
A Gallery of Rogues via Kickstarter

A Gallery of Rogues, das neue Crowdfunding-Projekt von Post World Games bzw. Jim Pinto. Der Titel deutet es bereits an, die Kickstarter-Kampagne soll einen Rollenspiel-Quellenband mit Schurken und Dieben einer Gilde finanzieren. Diese Gemeinschaft wird nach Belieben mit irgendeiner Stadt der Wahl einsetzbar sein.

Das Buch wird Spielwerte für das „älteste Rollenspiel der Welt“ (also D & D) und Pathfinder enthalten.  Die 4th Edition wird dabei allerdings ignoriert …

„A Gallery of Rogues is an open-ended fantasy sourcebook of criminals and thieves centered around a guild you can set in any city.
A Gallery of Rogues is a fantasy sourcebook of criminals and thieves working within a thieves guild that has been operating for years. The guild maintains a wide array of members, including at least one wizard and a few politicians — to keep things orderly and all that.

What makes this project unique, in addition to the levels the contributors can have within the guild itself, is that the size of the project actually grows. With each contribution (and with near-daily updates on where the project stands), the book may actually get bigger. The guild starts with 20 characters, but more members are added to the book, based on both milestones and contributor levels. Eventually, as many as 100 more characters can be added to the book.


Each character in the book will have game information for old and new editions of the world’s favorite fantasy RPG, including Pathfinder, but not 4th.“
– A Gallery of Rogues product description

Jim Pinto strebt für seine Idee eine Zielsumme von 3000 $ an. Das Konzept erinnert ein wenig an die wunderbaren Citybooks (Citybook I: Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker, etc.) von Flying Buffalo.

A Gallery of Rogues-Kickstarter

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