
Das Shadowrun Introductory Box Set naht

Catalyst Game Labs, die kommende 5. Edition von Shadowrun soll mit einer Einsteigerbox aufwarten, um Anfängern den Weg in die Sechste Welt zu erleichtern.
Von der Ankündigung ausgehend, wird dieses Starterpaket (nahezu) alles Notwendige für den Nachwuchs-Shadowrunner enthalten, also Einsteigerregeln, Abenteuer, Einführung in die Welt, Pläne und Spielkarten für Ausrüstung und Zaubersprüche. Über spezielle Würfel wird noch nachgedacht.

„We hope this will help people move easily from game to game, but we also know that role-playing games do not have the gentlest learning curve in the world. So to help players of the other games get involved in role-playing, as well as bringing entirely new players to the world of Shadowrun, we are announcing a new product: the Shadowrun Introductory Box Set.

The goal of the set is simple: It should have everything you need to quickly and easily launch an adventure in Shadowrun’s Sixth World setting. It should be approachable, fun to use, eye-catching, and entertaining.


With those larger goals in mind, we set about planning the contents for the box. Here’s what’s going in:
•The Edge of Now: A world book introducing players to the madness, magic, and mean streets of the Sixth World, providing what they need to know to hit the streets at top speed.
•Rules of the Street: A simplified rulebook that includes the critical elements of Shadowrun—Matrix, magic, machines, and so on—in an easy-to-use fashion.
•Plots and Paydays: An adventure book with complete information on missions for the players; they can be played alone, or as a longer, inter-connected campaign.
•Character Booklets: Four pre-generated character sheets, with stats, background, favored tactics, and advancement possibilities—everything you need to pick a character and start earning some nuyen.
•Character sheets: Custom sheets for each character, with complete stats for easy reference, along with full-color character art.
•Maps: Modular maps of common areas shadowrunners may run into that can be arranged in different ways to suit a variety of missions.
•Spell and Gear Cards: Cards that list the stats spells and gear included in the game, so that players have an easy reference in front of them.


We’re looking for ways to include more, including counters that can help you track the position of your runners and their opponents as they go about their business. We’re also hoping to include customized dice instead of just standard D6s; we love seeing the Shadowrun logo come up when we roll dice.“

Shadowrun Introductory Box Set announcement

Green Ronin macht es mit der Box für das Dragon Age RPG vor. Wizards of the Coast folgt mit einer Neuauflage der Roten Dungeons & Dragons Basisbox. Paizo läßt sich ebenfalls mit der Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Beginner Box nicht lange bitten. Schließlich wirbt Fantasy Flight Games für das Star Wars(R): Edge of the Empire(TM) Beginner Game. Catalyst Game Labs schließt sich jetzt einfach diesem Boxen-Revival für Rollenspieler an.

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