
The Grande Temple of Jing – Megadungeon Crawl for Pathfinder & Fantasy RPGs via Kickstarter

The Grande Temple of Jing, neues Jahr, neues Cowdfunding-Glück. Danny O’Neill – Hammerdog Games bietet für diese „Neuauflage“ eines d20-Moduls Prominente Mitstreiter auf, die aus diesem Dungeon Crawl-Projekt etwas Besonderes machen sollen.
Jonathan Tweet (13th Age), Monte Cook (D & D 3rd Edition) und Skip Williams (D & D 3rd Edition) leisten ihren Beitrag zu diesem konventionellen Abenteueransatz.
Besonders Interessierten steht es frei sich in die Entwicklung via Kickstarter „einzukaufen“ und gemeinsam mit Danny O’Neill ein Monster oder gar eine Ebene der Höhlen zu entwerfen und als Mitautor benannt zu werden.

„The temple home of the trickster god Jing. You’ve seen other megadungeons, but this is the dungeon crawl that rules them ALL.




The Grande Temple of Jing is the dungeoncrawl that rules them all. It is a megadungeon designed in the spirit of old school games, but with modern rules and sensibilities. It is presented here for the Pathfinder system, but it can be easily modified to play with your favorite fantasy RPG. It is designed for levels 1-20 but if this Kickstarter reaches its first stretch goal, then we will add content for epic level characters as well.

A part of the grande temple was originally published in 2000 as a thin, digest sized book, compatible with the d20 system. With your help we will update, upgrade, and MASSIVELY expand that book. In effect, we will make it the adventure it was always meant to be. Our goal is to create a full color hardcover tome that any roleplayer would be proud to have on their shelves. Professional production will ensure that retailers can display the book confidently on store shelves.


Celebrity Contributors


We are proud to announce that the Grande Temple of Jing will feature several celebrity contributors starting with:


Jonathan Tweet – veteran game designer. Designer of Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition. Creator of 13th Age, Ars Magica, Over the Edge, and more.


Monte Cook – prolific RPG author. Designer of Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition. Creator of Numenara and owner of Malhavoc Press.


Skip Williams – sage RPG designer. Designer of Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition. Author of several RPG books, and columnist for Dungeon Magazine’s „Sage Advice.“


More celebrity contributors will be announced if certain stretch goals are reached.“
The Grande Temple of Jing product description

The Grande Temple of Jing-Kickstarter

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