
Kobolds ate my Baby! in Color!!! via Kickstarter

Kobolds ate my Baby (John Kovalic, 9thLevel)

Kobolds ate my Baby (John Kovalic, 9thLevel)

Kobolds ate my Baby! in Color!!!. Der Kickstarter zur farbigen und erweiterten Neuauflage des preisgekrönten Fun-Rollenspiels von Chris O’Neill, Dan Landis und John Kovalic, 9thLevel, läuft noch beinahe 2 Tage.

Die längst finanzierte Kampagne umfasst, der Stretch Goals sei Dank, weit mehr als eine farbige von John Kovalic (Munchkin, Apples to Apples, and Dork Tower) illustrierte Rollenspielparodie. Unterstützer erhalten darüber hinaus Abenteuer, Musik, Spielhilfen und besonders zahlungswillige Fans können Miniaturen- oder kuschelige Puppen erwerben.

„KOBOLDS ATE MY BABY! The classic Beer and Pretzels RPG of merry mayhem and hysterical horrible death – bold and brash in magical COLOR!

A non-stop, growing buffet of super awesome rewards!


Like a Kobold’s stomach, the Endless Buffet of Awesome is an expandable feast of surprises and mini-games. We’ll start with the following items included in this digital add-on pack designed to make your games of KOBOLDS ATE MY BABY! more awesome. As we unlock stretch goals, there will be more and more included in this. We’re in this together now – the more that we raise  the more awesome it gets. LET’S BE MORE AWESOME!


EACH STRETCH GOAL will include additions to this growing list of add-ons, including PDF copies of ANY & ALL ADDITIONAL BOOKS. That means every time we pass a stretch goal there will be something added to the BUFFET increasing the return on this pledge through economies of scale! Take that economics!


The Endless Buffet of Awesomeness!!!  (updated 3/10/2013)

  • 1) The Kobold: A Totally Expected Parody PDF
  • 2) Kobolds Ate My Baby SDE PDF
  • 3) Kobolds Ate My Album MP3 Digital Download
  • 4) Random Horrible Death By Kick™ PDF
  • 5) KOBOLDS ATE MY BABY IN COLOR! Softcover Book
  • 6) KOBOLDS “Print and Slay” Minis
  • #1 (Basic Kobolds)
  • #2 (Kobold Outfits)
  • #3 (Chickens) – unlocked
  • #4 (Babies) – unlocked
  • #5 (More Things to Kill and Eat megapack) – UNLOCKED!
  • 8) KOBOLDS „digitial minis“ for Roll20 or other clients
  • 9) KOBOLDS Wallpaper and Image Set– Multi-dimension digital wallpapers featuring the all new KOBOLDS Cover for desktop, Facebook Banner, profile pictures and more.
  • 10) SECRET BONUS LEVEL!!!!! – KAMB DICE with special mini game “AHKT!”
  • 11) UNLOCKED: Kobold Starter: The Kickstarter Adventure™
  • 12) UNLOCKED: Even More Things to Kill and Eat PDF
  • 13) UNLOCKED: IN VOR’S FIST: The Kobold Afterlife Fun Time Death Activity Book™
  • 14) LOCKED : SECRET DOOR #1- Quick & Dirty, A Kobolds Ate My Baby card game (PLAYTEST ACCESS and Print and Play)
  • 15) UNLOCKED : SECRET DOOR #2 – THE WARLOCK’S APPRENTICE – Featuring Comic Book Superstar JIM ZUB!
  • 16) UNLOCKED : SECRET DOOR #3 – SAWGONS (Tshirts and Minis)
  • 17) UNLOCKED : SECRET DOOR #4 – Classic KAMB Adventure Update and KOBOLD PLUSH „Kobold Patch“ Dolls“

Kobolds ate my Baby! in Color!!! product description

Images: John Kovalic, 9thLevel

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