
Obsidian Portal Reforged via Kickstarter

Obsidian Portal Reforged. Das bekannte Online-Kampagnenwerkzeug für Rollenspieler soll überarbeitet werden. Auf der Höhe der Zeit greift Obsidian Portal für die Finanzierung auf Kickstarter zurück.

„Obsidian Portal is the award-winning online campaign management system for tabletop role-playing games. We want to revitalize the existing Obsidian Portal by increasing its functionality, adding new features, and cleaning up the design. We are taking the strong core that is Obsidian Portal, heating it up in the furnace, and reforming it into a sleeker and sharper tool. A better Obsidian Portal will make your life easier as a game master, which will make your game the best it can be. That’s what “reforging” is all about.




To provide you with the best possible experience, we’ll revamp the most frequently used parts of the site and rework them so that they’re easier to use. We will be examining every page for ways to make them flow better, provide the information you need, and allow you to navigate and manage your campaign faster and easier. The redesign will add more features to enhance your gaming.


A perfect example of this is our plan to create a campaign dashboard that will put the most important details of your campaign right at your fingertips. The dashboard is just the first of many changes that will fundamentally enhance Obsidian Portal and make it a much better tool than it is today.“
Obsidian Portal Reforged service description

Nico P. und unsere anderen Earthdawn-Freunde verwenden das Obsidian Portal für ihre Runden. Ihre beiden Kampagnen Die Sturmklingen und Die Namenlosen sind dort zu finden. Sie finden diese universelle Spielhilfe sehr gut und verwenden eine Ascended Membership. (via Nico P.)

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