
The One Ring – The Darkening of Mirkwood Pre-Order

The Darkening of Mirkwood (The One Ring RPG, Cubicle 7)

The Darkening of Mirkwood (The One Ring RPG, Cubicle 7)

Cubicle 7. Die gerade elektronisch erschienene Kampagne The Darkening of Mirkwood für das The One Ring-Rollenspiel erweitert das bislang doch recht überschaubare Programm, um eine 144-seitige und vollfarbige Kampane von Gareth Ryder Hanrahan und Francesco Nepitello. Im April soll das Hardcover folgen. Die drei Dekaden umfassende Handlung führt nach Mirkwood. Darüber hinaus gibt es einige Regelerweiterungen für „das eigene Dach über dem Kopf“.

„The Necromancer may have been cast out of Dol Guldur, but a lingering darkness remains over Mirkwood, a shadow that will grow ever longer as the years draw on – unless a band of brave adventurers step forward and hold back the gloom.


The Darkening of Mirkwood is a complete campaign for The One Ring, set in Mirkwood over the course of three decades. It allows you to tell your own epic saga, following your heroes in their quest as the tale of years unfolds before them.


This supplement includes enough adventure material to keep you playing for months or even years, as well as new rules that give your heroes a real stake in what happens to the world around them. Rules for Holdings allow them to carve out their own corner of Middle-earth, whilst new options for the Fellowship Phase and Undertakings to achieve allow them to chart their own path.


Visit the parliament of Spiders, do battle with the Werewolf of Mirkwood, meddle in the affairs of Wizards and enter the Halls of King Thranduil. Stand firm against the Shadow and maybe the Darkening of Mirkwood can be averted. Falter for even a moment and all that you know and love will be lost.“
The Darkening of Mirkwood product description

Die Qualität der Mittelerde-Produkte des britischen Herausgebers erscheint mir bis dato ziemlich hoch und die Veröffentlichungsfrequenz angenehm niedrig. Das aktuelle The One Ring RPG halte ich für das gelungenste Mittelerde-Rollenspiel.

Darüber hinaus sei den Göttern (Ainur?) – dem Illuvatar, Valar und Maiar – gedankt, das Spielmaterial von Cubicle 7 verzichtet glücklicherweise auf unmittelbare Verweise auf die mehr als entbehrliche Hollywoodvermarktung. Gut so.

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