücke über einen reißenden Fluss – Dinosaurier im Dschungel, elfische Magier, ägyptische Pulp-Superhelden und natürlich die Dramakarten. Kurzum: Wow, das war damals ein wunderlicher Wild Ride. Da musste niemand ständig vorbeten, wie weird das alles doch sei. Es war es einfach und dabei auch noch ziemlich cool!
Ulisses Spiele, der gegenwärtige Rechteinhaber, spendet einen Teil des Erlöses an Doctors Without Borders und an die Bärenherz Stiftung Kinderhospiz in Wiesbaden. Unterstützenswerte Aktion.
Fight the High Lords – Join the Possibility Wars.
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