
Invulnerable Comic Book Tabletop RPG: Vigilante Edition via Kickstarter

Invulnerable Comic Book Tabletop RPG: Vigilante Edition. Imperfekt Gammes und Joshua Kubli bieten über Kickstarter eine überarbeitete Neuauflage seines Superhelden-Rollenspiels an.

Bis zum 28.04.2013 benötigt das Projekt 4000 $.

„Invulnerable is a supers RPG with versatile powers, intense combat, and a complete setting. Grab some dice and save the world!


Hi. I’m Joshua Kubli of Imperfekt Gammes, and I’m here today to talk about my super hero roleplaying game, Invulnerable.




Invulnerable is a tabletop roleplaying game that uses six-sided dice, and allows you to create and play your own comic book super hero characters. You envision your hero’s adventures by imagining yourself a part of their world, describing their actions. My goal in creating Invulnerable was to create a traditional super hero RPG with simple, math-light character creation, versatile heroes, and awesome action.




You make a character by selecting an Awesomeness Level, choosing an Origin, and choosing two Motivations. Your hero’s Awesomeness Level gives you points to spend to increase your hero’s Attributes, Talents, and Powers.


Every hero gains Enhancements for their Powers, special tricks that others with the same Power might not know! Many of the Powers and Enhancements you’re likely to see in comics, cartoons, and movies are ready for you to select, and it’s easy to add more.


Motivations reflect your hero’s inspiration and moral code. Your hero’s Motivation shows us why your hero puts on a costume and risks their life fighting evil. Since heroes have two Motivations, it also shows why heroes are conflicted, why heroes don’t always see eye to eye with one another. A hero’s Motivations are an integral part of who they are, and they give your hero the strength to fight their utmost.


The combat system is intense and gritty, with optional rules for lighter, four-color play. I believe that what makes super heroes heroic is the very real danger they face; and I believe that what makes them Invulnerable isn’t their powers, but their courage and their spirit. Invulnerable includes a complete world setting, Earth-Omega, with over two dozen heroes and villains written up and ready to play, a detailed timeline, and important locations described. I love both the silliness of the Silver Age, the stylized hyper-action of the Iron Age, and the modern, deconstructionist trend in comics, so Earth-Omega is a loving homage to all these comic genres.


„Year One Edition“ has been out for two years now, for sale on DriveThruRPG, RPGNow, Paizo, Indie Press Revolution, and Createspace. It’s done well, but it’s time for a new release. I would like to release Invulnerable RPG: Vigilante Edition with a new cover, lots more interior artwork, and better editing and layout. If this Kickstarter funds, Invulnerable will go into print distribution with Chronicle City, a very exciting prospect.


I have some fantastic artists lined up! Jason Juta will provide the new cover (he did that banner, check it out!). Joel Biske is working on the interior page borders right now, and interior art will be provided by folks like Jason, Joel, industry veterans Bradley McDevitt, Marco Morte, and Khairul Hisham, rising star Gennifer Bone, and indie comics artist Elijah Brubaker.




Ten percent of all money from print and PDF sales of Invulnerable: Vigilante Edition (after the Kickstarter is complete) will go to Doctors Without Borders, also known as Médecins Sans Frontières. These people are real-life heroes, and we can make the world a better place by helping them. Even if you don’t donate toward this Kickstarter, please consider donating to MSF at
Invulnerable Comic Book Tabletop RPG: Vigilante Edition product description

Braucht die Welt ein weiteres Spandexheldenrollenspiel? Vermutlich nicht. Ich schon mal überhaupt nicht, aber Joshua Kublis Projekt unterstützt Ärzte ohne Grenzen / Doctors without borders, was nun mal echte Helden sind. Tolle Idee! Respekt!

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