
Sails of Glory via Kickstarter

Sails of Glory – Miniatures Ship Combat, Ares Games setzt die Segel und bietet nach dem Fliegerspiel Wings of Glory (ehemals Wings of War) nun ein vergleichbares historisches Seeschlachtenspiel von Andrea Angiolino und Andrea Mainini via Kickstarter an. In gewohnter Manier verbindet das Spiel vorbemalte Miniaturen, Karten- und Brettspielelemente.

„Sails of Glory is an „Age of Sail“ tactical ship-to-ship miniature game, inspired by the best-selling Wings of Glory system.


Created by Andrea Angiolino and Andrea Mainini, Sails of Glory merges miniatures, cards and board game mechanics, using the same intuitive system of Wings of Glory, which features a special deck of maneuver cards to represent the different movement capabilities of each model.


The game will be supported by a range of painted and assembled 1/1000 miniatures.

In Sails of Glory, each ship is represented by a fully painted and assembled ship model, mounted on a special game base. The base provides at a glance information on the ship’s offensive and sailing capabilities.


Each ship is controlled using a specific maneuver deck. The maneuver deck enables each player to plot and execute the movement of the ship easily, taking into account its sails and the position to the wind, in a simple but realistic way.


The ship log (game board) included with each ship shows at a glance its combat stats, the abilities of its crew, and the actions that you plan. It also provide a simple way to track damage for the ship and to see how the abilities of the ship are affected by the damage.
The beauty of the Sails of Glory system is that at the same time it is simple to play and a very good simulation. This is possible due to its „hidden complexity“ – the combination of ship base, maneuver deck and ship log provides all the realism and details that fans of wargaming may desire, while keeping the the game rules very simple, and gameplay fun and exciting at all times.“
Sails of Glory – Miniatures Ship Combat product description

Die Welt erfreut sich gegenwärtig an dem Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game von Fantasy Flight Games, einer offensichtlichen Kopie von Wings of War (Wings of Glory). Aufgrund des mittlerweile saftlosen Hintergrunds für mich mehr oder minder uninteressant.

Zunächst einmal klingen historische Seeschlachten im 18. und beginnenden 19. Jahrhundert in meinen Ohren sehr spannend, wenn da nicht die „lächerlichen“ Transportkosten (aktuell unter Umständen 60 $!) wären. Nach dem Kickstarter soll die Starterbox mit 4 spielbereiten Schiffen übrigens um die 90 $ kosten.

Schöne Idee, aber leider mit einer Preisgestaltung, die bei mir Bauernfänger-Assoziationen weckt. Ich bin erst einmal raus, schau aber sicher wieder vorbei.

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