
East Asian Village for 28mm Gamers via Kickstarter

East Asian Village for 28mm Gamers (Renaissance Miniatures)

East Asian Village for 28mm Gamers (Renaissance Miniatures)

East Asian Village for 28mm Gamers. Tabletop-Fans und Rollenspieler können sich über den aktuellen Kickstarter von Renaissance Miniatures freuen. Sie bieten ostasiatische, maßstabsgetreue und bemalte Modellgebäude und Accessoires an. Die japanisch, chinesisch oder koreanisch inspirierten Gebäude sind zerlegbar und können gewissermaßen von 28mm-Miniaturen „betreten“ werden.

Das Projekt von Renee Launer dürfte besonders etwas für Fans von Legend of the 5 Rings, Kensei oder Bushido sein. Die gezeigten Bilder sehen vielversprechend aus. Einige Figuren von Black Hat Miniatures werden gleich mitgeliefert.

„Realistic pre-painted modular buildings & accessories in 28mm scale. Accessible and detailed interiors with 1“ etched grid on floors.


The goal of this project is to kick start our „East Asian Village“ effort. Sure, these models buildings look good, but they are also highly functional. Built for 28mm gamers, these are modular units – so you can pull them apart and reassemble them into different buildings. You can remove the roof to see inside the upper floor, remove the upper floor to see the ground floor.  We’re aware that a village is a lot more than just buildings – so we’re gradually creating a strong line of accessories – anything you might find in a typical village.

Our „flagship“ model is our giant pagoda. This is a huge building on seven floors – lift any of the levels off and you’ll see floors etched with a 1″ gamer grid, realistic planking, a spiral staircase and detailed, multi-colored walls.


For this Kickstarter, we’re pleased to announce that we’re collaborating with Black Hat Miniatures to add bonus figurines for many of our reward levels.

For more pictures and other product information check out our website at
East Asian Village for 28mm Gamers product description

Images: Renaissance Miniatures

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