
Exemplar: Tales of the New Roman Empire RPG – A Savage Worlds-Kickstarter

Exemplar: Tales of the New Roman Empire RPG, ein neues im Mittelalter angesiedeltes Savage Worlds Superhelden-Rollenspiel von Perpetual Motion Games wird gegenwärtig über Kickstarter finanziert.

Exemplar: Tales of the New Roman Empire RPG

Exemplar: Tales of the New Roman Empire RPG

Exemplar is, on the surface, pretty simple. It’s a game where you play Super Heroes in the Middle Ages. All the things we loved about Super Heroes: Costumes, rubble inducing fight scenes, extremely powerful super beings, super groups, and neat secret hide outs, and all the things we loved about the middle ages: castles, knights, melee weaponry, incredibly complex socio-economic truths, complicated political systems, and  nobless oblige, were smashed together into a delicious stew of gaming.

To a large extent it is also has its roots in alternate history gaming. We have tried to really consider the changes that might have occurred if super beings were suddenly introduced into the year 1102. We’re trying to ride the line between a realistic world and one that is still fun to play. We think we’ve succeeded and can’t wait to share it with you.
Exemplar: Tales of the New Roman Empire RPG product description

Eigentlich seltsam, dass noch niemand auf diese naheliegende Idee kam. Superhelden und Ritter … Was sagt man dazu?

Exemplar: Tales of the New Roman Empire RPG-Kickstarter

Freigabe durch den Verlag via Email am 20. November 2012

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