
Dwarven Forge’s Game Tiles: Revolutionary Miniature Terrain via Kickstarter

Dwarven Forge’s Game Tiles: Revolutionary Miniature Terrain. Dwarven Forge nutzt die Werbe- und Vertriebsmacht von Kickstarter, um 3D-Dungeons aus Kunststoff unter das weltweite Rollenspielervolk zu bringen.

„Dwarven Forge’s Game Tiles Kickstarter project seeks to bring revolutionary miniature terrain to everyone in the tabletop gaming world.


Dwarven Forge, a leader in miniature terrain for 17 years, is proud to introduce Game Tiles, right here on Kickstarter. Game Tiles is our new 25mm gaming terrain that is inspired by (and completely compatible with) our classic terrain. Perfect for D&D, and other 25mm games, Game Tiles look and feel spectacular. They feel heavy in the hand, and they can quickly be placed together to form a cool miniature terrain encounter area.


What’s immediately striking is Game Tiles’ casting material. Made from a dense, incredibly strong, color-infused compound, Game Tiles are nearly indestructible and remarkably affordable. You can literally throw Game Tiles in a bag, haul them to a game session, dump them on the table, set them up – and then scrape them off the table back into your bag. In testing, we actually struck our prototype pieces hard with a hammer – and it didn’t leave a mark!


Our faithful and long-time collectors will love this product for its new and highly-adaptable set design, and they will greatly appreciate its compatibility with everything DF makes. New collectors will love the less-expensive price as well as how easy it is to store, transport and use.“
Dwarven Forge’s Game Tiles: Revolutionary Miniature Terrain product description

Für Miniaturen-Rollenspieler, also Anhänger von z. B. Dungeons & Dragons, Savage Worlds oder Pathfinder, sicherlich erwägenswert.

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