Shadowrun: 10 Mercs & Showcase, zwei neue Rollenspielerweiterungen für die Shadowrun – Twentieth Anniversary Edition stehen jetzt zum Download bereit.
Einerseits stehen Söldner im Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung.
„10 Mercs profiles ten different mercenary outfits, including Ryan Mercury’s New Assets, the unconventional skill of Bravo Company, and the deadly magic of Task Force Magus. These groups present an array of threats or a bounty of opportunities—depending on which end of the barrel you’re at.
Along with the unit profiles, 10 Mercs provides NPC stats for each unit along with information on vehicles used by many of the units. If mercenaries are going to play a role in your campaign, 10 Mercs is a critical resource for adding flavor, plot hooks, and rules to your Shadowrun game.“
– Shadowrun 10 Mercs (driveThruRPG) product description
Andererseits geht die abenteuerliche Jagd nach Artefakten in der Shadowrun Missions-Kampagne weiter.
„The players are lined up. The goals are clear. The waiting is over. The ultimate rush is beginning, and it’s going to pull a lot of dangerous elements closer and closer together until they explode.
The shadows of Seattle have been heaved this way and that in the Great Seattle Artifact Rush, and a fair number of artifacts have been collected (in exchange for a handful of deaths and a helping of destruction). The powers of the magical world have been alerted, and they ready to get their hands on as many artifacts as possible. This means shadowruns, which means plenty of runners are about to be caught up in one of the worst mana-based drek-storms to hit the city in a long while.
What starts as an investigation into a museum heist rapidly grows into a conflagration that could consume a good part of the sprawl. Clever players will need to see if they can survive, and how much nuyen they can wrangle out of the fight. Hopefully they’ll get enough for a nice vacation or significant medical treatment, because chances are that they’re going to need both.
SRM 04-12: Showcase is the latest in the Shadowrun Missions living campaign. Whether you’ve been playing the whole fourth series of Missions now and are ready for an explosive turn to the ongoing story, or you are new to the series and are looking for a high-stakes, high-danger run, Showcase is ready for you, with the full adventure details and NPC stats needed to give players one of those shadowruns they’ll be talking about for years.
SRM 04-12: Showcase is for use with Shadowrun, Twentieth Anniversary Edition.“
– Showcase (diveThruRPG)
Wie sich die Ankündigung der in wenigen Monaten erscheinenden Shadowrun 5th Edition auf den Absatz des zwischenzeitlich erscheinenden Spielmaterials auswirkt? Solange die Kompatibilitätsfrage nicht geklärt wurde, geht voraussichtlich in naher Zukunft ein wenig Nutz- und Spielwert verloren, wechseln die Shadowrunner im Sommer zur neuen Regelversion.
Wizards of the Coast nutzt die Zeit bis D & D Next für Wiederveröffentlichungen alten Spielmaterials.