
Machine of Death: The Game of Creative Assassination via Kickstarter

Machine of Death: The Game of Creative Assassination, David Malki bietet dieses Partyspiel derzeit auf Kickstarter an.

Die Maschine des Todes weist imaginären Mitmenschen kleine Schicksalskarten zu, die dessen unausweichliches Ende vorhersagen. Niemand weiß, wie es funktioniert, aber die Maschine hat immer recht und die Spieler übernehmen die Rolle der Schicksalsboten und Assassinen. Ihr Auftrag besteht darin, den Todestag des Opfers kreativ wahr werden zu lassen.
Assoziationen zur gleichnamigen Kurzgeschichtensammlung sind beabsichtigt, sie wurde ebenfalls von David Malki herausgegeben.

Killing imaginary people gehört zum Tagesgeschäft eines Rollenspieler und Tabletop-Anhängers. Klingt demnach unterhaltsam und sympathisch, oder?

„A party game in which it is TOTALLY POSSIBLE to drop a boxcar full of rabid piranhas onto the King of France. LIKELY, even


Machine of Death is a game about problem solving.


In the world of our game, there exists a machine (the titular Machine of Death) that can issue little cards to individuals: death predictions. Nobody knows just how it works, but it’s always, always right. (You may recognize this concept from our #1 bestselling short story collection, which is also titled, COINCIDENTALLY, Machine of Death.)


The book was about exploring the existential ramifications of the existence of the machine in worlds otherwise much like our own. It’s a thoughtful, sometimes funny, sometimes sad, meditation on fate.

The GAME is about flinging SHARKS from CATAPULTS in order to kill imaginary people. It’s basically a game of Mousetrap or a Road Runner cartoon, except that it’s TOTALLY WITHIN THE RULES to create a QUICKSAND GENERATOR in a TREEHOUSE in order to DROWN A CHILD. (That was a real game we played.)


So if you can know, cryptically but with 100% accuracy, how a given person will one day die…


And you’re an assassin, and you want to make that day today…“
Machine of Death: The Game of Creative Assassination product description

Machine of Death: The Game of Creative Assassination -- Kicktraq Mini

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